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Ukraine troops fight to avoid being surrounded by rebels


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Hark back to 2003 and ask yourselves how long it took for the US military to destroy the 4th largest army in the world (at that time). The US entered Iraq on 20 March 2003 and entered Baghdad on 10 April 2003.

Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

People like you are a danger to the American people.

I will enjoy watching you eat those words when the US can not raise a coalition and Russia will have China, India, Most of the Middle East, N Korea and South America.

Then the US will back away........ they would be annihilated.

US dominance is at an end mate.

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Hark back to 2003 and ask yourselves how long it took for the US military to destroy the 4th largest army in the world (at that time). The US entered Iraq on 20 March 2003 and entered Baghdad on 10 April 2003.

Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

I don't think anyone has offered to go to war against Russia. Obama is "considering" supplying some weapons. The US and EU have trade sanctions against Russia and Russia is in a world of hurt economically. Its money is worthless and its oil income is halved.

The thread is about Ukraine troops trying to hold off rebels. It's not about the US going to war.

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For the record..... Iraq was not invaded by the US it was invaded by one of the worlds largest ever coalition forces that was just led by the US. But it is not unusual for US citizens to crow on about just being the Americans who did it all.

LOL. I am the one who is forever reminding that 21 nations were involved in the war in Iraq including Tony Blair, but most people want to blame it on the US.

I have never blamed the US, and I HAVE blamed Tony Blair, and I hope one day he goes to jail for lying to parliament and the people. He has the blood of 179 soldiers on his hands for an illegal war. I hope Bush goes down with him.... He has the blood of 4400 on his hands.

Edited by PepperMe
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For the record..... Iraq was not invaded by the US it was invaded by one of the worlds largest ever coalition forces that was just led by the US. But it is not unusual for US citizens to crow on about just being the Americans who did it all.

For the record, you are right about there being the world's largest coalition (and getting Arab countries to join a coalition that included Israel probably makes it the most impressive diplomatic effort in history).

But, the actual fighting was at least 95% done by the USA & UK. France maybe 3-5% and everyone else in support roles of some kind. The Aussies were probably fighting there someplace as usual, but I don't think the rest of the coalition did anything more than support or something symbolic. Maybe someone will post a link proving otherwise.

In the Middle East neighboring Arab countries used the flimsy excuse of not wanting to attack a fellow Muslim nation (didn't matter to Saddam going into Kuwait though, did it?) You won't find such sentiment in Eastern Europe about fighting a fellow Slav country (plus, the Baltics aren't Slavic). Besides, the biggest breach has already been made - Russia attacking Ukraine.

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Hark back to 2003 and ask yourselves how long it took for the US military to destroy the 4th largest army in the world (at that time). The US entered Iraq on 20 March 2003 and entered Baghdad on 10 April 2003.

Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

People like you are a danger to the American people.

I will enjoy watching you eat those words when the US can not raise a coalition and Russia will have China, India, Most of the Middle East, N Korea and South America.

Then the US will back away........ they would be annihilated.

US dominance is at an end mate.

What exactly is "dangerous"? Did I say we should attack Russia because they are weak? No, I simply pointed to facts about Russia's military.

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Hark back to 2003 and ask yourselves how long it took for the US military to destroy the 4th largest army in the world (at that time). The US entered Iraq on 20 March 2003 and entered Baghdad on 10 April 2003.

Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

I don't think anyone has offered to go to war against Russia. Obama is "considering" supplying some weapons. The US and EU have trade sanctions against Russia and Russia is in a world of hurt economically. Its money is worthless and its oil income is halved.

The thread is about Ukraine troops trying to hold off rebels. It's not about the US going to war.

You have to look beyond those actions... Openly supplying weapons will just send a message to the Russians that they no longer need to remain incognito about supplying the rebels. It will end up both sides getting huge masses of weapons and basically a war will ensue which will tear Ukraine apart. But will sanctions be put in the USA for doing exactly the same as what ended in sanctions for Russia??

Should the EU put sanction on the States?...... Anyway, regardless of that.... Get familiar with the word "escalation".... Do not think for a moment that Russia will allow the US fed Ukraine destroy the Russian people of the Ukraine, he would invade before he would allow it and bring the situation to a head.

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Hark back to 2003 and ask yourselves how long it took for the US military to destroy the 4th largest army in the world (at that time). The US entered Iraq on 20 March 2003 and entered Baghdad on 10 April 2003.

Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

I don't think anyone has offered to go to war against Russia. Obama is "considering" supplying some weapons. The US and EU have trade sanctions against Russia and Russia is in a world of hurt economically. Its money is worthless and its oil income is halved.

The thread is about Ukraine troops trying to hold off rebels. It's not about the US going to war.

Again, I'm not advocating the US going to war. Trust me, if I want to say the US should go to war, I will straight out say it. No need for anyone to try and read between the lines.

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Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

People like you are a danger to the American people.

I will enjoy watching you eat those words when the US can not raise a coalition and Russia will have China, India, Most of the Middle East, N Korea and South America.

Then the US will back away........ they would be annihilated.

US dominance is at an end mate.

What exactly is "dangerous"? Did I say we should attack Russia because they are weak? No, I simply pointed to facts about Russia's military.

You are dangerous because of your jaded attitude about Russia being completely ineffective, I would certainly challenge that myth, on top of declaring US superiority over everything non-US. You pay absolutely no regard to the fact that Russia could pull together a lethal coalition and it certainly would if it was to go toe to toe with the US.

It is these attitudes that lure people to their deaths,....... Never underestimate your enemy, they are fighting for their lives, their country and their families.

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.... Do not think for a moment that Russia will allow the US fed Ukraine destroy the Russian people of the Ukraine, he would invade before he would allow it and bring the situation to a head.

First, Putin couldn't care less about any people in eastern Ukraine (just like he doesn't care about ordinary people in his own country).

Second, Russia has already invaded.

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Well now, that's a bit of an exaggeration but, as I've said many times, I know of no time in history when a guerilla army was defeated on its own soil. It can blend into the population, it isn't in uniform, it will be fed... IMHO this is what happened to the US in Vietnam, etc. It's far different from fighting a WWII in Europe or Asia with identifiable combatants and equipment.

NOW fast forward to the idea of having a war on US soil where 100 million Americans have 300 million guns and gobs of ammunition. It would be a slaughter. Seriously a slaughter by the American people.

There's only one military sufficiently large and well equipped to take on the US in a conventional war, and its not Russia. They might be able to level many of your cities with nuclear weapons, but MAD makes that a very unlikely scenario. I doubt that even the PLA would be willing to wage a land war in the US but then I never thought I'd see a commercial passenger aircraft flown into a skyscraper either, and we are only 14.1 years into this century.

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Well now, that's a bit of an exaggeration but, as I've said many times, I know of no time in history when a guerilla army was defeated on its own soil. It can blend into the population, it isn't in uniform, it will be fed... IMHO this is what happened to the US in Vietnam, etc. It's far different from fighting a WWII in Europe or Asia with identifiable combatants and equipment.

NOW fast forward to the idea of having a war on US soil where 100 million Americans have 300 million guns and gobs of ammunition. It would be a slaughter. Seriously a slaughter by the American people.

So how come you think they can beat the separatists on their own soil?

Ah yes -the keyhole technology you mentioned. The same one that does not work with IS as they lack the intelligence on the ground. The US even admits that themselves. And they not have any intelligence on E-Ukrainian ground. They (NATO) have been seeing a lot lately but can not back it up with solid evidence from the ground.

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Talk about going off-topic. This is starting to sound like a bunch of school kids "My brother can beat up your brother."

Any battle would be with NATO. The US would not go to war with Russia unless extremely provoked. Any battle would be fought over the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Just as a reminder in the first Gulf War, Kuwait was freed and that was basically the end of it. The same rule would apply now.

If the US went to war with Russia and won, what on earth would they do with it? Maybe sell it to the Chinese to pay off the debt!

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The Russian ..... and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

It calls the truth. The US and other Western control almost 99% of world mass-media. We can win if we will show only THE TRUTH

The truth. Putin is this generation's megalomaniac. He is destroying Russia. He put all of his eggs in the $100USD oil price basket. He put all of his eggs in Westerners as customers AND as suppliers of other things he needs including food.

He dropped and broke the eggs and now Russian money is worthless and there is little income from oil. He is wasting the Russian people's resources on a needless campaign in Ukraine. The average Russian citizen is very poor yet he is a multi-billionaire and he is spending money on a military campaign in Ukraine which his people need for daily living.

I wouldn't be surprised if something very bad happened to Putin, orchestrated by his own insiders who are also suffering a loss of value of their money and the oil income.

Russia is on its lips.

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The truth. Putin is this generation's megalomaniac. He is destroying Russia. He put all of his eggs in the $100USD oil price basket. He put all of his eggs in Westerners as customers AND as suppliers of other things he needs including food.

He dropped and broke the eggs and now Russian money is worthless and there is little income from oil. He is wasting the Russian people's resources on a needless campaign in Ukraine. The average Russian citizen is very poor yet he is a multi-billionaire and he is spending money on a military campaign in Ukraine which his people need for daily living.

I wouldn't be surprised if something very bad happened to Putin, orchestrated by his own insiders who are also suffering a loss of value of their money and the oil income.

Russia is on its lips.

It is quite oddly when foreigner told you about your living in your country. I am lazy to explain everytime that when Russian president is the best friend of the US it means we are poor really. If vice versa we are OK.

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Well now, that's a bit of an exaggeration but, as I've said many times, I know of no time in history when a guerilla army was defeated on its own soil. It can blend into the population, it isn't in uniform, it will be fed... IMHO this is what happened to the US in Vietnam, etc. It's far different from fighting a WWII in Europe or Asia with identifiable combatants and equipment.

NOW fast forward to the idea of having a war on US soil where 100 million Americans have 300 million guns and gobs of ammunition. It would be a slaughter. Seriously a slaughter by the American people.

There's only one military sufficiently large and well equipped to take on the US in a conventional war, and its not Russia. They might be able to level many of your cities with nuclear weapons, but MAD makes that a very unlikely scenario. I doubt that even the PLA would be willing to wage a land war in the US but then I never thought I'd see a commercial passenger aircraft flown into a skyscraper either, and we are only 14.1 years into this century.

9/11 was a hit and run terrorist suicide mission. It wasn't a war. By the time it started it was over except for the burning and collapsing.

There is no country or combination of countries which could put enough boots on the ground in the US to prevail over the US citizen guerilla army. It's 100 million people already in place with a support system of neighborhoods. The issues would be reversed from when the allies tried to completely take Baghdad and found themselves fighting house to house without success.

100 million people. 300 million guns and the people grew up learning to shoot. Countless rounds of ammunition.

There has been a civilian shortage of ammo in the Us since just before Obama was elected due to fear of Obama's gun stance. It flies off the shelves when there are deliveries. It still does, but there is a massive amount in the hands of civilians.

It would be very difficult for one country such as Russia to introduce a lot of troops onto US soil. First, the attempts would be sunk or shot down. Any that made it would be slaughtered as they tried to touch ground.

I've said many times on here that I know of no guerilla army that's ever been defeated on its own soil because it blends into the population and gets support from the population. The US people are the biggest and best armed guerilla army the world has ever seen.

The Us military is prepared to shoot down or sink anything that approaches and that includes nuclear ICBM's.

Attacking the US would be folly.

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Ukraine is a sovereign nation and friendly to the West. The West including the EU already has trade sanctions against Russia for invading Ukraine.

At what point does it become Russia which is the troublemaker? Do the US and all of Europe stand by and watch Putin overrun another nation?

Who is starting WWIII? Who is the troublemaker here?

BTW Armageddon is in Israel. That's the one you might want to watch out for - people who attack Israel in the Valley of Megiddo (Armageddon.) Your Armageddon isn't going to happen in Russia or the Ukraine.

And these who first wanted to ban Russian language and than speaking about exterminating all terrorist (terrorists included all men between 16-60 in another sentence) are the good guys, right?

USA or EU would do exactly the same if some African country threatens to exterminate all the french (for example) minority there.

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Talk about going off-topic. This is starting to sound like a bunch of school kids "My brother can beat up your brother."

Any battle would be with NATO. The US would not go to war with Russia unless extremely provoked. Any battle would be fought over the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Just as a reminder in the first Gulf War, Kuwait was freed and that was basically the end of it. The same rule would apply now.

If the US went to war with Russia and won, what on earth would they do with it? Maybe sell it to the Chinese to pay off the debt!

Agreed, and I humbly apologise for allowing myself to get drawn in neversure's paranoid fantasy of epic proportions. That man is determined to find himself an Alamo and a coonskin cap but none of that helps the people of Ukraine. I'll leave you guys to it.

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Hark back to 2003 and ask yourselves how long it took for the US military to destroy the 4th largest army in the world (at that time). The US entered Iraq on 20 March 2003 and entered Baghdad on 10 April 2003.

Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

People like you are a danger to the American people.

I will enjoy watching you eat those words when the US can not raise a coalition and Russia will have China, India, Most of the Middle East, N Korea and South America.

Then the US will back away........ they would be annihilated.

US dominance is at an end mate.

Oh are you mistaken. India is clearly an ally of the US and depends on the US. The US is the largest buyer of Chinese exports - follow the money. The entire EU is the second largest buyer of Chinese exports. China can't afford to attack its biggest customer.

"Most of the Middle East" is a joke. Where were they when the US with the coalitions were attacking Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya...??? Saudi Arabia hates Iran and don't forget Israel.

N. Korea? They don't have the ability to project force.

Russia is broke and can't afford to fight a war.

You are full of wishful thinking.

Russia is broke, its money is worthless, and it's out of friends if push comes to shove. Russia's air force is antiquated as is its navy. Putin must be a madman to be doing what he's doing. His country is broke, he's on his lips and he's trying to conquer Ukraine.

Man you are seriously deluded, and just about everything in this post is wrong and is testament to typical American arrogance.

Which just makes it sweeter when the rest of the world watches you fail.

The US is living on borrowed time and many have said 2015 will be the start of the fall of the country, both economically and militarily, but much more important...... socially. You will see for yourself exactly what those 300 million guns will be used for.

India is an American ally?..... hahaha, I have heard it all now... do you not even bother doing a google check before you commit yourself on here?.....lol


Edited by PepperMe
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What exactly is "dangerous"? Did I say we should attack Russia because they are weak? No, I simply pointed to facts about Russia's military.

You are dangerous because of your jaded attitude about Russia being completely ineffective, I would certainly challenge that myth, on top of declaring US superiority over everything non-US. You pay absolutely no regard to the fact that Russia could pull together a lethal coalition and it certainly would if it was to go toe to toe with the US.

It is these attitudes that lure people to their deaths,....... Never underestimate your enemy, they are fighting for their lives, their country and their families.

"You pay absolutely no regard to the fact that Russia could pull together a lethal coalition and it certainly would if it was to go toe to toe with the US."

What nations are you assuming will join this imaginary Russian coalition?

All those who hate the USA for its bullying around the world and its arrogance....... that is pretty much everyone.

It is a country with a false economy, a massive national debt, and is effectively broke.

The only thing holding it together is printing money out of thin air and relying on it as being the global reserve currency. Which is what China, Russia, India and about 133 other countries in the world have signed a pact to remove the USA and the USD from the equation.... That is why the US is being aggressive to Russia, and trying to bankrupt it, but it will not work... Russia has been massing gold as well as China, and when they have enough, they will dump all their USD along with many other countries and collapse the US economy and the currency.... That is the end of the USA.

This was kept away from the lot of you by the US government who banned it from being reported in the mainstream media...... as they do.

133 G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order

By Mark Wachtler

June 17, 2014. Bolivia. (ONN) The American and European media are doing everything they can to black this news out. But it’s not going to stay a secret for long. As of this weekend, there’s a new New World Order on Earth and its enemy is the United States, the EU, the UN Security Council and the world’s shadow government led by the IMF and WTO. This new alliance of poor countries wouldn’t be much of a threat, except it includes two-thirds of the world’s nations including China and India.

Read More Here. http://www.whiteoutpress.com/articles/2014/q2/133-g77-nations-vow-destroy-americas-new-world-order/

Edited by PepperMe
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The Russian ..... and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

It calls the truth. The US and other Western control almost 99% of world mass-media. We can win if we will show only THE TRUTH

You must be kidding... The sheer volume of pure lies and fabricated stories shown in Russian television about Ukraine is just amazing. There are countless examples where it has been proven that the Russian television has been supplementing some stories with war videos from different parts of the world attributing these to happenings in Ukraine, or the people that are being interviewed with the same actors playing the part of Ukrainian soldiers, then rebels and then again some innocent civilians in different stories etc. etc.

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Ukraine exported major conventional arms worth $1.344 billion in 2012 becoming the fourth largest arms exporter in the world, according to the data published by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/ukraine-worlds-4th-largest-arms-exporter-in-2012-according-to-sipri-321878.html?flavour=full

Surely 4th largest arms dealer in the world would be able to manage with its own arms without US help, unless there was an ulterior motive for the largest arms dealer, the US

Edited by konying
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People like you are a danger to the American people.

I will enjoy watching you eat those words when the US can not raise a coalition and Russia will have China, India, Most of the Middle East, N Korea and South America.

Then the US will back away........ they would be annihilated.

US dominance is at an end mate.

Oh are you mistaken. India is clearly an ally of the US and depends on the US. The US is the largest buyer of Chinese exports - follow the money. The entire EU is the second largest buyer of Chinese exports. China can't afford to attack its biggest customer.

"Most of the Middle East" is a joke. Where were they when the US with the coalitions were attacking Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya...??? Saudi Arabia hates Iran and don't forget Israel.

N. Korea? They don't have the ability to project force.

Russia is broke and can't afford to fight a war.

You are full of wishful thinking.

Russia is broke, its money is worthless, and it's out of friends if push comes to shove. Russia's air force is antiquated as is its navy. Putin must be a madman to be doing what he's doing. His country is broke, he's on his lips and he's trying to conquer Ukraine.

Man you are seriously deluded, and just about everything in this post is wrong and is testament to typical American arrogance.

Which just makes it sweeter when the rest of the world watches you fail.

The US is living on borrowed time and many have said 2015 will be the start of the fall of the country, both economically and militarily, but much more important...... socially. You will see for yourself exactly what those 300 million guns will be used for.

India is an American ally?..... hahaha, I have heard it all now... do you not even bother doing a google check before you commit yourself on here?.....lol


The US is living on borrowed time and many have said 2015 will be the start of the fall of the country, both economically and militarily, but much more important...... socially.

If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that.....just rinse repeat next year, no worries.

You will see for yourself exactly what those 300 million guns will be used for.

A revolution is coming? coffee1.gif Guess when that would fail to materialize, it will be blames on USA blocking media reports as well

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The Russian ..... and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

It calls the truth. The US and other Western control almost 99% of world mass-media. We can win if we will show only THE TRUTH

You must be kidding... The sheer volume of pure lies and fabricated stories shown in Russian television about Ukraine is just amazing. There are countless examples where it has been proven that the Russian television has been supplementing some stories with war videos from different parts of the world attributing these to happenings in Ukraine, or the people that are being interviewed with the same actors playing the part of Ukrainian soldiers, then rebels and then again some innocent civilians in different stories etc. etc.

Kidding? Ukranian armee killed hundreds civilians in Donezk, Lugansk. They shot with Grad and 152mm cannons the cities.

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