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Amazing Thailand

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Oh here we go again! another fool whose has been parted with his cash and blames everyone bar himself !!!

Well you are wrong. I would engage your brain before you make assumptions in the future.

So why post such an indictment of Thai people? many of us are happy here with our wives and families and quite frankly are tired of the anti thai posters who frequent this site...maybe you should engage brain before posting but your post says it all. But I note from other posts you don't live here..now theres a surprise!!

Edited by Expattaff1308
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It isn't an indictment of Thai people or anti-Thai, but that scenario happens..If you don't realise that you need to get out more. I don't have to live in Thailand to know that. I'm genuinely pleased that you are happily married and this doesn't happen to you and I am sure many others who are married to Thais. It is just a joke about a scenario that does happen. It was actually sent to me by a friend who is also happily married to a Thai and a number of other friends who are married to Thais find it amusing. Sorry that you don't.

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When you read about it everyday on all types of posts you actually get fed up of it...but let me say this many see that joke and and as usual blames the scamming Thais....In all the years Ive been coming here and the years Ive lived here I have yet to see anyone hold a gun to anyones head...the farang hands his cash over willingly and then when its all gone shouts scam...A Fool and his money is soon parted!!

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