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How Come Some Thai Girls Never Get Fat?


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On a serious note-

There is a lot of pressure for women to stay very thin in Thailand - A reason why the use of slimming tablets banned in many other countries are widespread here!

This is so true, the two thin women are constantly pressuring the curvy one to lose weight. I keep telling her she looks fine, she just has breasts and a bum, and that if her husband had wanted a thin stick girl with no boobs and no butt then he would have married one. But, the other two constantly make her feel self conscious about her weight. As well, it is very common for one woman to comment to another one who has gained a bit of weight "Oh you are so fat". Even if it is just a kilo or two.

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well, but mypenrye, there are plenty of heavy Thai women if you just look and they are presumably eating the same things as the skinny ones and live in the same climate so I can't really see how that makes a difference.

We have 3 Thai women working for us. One is short and voluptuous--not really fat but certainly well rounded, and the other two are skinny. They eat the same foods, work the same hours and live in the same area. Your hypothesis just doesn't work in this case.

Every woman and every man has a different body type and metabolism. Some are short and chubby, short and skinny, tall and chubby, tall and skinny and if everything else were equal (ie food, climate etc) then they would still be different!

Do you follow them home to make sure they all eat the same thing there too?

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Metabolism, chilies, genetics, age - all are true. There is also a lot of pressure to be very, very thin in Asia. There are diet pills, herbs, and teas that help them to lose weight.

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Metabolism, chilies, genetics, age - all are true. There is also a lot of pressure to be very, very thin in Asia. There are diet pills, herbs, and teas that help them to lose weight.

Why is there this pressure to be so thin? Is it the same as in the west, you know the catwalk model image? Or is there another reason?

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Yes, women everywhere feel a pressure to look a certain way, which is supported and exacerbated by media images. However, in the West, we have more diverse ideas about beauty and image, and more acceptance of different norms and standards of beauty.

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Thai likes to eat and enjoy eating, eventhough it looks like she eats much , but if we really notice , thai food is lighter as european food. Thai seldom eat a big piece of beef or potatoes. Your girlfriend might eating Yum Beef or BBQ with lots of veggies. Mostly thai wont enjoy breakfast with bread and butter , but enjoy light ricesoup or noodle , that is lighter as bread and butter. She will be slim as long as she still love thai or Esaan Food not Junkfood.

It looks as if they spend many hours by eating, but they might not eat everyday like that. Another day they might eat only Papaya Salad ( Somtham ) and veggies again. At home she might use Diet Tea, kinda dangerous to use but I saw many younger and slimmer thais likes to use. The heat of thai weather making you more sweat and burn your energy. Thai food is much lighter but you wont feel really full, then she might need another icecream for dessert.

Thai woman over 35 fight for loosing some kg too but it is not really easy at all. :D

Junk food is the problem to thai children now too, in the next 10 or 20 years ahead, we might have only well rounded thai girls :D

My little niece fight for her hunger alot as she loves junkfood and love icecream. Then she shall make a diet week and eat only fruits do some exercise to keep in slimmy shape. But then the devil visits again, she eats like a vacum cleaner again, then exercise again ...etc....it doesnt help much. :o

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well, but mypenrye, there are plenty of heavy Thai women if you just look and they are presumably eating the same things as the skinny ones and live in the same climate so I can't really see how that makes a difference.

We have 3 Thai women working for us. One is short and voluptuous--not really fat but certainly well rounded, and the other two are skinny. They eat the same foods, work the same hours and live in the same area. Your hypothesis just doesn't work in this case.

Every woman and every man has a different body type and metabolism. Some are short and chubby, short and skinny, tall and chubby, tall and skinny and if everything else were equal (ie food, climate etc) then they would still be different!

Do you follow them home to make sure they all eat the same thing there too?

Umm, two of them live here. We provide all meals so unless the one who is getting pressured is going home after work and secretly stuffing her face (a possibility but unlikely) then your comment is just ignorant.

My point was that women have different body types and the two thin ones pressure the one who is not thin to lose weight. Regardless of the fact that her body shape is completely different. Try to get that through your head, often it is not about food.

anyway, I think it is partly media, part a need to conform to an image "norm" . As we all know, Thailand is tough for women who don't fit the standard ie too dark, too voluptuous.

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Yes, women everywhere feel a pressure to look a certain way, which is supported and exacerbated by media images. However, in the West, we have more diverse ideas about beauty and image, and more acceptance of different norms and standards of beauty.

I read a great article in a doctors waiting room a while back. They divided womens figures into 5 categories, I can't remember exactly what they called them but it was something like:Waif, Slim, Medium, Curvy, Voluptuous. Then they asked a section of men and women to say which size they would like to be or their partners to be.

Most women went for slim, some for waif and others for medium. Very few women went for the last 2 categories. Most men went for curvy, and then medium and voluptuous equally with very few going for slim or waif. Perhaps those men were all over here in Thailand at the time of the survey? :o

If both sets of respondents were considering size in the sense of attraction, then as usual men and women are on two completely different planets! Honestly, its a wonder we ever manage to breed at all!

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP


I dont think so, but you do like to be controversial dont you?


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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP


I dont think so, but you do like to be controversial dont you?


Wasn't my idea she died.

She died and that is a fact.

She took meth everyday for maybe 9 years?

Her and her bargirl friends.

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Couldn't agree more. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and although yours is very often is directly opposed to mine I have enjoyed reading the debates which you have created. However, turning every topic into a diatribe against bar girls, their customers, and their business in general does not do you credit and takes away from the validity of your arguments.

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Couldn't agree more. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and although yours is very often is directly opposed to mine I have enjoyed reading the debates which you have created. However, turning every topic into a diatribe against bar girls, their customers, and their business in general does not do you credit and takes away from the validity of your arguments.

Well, it's absolutly true...my wife Noi did die that way.

I was answering the OP.

I guess my life is a bit too much for you to grasp?

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Yo JR, I thought you might bring up the obvious answer -- that many Thai girls don't get fat because they are dying of the AIDS they caught from their farang pimps and/or johns, and then went back to the village to await their slow and painfully wasting demise, but no, you come up with another shocker -- this time you're all up in the yaa baa situation.

Can you share with us, pray tell, how does the devil farang tie into this whole methamphetamine drama? Perhaps it is the fault of some fat, bald, white biker dudes in Oklahoma who are cooking the stuff up in their trailer home?

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Yo JR, I thought you might bring up the obvious answer -- that many Thai girls don't get fat because they are dying of the AIDS they caught from their farang pimps and/or johns, and then went back to the village to await their slow and painfully wasting demise, but no, you come up with another shocker -- this time you're all up in the yaa baa situation.

Can you share with us, pray tell, how does the devil farang tie into this whole methamphetamine drama? Perhaps it is the fault of some fat, bald, white biker dudes in Oklahoma who are cooking the stuff up in their trailer home?

Actually that isn't too far from the truth jing jing.

I would tell you her story, but not sure if you are being sarcastic.

If you would really like to know...

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Ok...I'll tell you anyway.

Noi came from Kampangphet.

Her father beat her so she ran away at age 16.

She went to work as a bargirl in Udon during Vietnam war.

She was very pretty and had large boobs, or so she said which made her very popular

with the Air Force officers. Apparently, they would gather around big tables and pay

her to go under the table to service them.

Some younger private, fell in love with her and married her and brought her to the States.

She had two children with him and they lived in rural Pennsylvania.

She was bored to death and beat her kids so her husband dumped her.

I met her years later working at a Thai restaurant in Los Angeles.

She was a piece of work that was for sure.

I knew she was addicted to speed when I married her but I was big drunk and the plan was lets get married and both quit.

Well, didn’t quite work out that way at first but in the end it did.

She quit speed when she died, I quit drinking when she died.

Really ironic part is that she had a falang boyfriend that did speed with her.

White trash kind of guy who had no problems feeding her habit. The scumbag bought her an 8 ball of speed for her 43rd birthday, she smoked it (that’s right, she like to smoke it)

she smoked it and burst a vein in her brain.

The doctor said when you take a hit on a speed pipe your blood pressure triples..and that

is apparently what triggered the anurism.

So anyway, she was a vegetable and I had to pull the plug.

All too sad as I could see it coming and tried for years to help her by getting her away from her friends…Thai bargirls by the way who are here in America and have “gone bad”. They hated me and hate me to this day for trying to separate Noi from them.

Tragic end to a young life.

But anyway, she was never fat, slim as a rail as were bargirl friends.

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Yo JR, I thought you might bring up the obvious answer -- that many Thai girls don't get fat because they are dying of the AIDS they caught from their farang pimps and/or johns, and then went back to the village to await their slow and painfully wasting demise, but no, you come up with another shocker -- this time you're all up in the yaa baa situation.

Can you share with us, pray tell, how does the devil farang tie into this whole methamphetamine drama? Perhaps it is the fault of some fat, bald, white biker dudes in Oklahoma who are cooking the stuff up in their trailer home?

Actually that isn't too far from the truth jing jing.

I would tell you her story, but not sure if you are being sarcastic.

If you would really like to know...

Truth be known JR I was being facetious and I'm sorry for that... you have obviously got some stories to tell and I'm not here to derail the train but we're headed way off topic here. If it's stories about Thailand you have to share there's a good place for those but TV may not be it. PM me and I may be able to point you in another direction where your stories might be better received, and no... it's not Stickman.

On topic, I don't believe that meth factors into the natural slimness of Thai ladies in any significant way, as I'm sure if you did some research you'd find that it's only a very small minority of them who are heavily into the stuff, notwithstanding your dear departed wife #4 and her peer group.

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what the hel_l hahahaha

Most of them are thin not due to drugs or aids hahaha

just because a few bar girls did it doesnt mean the whole country does it.

Its probaly just metabolism, because look at all asian woman, hardly any of them are fat

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what the hel_l hahahaha

Most of them are thin not due to drugs or aids hahaha

just because a few bar girls did it doesnt mean the whole country does it.

Its probaly just metabolism, because look at all asian woman, hardly any of them are fat

Not to worry. We'll probably learn soon that farang bar owners are responsible for the trouble in the south, Taxin's reelection, this year's pineapple surplus and most every other problem in Thailand, including thin Thai girls. We'll also learn that farang bar owners are also responsible for importing all the drugs in the country and force-feeding them to the bar girls. (After all, Farang bar owners have already been compared to pimps and drug dealers, so it's obvious they are the root cause of most of the problems). :o

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Ok...I'll tell you anyway.

Noi came from Kampangphet.

Her father beat her so she ran away at age 16.

She went to work as a bargirl in Udon during Vietnam war.

She was very pretty and had large boobs, or so she said which made her very popular

with the Air Force officers. Apparently, they would gather around big tables and pay

her to go under the table to service them.

Some younger private, fell in love with her and married her and brought her to the States.

She had two children with him and they lived in rural Pennsylvania.

She was bored to death and beat her kids so her husband dumped her.

I met her years later working at a Thai restaurant in Los Angeles.

She was a piece of work that was for sure.

I knew she was addicted to speed when I married her but I was big drunk and the plan was lets get married and both quit.

Well, didn’t quite work out that way at first but in the end it did.

She quit speed when she died, I quit drinking when she died.

Really ironic part is that she had a falang boyfriend that did speed with her.

White trash kind of guy who had no problems feeding her habit. The scumbag bought her an 8 ball of speed for her 43rd birthday, she smoked it (that’s right, she like to smoke it)

she smoked it and burst a vein in her brain.

The doctor said when you take a hit on a speed pipe your blood pressure triples..and that

is apparently what triggered the anurism.

So anyway, she was a vegetable and I had to pull the plug.

All too sad as I could see it coming and tried for years to help her by getting her away from her friends…Thai bargirls by the way who are here in America and have “gone bad”. They hated me and hate me to this day for trying to separate Noi from them.

Tragic end to a young life.

But anyway, she was never fat, slim as a rail as were bargirl friends.


How old are you?

They all take Ya ba? I guess that also applies to all Vietnamese women and Japanese women who are also skinny.

It is meat and potatoes as opposed to fish and vegetables.

It is a difference in the protein to vegetable ratio.

I buy a chicken and eat half of it and my five Thai friends eat the other half with vegetables.

Edited by kerryk
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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Of all the posts you have made, this is the most ridiculous. It is an uneccessary insult to Thai women. I am sorry to hear that you have been hit by such a personal tragedy but to use it to make such a comment about this being the obvious answer to the physique of Thai women shows how deep your views on the seedier side of Thailand run. My wife and many of her friends (but not all) do have slim figures, but that really does equate to what they eat. The west is getting fatter in direct proportion to the consumption of fast food. One day it will spread to Thailand.

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Of all the posts you have made, this is the most ridiculous. It is an uneccessary insult to Thai women. I am sorry to hear that you have been hit by such a personal tragedy but to use it to make such a comment about this being the obvious answer to the physique of Thai women shows how deep your views on the seedier side of Thailand run. My wife and many of her friends (but not all) do have slim figures, but that really does equate to what they eat. The west is getting fatter in direct proportion to the consumption of fast food. One day it will spread to Thailand.

Alright how about this..


I know my ladyboy friends like to stay slim but are also hungry as pigs.

They gorge themselves (at my expense usually) and then go the ladies room and puke it all up.

Then come back and eat some more.

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Of all the posts you have made, this is the most ridiculous. It is an uneccessary insult to Thai women. I am sorry to hear that you have been hit by such a personal tragedy but to use it to make such a comment about this being the obvious answer to the physique of Thai women shows how deep your views on the seedier side of Thailand run. My wife and many of her friends (but not all) do have slim figures, but that really does equate to what they eat. The west is getting fatter in direct proportion to the consumption of fast food. One day it will spread to Thailand.

Alright how about this..


I know my ladyboy friends like to stay slim but are also hungry as pigs.

They gorge themselves (at my expense usually) and then go the ladies room and puke it all up.

Then come back and eat some more.

you come up with some extreme answers, My post is aimed at the general pubic not your friends

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Metabolism, genetics- alot of slim/slight oriental men and women.

Many girls use oriental, herbal teas etc to give the system a good purging.

There is a catalogue of pills etc available over the counter at your local pharmacy. Uppers, under the counter at petrol stations...

I think the original posting by Donz simply outlines a lucky woman.

Pretty dull reply but the subject is not unique to Thailand.

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You all missed the obvious answer, many Thai girls don't get fat because they take drugs....methamphetamines.

That's how my fourth wife Noi died in 1999...years of abuse...finally had a brain anurism.

Thai Bar Girl Age 43. RIP

Of all the posts you have made, this is the most ridiculous. It is an uneccessary insult to Thai women. I am sorry to hear that you have been hit by such a personal tragedy but to use it to make such a comment about this being the obvious answer to the physique of Thai women shows how deep your views on the seedier side of Thailand run. My wife and many of her friends (but not all) do have slim figures, but that really does equate to what they eat. The west is getting fatter in direct proportion to the consumption of fast food. One day it will spread to Thailand.

Alright how about this..


I know my ladyboy friends like to stay slim but are also hungry as pigs.

They gorge themselves (at my expense usually) and then go the ladies room and puke it all up.

Then come back and eat some more.

you come up with some extreme answers, My post is aimed at the general pubic not your friends

Since when are my friends not the general pubic?

You asked a question and I answered it the best I knew how....twice...

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