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Urologist Dr. Phitsanu Mahawong


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Don't know of him personally. Have you been to see Ajarn Bannakij Lojanapiwat? His clinic is on Kaeo Narawat near the bridge into the old city. He's often on Thai television and is considered one the real prostate experts in Thailand. Very nice guy and great surgeon. I see him regularly. His number is 053-242173

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To the OP, may I ask what was the symptom? How did you know you had a problem? I'm asking for a friend who fears he may need to seek some help as well.

Prostate symtoms vary from person to person, caused by inflammation, infection, swelling, and possible cancer. Most men have a problem as they get older. Your friend could maybe consult a GP such as Dr Morgan, and get a referral to a urologist if it is thought necessary.

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Great advice given me by a now retired urologist in Singapore - always see a treater rather than a cutter. My experience with Ajarn Bannakij is that he is of the latter school of thought rather than the former.

Thanks for the advice - I would prefer not to have the scalpel, as those I know who took the blade route did not have a good outcome.

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Great advice given me by a now retired urologist in Singapore - always see a treater rather than a cutter. My experience with Ajarn Bannakij is that he is of the latter school of thought rather than the former.

Thanks for that.

Can you recommend a treater in Chiang Mai or in Singapore? Or somewhere else not too far away?

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Great advice given me by a now retired urologist in Singapore - always see a treater rather than a cutter. My experience with Ajarn Bannakij is that he is of the latter school of thought rather than the former.

Thanks for the advice - I would prefer not to have the scalpel, as those I know who took the blade route did not have a good outcome.

I you don't like Ajarn Bannakij, there is a good urology department with prostate specialists at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok ---->http://www.si.mahidol.ac.th/th/department/surgery/urogicalWebsite/team.html

There is also a prostate center at Suan Dok; fairly new I believe. I saw a TV show broadcast from there about 2 months ago. But I believe Ajarn Bannakij is one of the principals there.

There is not a lot that can be done to treat the prostate unless direct access can be made; even radiological/radiation procedures need direct access with the gland. Also, the robotic procedure is very successful.

Best of luck.

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PSA blood tests and a biopsy should be your first steps. Consultations should follow.

How do you get a biopsy of the prostate done, without first consulting a surgeon?

I should have said - consultations regarding evaluating the results of biopsy (Gleason scores, etc.), treatment options, etc.

Sure, at urologist office, you'll need to discuss your concerns, PSA scores, and the urologist will then surely recommend a biopsy before discussing treatment options.

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PSA blood tests and a biopsy should be your first steps. Consultations should follow.

How do you get a biopsy of the prostate done, without first consulting a surgeon?

I should have said - consultations regarding evaluating the results of biopsy (Gleason scores, etc.), treatment options, etc.

Sure, at urologist office, you'll need to discuss your concerns, PSA scores, and the urologist will then surely recommend a biopsy before discussing treatment options.

Gotcha thumbsup.gif

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Then there is prostatitis which is not cancer, can be determined with a urinalysis and most definitely does not require any invasive proceedure such as a biopsoy. But trying to convince a cutter of that is nigh on to impossible. So get a treater, not a cutter.

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I family friend is now deceased, and the real trouble started after having robotic surgery. Google it, but it's a scandal. The machine costs a lot, and they are pressured into unnecessarily using it. Seems like there are some studies out there showing that all this prostate hype (get the gown on campaign) might be hurting a lot more people than it is helping. My dad told me that in some older patients they don't even treat it (very high PSA, and or benign tumor). You are much more likely to die of something else if you're already in your 80s. Go to CMT Lab and get your PSA...then do some homework, then go see a urologist. 300 thb, I believe.


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Then there is prostatitis which is not cancer, can be determined with a urinalysis and most definitely does not require any invasive proceedure such as a biopsoy. But trying to convince a cutter of that is nigh on to impossible. So get a treater, not a cutter.

Very strange how you always berate and criticize this popular, well-respected surgeon and academic on every thread that comes along discussing prostate issues.

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Then there is prostatitis which is not cancer, can be determined with a urinalysis and most definitely does not require any invasive proceedure such as a biopsoy. But trying to convince a cutter of that is nigh on to impossible. So get a treater, not a cutter.

Very strange how you always berate and criticize this popular, well-respected surgeon and academic on every thread that comes along discussing prostate issues.

Gee, it is wonderful to know that somewhere out there in TVland someone is trying to keep count.

I relate my own personal experience with "this popular, well-respected surgeon and academic" in a matter of fact and truthful manner. Much like others in these forums do about other subjects and threads.

My profound apologies if my comments offend you in any manner. They are intended to inform, not to antagonize.

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After a urologist evaluated my elevated PSA, he ordered a biopsy. After evaluating biopsy, he discussed treatment options. Of course, one of the options was the "wait and see" approach, involving an endless series of biopsies.

I chose the daVinci robotic surgery method. Dunno about bangmai's friend (above), but it worked out very well for me.

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After a urologist evaluated my elevated PSA, he ordered a biopsy. After evaluating biopsy, he discussed treatment options. Of course, one of the options was the "wait and see" approach, involving an endless series of biopsies.

I chose the daVinci robotic surgery method. Dunno about bangmai's friend (above), but it worked out very well for me.

Hello Mekong Bob,

Curious was your urologist here in Thailand?... and was the DaVinci surgery done here also?

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As a past prostate cancer suffer, I would urge sufferers to check out Cyberknife.

This unlike robotic ot ither surgery.will still leave you potent and nit incontinent!!!!

Non invasive! Had mine done at Beacon clinic KL.

Google for full info.

PSA down from 12.5 to .6.


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