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BBC TV series: The Airport of Smiles: Bangkok Airport


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I struggled through the first two minutes of the 55 minute clip on YT, but then gave up on it. I don't know why the Beeb insists on portraying the documentary as a comedy show. I've travelled through Swampy quite a number of times and I've yet to come across a smiling immigration officer like the one in the video.

They're probably all acting on the PM's orders under pain of certain death if they screw up.

But see what you think: The Airport Of Smiles : Bangkok Airport

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I watched it all. It wasn't bad. The Thais were actually quite interesting and believable.

The thing I had most trouble believing was how stunningly stupid the featured British tourists were.

"Eight plus eight .... that's eighteen isn't it?"

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I called it quits at the 5 min mark. There are only so many bimbos and himbos that one can take in any one day. :) The Beeb can spin all it wants, but Suvarnabhumi is a soulless airport - but to be fair, some staff I've dealt with over the years have been first class, as good as Changi staff (the benchmark), and far better than Sydney or Frankfurt.

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The two girls who had one brain, ( well half anyway, makes me ashamed to come from london) the guy trying to return home with lost wallet, the women who lost her passport in her bag. some of Thailand's quality tourists, but it passed the time.

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