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What is your problem Singh ?

You seem intent in causing problems on many threads. Mr Bo Jangles is a well RESPECTED member of TV and in the football forum especially. He also leads the prediction thread where there are many knowledgeable football members.

He has tried several times to answer your questions and draw a line under this so gives us all a break and drop the sarcasim please. :D

I hope all members have a good day. :D


What have we got here the, Rent a Friend ?? :D

Stop being so stupidly over dramatic...

Look, let's get a couple of things straight here..

Firstly, don't dare say i have no respect for anyone on here, i abide by the rules of the Forum ( or try to anyway ) in every post i make & respect everyone's views & opinions, even if i don't agree with them & for you to insinuate that i should just nod my head & agree about something with Mr BJ because he does the Prediction stuff, you must be in Cuckoo Land & i'd hope Mr BJ would agree with me on that too..

Secondly, what you're quoting me on in your Post wasn't what i posted to MrBJ anyway so what relevence you've got quoting me on that i haven't a clue.

I'm sure we're all big enough & ugly enough to be able to have a debate &/or arguement & respect everyone's views & opinions, some people choose to put the truth on " ignore ", others fight their corner & i know which one i respect more...

The main thing in all this is what people are overlooking, i'm only highlighting what the Papers are saying ( so it isn't " my version " MrBJ, it's just what i'm reading in the Papers Mate ) & it's not my fault if the Man City people on here are leaving themselves wide open with their contradictions & inaccuracies with virtually every post they make....

For the record, a couple of posts up, let me highlight these contradictions..

Jack N Danny " but I dont think he insulted Milan..

Then, the following Post 3 minutes laterby Mr BJ " Never said he didn't insult them "

Of course they're 2 seperate individuals with their own views & opinions ( which in this instane, couldn't be further apart of they wanted to be ) but for some reason they seem to try to be smart with me yet i'm the one who gets accused of being a " C*cky B*llocks " ( J&D ) & " Full of <deleted> " ( MrBJ ) .. :D

Tell you what, you let me know when the next TV Booze up is & i'll send MR BJ & the others a crate of Lager marked up " Freedom of speech & healthy debate is good for a Public Football Forum, turning the " ignore " button on to a Poster who is only stating the facts isn't, Love from Samui, Up the Hammers " .. :o

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From skysports:-

Robinho - I didn't run off

Manchester City striker Robinho has rubbished claims that he ran away from the Tenerife training camp and believes it would be unfair if he was fined.

The Brazilian reportedly left the week long training camp to sort out personal matters in Brazil.

But manager Mark Hughes has said that the 24-year-old did not have his consent to go, something which Robinho strongly refutes.

The former Real Madrid star is due back in Manchester on Sunday and is expected to start against Newcastle regardless of the situation.

"I said goodbye to everyone before I went to the airport, they saw me with my suitcase," Robinho told The People.

"I did not run away and I did not hide. The club knew. How can I be fined? I don't think that would be fair.

"I did not go back to Brazil to party but to sort out a personal problem and I would never have left if we'd had a game.

"I don't understand the controversy that this story has caused. I had to resolve an urgent personal issue, that's all there is to it.

"If we had a game this weekend this problem would have been resolved by another form and I would have stayed in Manchester."

The striker was defiant that he wanted to remain at City and re-iterated that he had no issues with Hughes.

"I have a contract at City and I am going to stay here. I want to triumph in England and fight to be top goalscorer," he added.

"I repeat that I have no problems with Hughes, not before and not now. I did not come here just for the money but for the exciting sporting project where I am going to have an important role to play."

The reason behind the Brazilian international's trip back home was reportedly so he could sort out a passport out for his 13-month old son and not because he was in a strop over the Kaka saga.

"That is nonsense. I only found out he (Kaka) hadn't signed when I was halfway to Brazil," Robinho explained.

"I am a friend of his and I tried to convince him to come , but it is difficult to change Kaka's mind once it is made up.

"I don't think he is convinced by the idea of playing in England. Without a doubt he would have been a great signing but Kaka has rejected the offer and there is nothing we can do.

"City can be one of the big clubs in England if things are done properly. If Kaka has not come then it is not the end of the world.

"Before everything I am a professional and I play with the team-mates that I have. We have to keep fighting for City and hope that next season other big stars arrive."

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence. what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :o

what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :o

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :o

i think it's still juan sebastian veron at 28m to be honest. adjusted for inflation that's probably about 45m now.

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :o

i think it's still juan sebastian veron at 28m to be honest. adjusted for inflation that's probably about 45m now.

yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :o

i think it's still juan sebastian veron at 28m to be honest. adjusted for inflation that's probably about 45m now.

yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

As good a signing as he was, you can't live off that forever :D

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence.

I don't know much about this guy. It looks like some reading up on him today. :D

what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

Went off the boil mid way through last season and never really fully bounced back. I think Hughes will stick with him through this season and if he doesn't pull up his socks, he'll be gone. Same with Jo i reckon.

I am not sure what is a bigger miss, R Keane or Jo. 38 million pounds between them :D

i think it's still juan sebastian veron at 28m to be honest. adjusted for inflation that's probably about 45m now.

yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

As good a signing as he was, you can't live off that forever :D

true, CR was a good one as well! but please come back with something more when you win something :o

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city being linked with diego from werder bremen now, he's a smashing little player and one of robinho's best mates by happy coincidence. what the hel_l's happened to elano though? i thought he was supposed to be the brasilian playmaker in this side?

He had quite bad injury, and when he came back, I dont think he was fully fit, but that excuse is no longer valid.

I think teams have now sussed him out, and whenever he gets the ball opponents are all over him, giving him no time on the ball.

I really do not think Elano is suited to the hustle and bustle of the premiership.

If you look at him play right now, his body language is screaming out that he is just not comfortable.

Last year he was unbelievable in dead ball situations. This year, he is just as likely to hit the corner flag or Row F.

He is a class player, best served in Serie A. :o

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Looks like Shay Given is on his way to Eastlands - if press reports are to be believed.

I know this is a bit premature, and who knows what the repercussions of such a move would be for Joe Harte, but I wonder if, in the near future, we could have a situation where the England and Republic of Ireland keepers were simultaneously with City.

Wonder if that has ever happened before in relation to any of the home international teams?

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Wonder if that has ever happened before in relation to any of the home international teams?

Back in the 1930's Chelsea had both the England goalkeeper (Vic Woodley) and the Scottish goalkeeper (Johnny Jackson) in their squad.

They also had several other full international players in their team but it still didn't make them champions.

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yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

christ almighty james, supposedly your best player ever and you can't even spell his name right. :o

Christ is spelled with a capital C stevie.

bruce almighty can be lower caps however.

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yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

christ almighty james, supposedly your best player ever and you can't even spell his name right. :D

Christ is spelled with a capital C stevie.

bruce almighty can be lower caps however.


Anyway, we shouldn't have any banter in here from Fans of other teams. :o Uncle Jim has already complained in the Liverpond thread.

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Anyway, we shouldn't have any banter in here from Fans of other teams. :o Uncle Jim has already complained in the Liverpond thread.

As the OP of this thread. I declare this thread an "Open House" Toady :D

Open House is an appropriate description of your team's defending BJ.

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Anyway, we shouldn't have any banter in here from Fans of other teams. :o Uncle Jim has already complained in the Liverpond thread.

As the OP of this thread. I declare this thread an "Open House" Toady :D

Open House is an appropriate description of your team's defending BJ.

Yep. Can't argue with that for the first half of the season. We're addressing that and hopefully will tighten things up for the second half.

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yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

christ almighty james, supposedly your best player ever and you can't even spell his name right. :o

Christ is spelled with a capital C stevie.

bruce almighty can be lower caps however.

the shift button on my keyboard doesn't work.

and you can't spell cantona.

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yep, as bad a signing that was, at least Cantana made up for it! :D

christ almighty james, supposedly your best player ever and you can't even spell his name right. :D

Christ is spelled with a capital C stevie.

bruce almighty can be lower caps however.

the shift button on my keyboard doesn't work.

and you can't spell cantona.

true, but I can spell treble :o

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Robinho: I did not ''run away'' from Man City

By Soccernet staff

January 26, 2009




Manchester City striker Robinho has rubbished claims that he ran away from the Tenerife training camp and believes it would be unfair if he was fined.


Robinho is back from Brazil.

The Brazilian reportedly left the week-long training camp to sort out personal matters in Brazil, but manager Mark Hughes has said that the 24-year-old did not have his consent to go, something which Robinho strongly refutes.

The former Real Madrid star has now returned back to England and is expected to start against Newcastle United on Wednesday regardless of the situation.

"I said goodbye to everyone before I went to the airport, they saw me with my suitcase," Robinho told The People. "I did not run away and I did not hide. The club knew. How can I be fined? I don't think that would be fair.

"I did not go back to Brazil to party but to sort out a personal problem and I would never have left if we'd had a game. I don't understand the controversy that this story has caused. I had to resolve an urgent personal issue, that's all there is to it.

"If we had a game this weekend this problem would have been resolved by another form and I would have stayed in Manchester."

The striker was defiant that he wanted to remain at City and re-iterated that he had no issues with Hughes.

"I have a contract at City and I am going to stay here. I want to triumph in England and fight to be top goalscorer," he added. "I repeat that I have no problems with Hughes, not before and not now. I did not come here just for the money but for the exciting sporting project where I am going to have an important role to play."

The reason behind the Brazilian international's trip back home was reportedly so he could sort out a passport out for his 13-month old son and not because he was in a strop over the Kaka saga.

"That is nonsense. I only found out he (Kaka) hadn't signed when I was halfway to Brazil," Robinho explained. "I am a friend of his and I tried to convince him to come , but it is difficult to change Kaka's mind once it is made up.

"I don't think he is convinced by the idea of playing in England. Without a doubt he would have been a great signing but Kaka has rejected the offer and there is nothing we can do.

"City can be one of the big clubs in England if things are done properly. If Kaka has not come then it is not the end of the world.

"Before everything I am a professional and I play with the team-mates that I have. We have to keep fighting for City and hope that next season other big stars arrive."

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oh dear.

Robinho arrested by police over rape allegation


Robinho, the Manchester City footballer, was arrested by police in relation to allegations that an 18-year-old woman was raped in a nightclub.

The 25-year-old Brazilian forward, who is Britain’s most expensive player, was quizzed after a university student told police she had been attacked in the VIP area of the Space club in Leeds in the early hours of January 14.

Chris Nathaniel, Robinho’s spokesman, confirmed that the footballer met the police yesterday “as pre-arranged as part of a criminal investigation”.

Mr Nathaniel told The Sun: “He strenuously denies any allegation of wrong-doing or criminality and is happy to co-operate with the police if required further.”

The Brazilian star, whose real name is Robson de Souza, is married with a son. He was thought to be in Leeds with team-mates for a night out.

A spokeswoman for West Yorkshire Police said last night: “A man was arrested today and was questioned in connection with an alleged incident in a nightclub in Leeds on January 14. He has now been released pending further inquiries.”

Robinho, who earns a reported wage of £160,000 a week, is expected to play for Manchester City against Newcastle tonight.

The club refused to comment.

Robinho signed from Real Madrid for £32.5 million, a British record, in September last year, as City's new Middle Eastern owners set out their desire to make the club real contenders for the Premier league title.

Despite a series of goals which have underlined his status as one of the world's most talented players, Robinho has not managed to shift City from mid-table. The club failed last week to sign his Brazil teammate Kaka for £100 million as the Milan forward opted for Champions League football over wages of £500,000 a week.

Since then Robinho has had to deny being unsettled in Manchester after media reports linking him with Chelsea, a club he had expressed interest in joining over the summer.

Last week he left a City training camp in Tenerife without permission to fly back to Brazil, citing "family reasons" - believed to mean celebrations for his 25th birthday. He faces a fine of £320,000 for the misdemeanour. City manager Mark Hughes has insisted: "Robinho will be treated in exactly the same manner as any other player at Manchester City. Everybody knows that. There is no special case here."

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When i saw this on the news earlier, i wondered who was going to be the one to post it. You let me down. I thought it would have been james or Singh :o

hehe. i'm not judging though, footballers always find themselves on the end of strange accusations on nights out. plus i'm sure i read a story about how polite and unassuming robinho had been when he went to space in leeds, about how the bouncers didn't recognise him so he just queued up along with everyone else or something.

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When i saw this on the news earlier, i wondered who was going to be the one to post it. You let me down. I thought it would have been james or Singh :o

hehe. i'm not judging though, footballers always find themselves on the end of strange accusations on nights out. plus i'm sure i read a story about how polite and unassuming robinho had been when he went to space in leeds, about how the bouncers didn't recognise him so he just queued up along with everyone else or something.

Yeah i heard that too. Suppose we'll just have to wait for the full story to come out. He should be fined a months wages though, purely for wanting to go to Leeds on a night out. :D

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When i saw this on the news earlier, i wondered who was going to be the one to post it. You let me down. I thought it would have been james or Singh :o

hehe. i'm not judging though, footballers always find themselves on the end of strange accusations on nights out. plus i'm sure i read a story about how polite and unassuming robinho had been when he went to space in leeds, about how the bouncers didn't recognise him so he just queued up along with everyone else or something.

Yeah i heard that too. Suppose we'll just have to wait for the full story to come out. He should be fined a months wages though, purely for wanting to go to Leeds on a night out. :D

Well he thought he was going to Chelsea so does that surprise you going to a nightclub in Leeds ? Robinho 's future at Man City is terminal ,its just a matter of time. Is it any wonder his last club let him go. Imagine breaking camp to celebrate your birthday.

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