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I Don't Like Thai Food

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Personally I like most of it. I particularly like that I can have savoury food at brekky. Joke (congee), yes with intestines, is a morning favourite. Do like the pigs blood in my nam tok noodles as well. Everything else...well I just like it hot and sour!

Got to remember that most Thais are pretty particular about their food stalls and only buy certain things in certain places, and there are always some stalls which serve average food without doubt. Some of you BKK people may notice that at the front of Soi convent is a pretty popular place to get Fish moor (sp), which does tend to taste a bit nicer than other places. Soi Ari is a pretty renowned place amongst thais for all types of food for those living north of victory monument.

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Hi tutsi,

Yes :o

It actually comes from Italy the birthplace of all pasta.

They used Grated parmesan on most of their pasta's also the bolognese variety.

More northern europeans tend to substitute the parmesan for a different type of cheese because real grated parmesan tends to give of a kind of Vomitty (sorry but it does) smell when applied. so it's an aquired taste

The package variety from heinz ect you can buy has this less then the fresh cheese.

We like to use , also because it's easyer to buy, grated emmental or young dutch cheese simply know as dutch cheese (hollandse kaas) in belgium.

We don't put it in the actual sauce but as a side dish so you can add it your self.

Or it's spinkeld on top before serving. or the best is

spaghetti in a bowl,

pour the sauce on top , don't mix

put a handfull of grated emmental on top

Put under a top gril (un salamandre) to melt (gratiner) the cheese till golden brown.

I really miss it here on my spaghetti's also, i usually take a lot of it :D

I'll get to bolognese sauce in a few days on single coocking for men. :D


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Pasta .. actually born in India ...moved to China taken to Italy by Marco Polo ( did he do the mint as well? )

Try buffalo cheese ( motzarella in your sauce easily obtainable , freezes well grates after freezing throw it in just before serving and stir ) or simple grated edam my ex near common law mother in law Italian always used edam in the UK unless she had been home to Naples and brought back the genuine hard parmisan ( which was super ) .

PS when cooking your sauce even tinned heat slowly for a long time and add a small piece of belly pork , then a second tip from watching a genuine Italian in a home kitchen after you have drained the pasta return to the pan and add a spoon full of sauce and stir the sauce in well to cover and evenly colour the pasta the pasta is n ot pristine white as in a posh restaurent but it is genuine.

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If I could replace all the food here with that of my native land, I would be bordering on complete satisfaction.

Rarely does a day go by when I eat three meals I genuinely enjoy. But that's just me.

I agree with the original post as far as the Thai food tasting good in the nice hotels. I guess I'm not cut out for local life.

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There is nothing better than a big bowl of "Jok" for breakfast. Especially after a few too many the night before. Throw in an egg, ginger, corinander, fried garlic, some peppers & dash in a bit of nam plaa - that's heaven for the palet, not to mention the gut! :o

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Is the San Miguel in PI better/different to the Spanish nectar btw?

I don't know how (if at all) the San Mig breweries in Spain and Philipines are linked, but both brew an acceptable lager.

Beware of the Hong Kong San Mig., however. Guaranteed hangover next day, even after only one brew.

Don't know why, but it is really different. (Friends of mine in HK still prefer it to Carlsberg, Heineken or Lowenbrau, though). I drink Tsing Tsao when there - different flavour in every bottle!

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chaingmaithai...you are not the only one that is not enamored with the local food...that's why I started this thread....

westerners have colonized Thailand with their models of financial arrangements, property schemes and stock markets...taken over the necessary facilities and the work force for assembly of ridiculous european and american vehicles...why should we not now force at gun point construction of McDonalds and Burger King outlets everywhere (later to be followed by Taco Bell)...govenment subsidies to be given to the falang intruders so that we can have a Big Mac for 10 baht everywhere thereby undercutting the khaoow man jai and kweiteo vendors and justifying the appeal of western junk food to the world???!!!

(tutsi on a tutsi roll...)

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Not every place wants western fast food- surprised/amused a few years back when I discovered none were on some of the greek islands. They were offered big dosh, but didn't want it! Mind you it would be seasonal since they shut shop by the end of sept.

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britmaverick...regarding those in the greek isles not wanting US fast food...I'm not surprised as the garish 'golden arches' and 'Taco Bell' would contrast unfavorably with the whitewashed little cottages. But...what about sea food burgers with tartar sauce and 'egg mcmuffin'...? I declare that resistance to fast food on those lines is a crime to cultural imperialists everywhere...

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Not every place wants western fast food- surprised/amused a few years back when I discovered none were on some of the greek islands. They were offered big dosh, but didn't want it! Mind you it would be seasonal since they shut shop by the end of sept.

Oh, Gawd -- I'd prefer plastic fast food to Greek food any day. But i would far prefer to live without either.

As long as the Thai food is not Phet Mak Mak, I am fine.

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Apologies Tutsi for digressing for a moment, but does anyone have a clue why some exported foods have international appeal?

I grew up in Japan and so love Sushi, but if you asked me in 1975 if it would sell in the U.S. I would have bet my life savings the "Americans" would turn their nose up at raw fish! How wrong I was.

For all those who love Thai food, including Thais, why is KFC so popular in Thailand, McDonalds for that matter? Chinese cuisine is the greatest in my view, why there for McDonalds and KFC.

Why Pizza worldwide?

Could it be that the food that is the worst for you nutritionally is universally adored?

Any comments on those that "dine" and those that just "eat". Food as fuel vs. as entertainemnt?

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mrmnp...you got to admit that KFC has modified their menu to appeal to an Asian clientele...ie., rice on offer rather than fries and spicy chicken batter...not so with mcdonalds...big mac, fish fillet and 'royale with cheese (- see 'Pulp Fiction') seem to have their own appeal. US type fast food typically is expensive when compared to local counterparts in Asia and if we can agree that Asians like to show off their wealth then it is no surprise that folks in China would look for a big mac rather than a dozen varieties of wanton dumplings that any gastronome would declare superior. I agree that Chinese cuisine from whatever region is the best in the world. I have to admit that the KFC at the local Tesco food hall doesn't appear to go a good business and that kwiteow and khaow man gai predomniate.

With regard to pizza...who knows?...most of it is bread and not very nice. Where I worked in the Gulf the US contractor would lay on a 'pizza lunch' whenever a milestone was achieved and arabs, pakistanis, afghans, sri lankans and filipinos would devour with a will...and it wasn't even nice...the lunchtime food from the labour camp was better...pizza mystique...

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Dunno about modifying menu in Thailand (embarrased to admit never had the inkling for fast food there), but I know in Tokyo they have a japanese style burgers at McDonalds, also seen variations in Athens as well.

That sounds worse than the real thing. In the states they've got these horrible burger stands called White Castle. The only time you can possibly eat one of those burgers is on a full stomach of piss.

Gross!... :o

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