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Thai National Parks ordered to charge foreigners tenfold


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Anyone remember when the opposite happened back in Dec-2007?

National park fees reduced for foreigners
BP, 7th December 2007

The National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department has cut the entrance fees for foreigners to national parks countrywide in a bid to lure more overseas tourists.

The reduction came after the department received a number of complaints from foreign visitors that the fees are too high, compared with the poor facilities for tourists at the parks.

Effective from Dec 1, entrance fees for adult foreigners have been cut from 400 to 200 baht for the most popular parks, and by 75% for the less popular ones, according to the department.

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This is a really great idea.

It works hand in hand with Thailand attracting quality tourists, the kind who would like to visit these parks, and enjoy Thailand's natural scenery.

It also helps foreigners wishing to come here, in the sense that they will know that their trip will be vastly more expensive than it ever was.

Great work everyone!

Now, what's next?

I know, I know!

How about a beach entrance fee? Say 200THB per kid and 400THB per adult?

Blanket rule across Thailand's beaches.

Oh - and don't forget to inflate the cost of temple admissions too - tenfold would be best.

It's important to make the distinction between foreign visitors and Thai visitors as wide as possible - as this fosters a good feeling, and also will go a long way to ensure that Thais selling any other product and service don't inflate their prices too, using these new measures as a starting block.

Oh, come now; we have all been searching for a concise definition of "Thainess," right? Now we have one.

Edited by Balance
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Arrogance of a third world country is astounding.

Arrogance has never been the issue. It is stupidity and greed.

"It is stupidity and greed."

Interesting comment on a forum visited by economic refugees many of whom can't afford to live in their own countries because they didn't plan well for their retirement or who are unqualified and/or unable to find employment in those same countries that are collapsing under debt used to pay for things they were unwilling or unable to fund out of pocket.

If something is priced too high for you, don't use it or buy it. Time for some of the economic refugees from Farang Utopia to move on or stay away ... one more reason to raise prices.

As far as arrogance is concerned, there's plenty of that in Farang Land. Why anyone should expect "third world" counties to bend over and spread their legs to cater to Khun Farang being an excellent example of the vestiges of colonial arrogant mentality.

That is a lovely rant filled with genuine passion. well written too.

Unfortunately, it is neither accurate or on point. I would hardly call us economic refugees ... darling ... we live in Thailand in luxury and each day is a blessing. We retire after a life of work, and are grateful to be in the Kingdom.

It is a sad story indeed to try at every turn to hobble the Expat and make the playing field as unbalanced and unfair as possible, and still have us succeed and keep on going.

Double .. or in this case 10 fold pricing? And we just shrug it off. Think we can not compete? Really? Get rid of all the protectionist work restrictions and stand back ... things are going to start moving at the speed of Western Business, and there is no way the average Thai can keep up with that ... even in their own language.


Thai business does not recognize or understand the primary law upon whose axis this world spins. it is called the Law of Supply and Demand. Time and time again we see the Thai Inverted Logic (TIL) employ the following pattern.

(1) Set a revenue target based on X Price per Y Unit.

(2) Have revenue fall far short of goal

(3) Raise price of Y Unit

(4) See revenue fall further and not understand why, the math was so clear! Sell less units for more money = same revenue!

(5) Find scapegoat.

(6) Rinse and repeat.

So no, Dear Sureadick, you can niot have it both ways ... if the Inverted Thai Logic is to raise prices 10 fold, and have the end user show you the finger, that is the end user's prerogative.

You see Sureadick, Thailand can not hinge its future on tourism and at the same time, tell those customers they are simply invited to come and enjoy a holiday of insults and abuse. It is a big world, full of beautiful people and places. The buyer gets to choose where to go.

It is lunacy beyond measure to have the current political climate, negative news regarding personal safety, violence, and now random bombings ... followed by "and we are charging more at every turn, and making getting a Visa a ring of Hell."

Economic refugees ... really? Well, we CAN afford a rather easy life in a country where some struggle for endless days under the sun in the fields for a rather meager life.

Sureadick, worry less about us ... and more about the average Thai who would, if people respected the LAW of supply and demand, be much better off. I mean really, who actually thinks a country can set an artificially high price for their number one export - and not see sales simply stop?

BUT WAIT WORLD! Do you not see that you OWE IT TO US to pay more for rice since we are "Doing it for the good of the Kingdom" (See "Buying Votes")

In the meantime, Vietnam is eating your lunch one spoonful at a time.

Thailand .. Supply and Demand is a law you must obey ... or suffer the consequences of ignoring.

So go ahead, jack up park fees .. and see if we care.

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Whatever happened to "if you cannot afford it, don't buy it?"

Besides, tell me one attraction in the UK that a local cannot afford?

It is a shameless discriminatory policy. There is no point in explaining

why discrimination is wrong to someone who does not see it.

Go explain it to the Thai's first.

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For me it is simple, is it worth visiting the park for 400thb yes or no? In my case I visited a few and besides the areas around CM an CR nothing else was worth the 400thb entrance fee. Simple as that.

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Does this really surprise anyone? The intelligence level of the average Thai bureaucrat is on par with that of rocks and water buffalo. I am sure this occurred after a 'Brainstorming' session with the ministry of tourism.


Buffalo and rocks are smarter.

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This is a really great idea.

It works hand in hand with Thailand attracting quality tourists, the kind who would like to visit these parks, and enjoy Thailand's natural scenery.

It also helps foreigners wishing to come here, in the sense that they will know that their trip will be vastly more expensive than it ever was.

Great work everyone!

Now, what's next?

I know, I know!

How about a beach entrance fee? Say 200THB per kid and 400THB per adult?

Blanket rule across Thailand's beaches.

Oh - and don't forget to inflate the cost of temple admissions too - tenfold would be best.

It's important to make the distinction between foreign visitors and Thai visitors as wide as possible - as this fosters a good feeling, and also will go a long way to ensure that Thais selling any other product and service don't inflate their prices too, using these new measures as a starting block.

An extra 200 baht per entrance is hardly "vastly more expensive than their trip ever was". Most tourists wouldn't know the difference or care less. It's farang who live here who get uptight about it.

Tourists get gouged, no matter the country, period. Live with it.

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I pondered this for all of 10 seconds and have it figured out.

Farangs have 10 times the reasoning abilities, 10 times the brain size, and 10 times bigger wallets...and 10 times bigger [whatever].

You! You! Farang! Must Pay!


I can see how it would work in the USA, UK or Europe.

You! You! Dink Chink! Must Pay!

Edited by jaywalker
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Oh well, I was reluctant to visit a national park because of the higher charges for farangs but now it is a definite no no. BTW in New Zealand if a tourist attraction tries to charge more for visitors, they can be reported to Internal Affairs for prosecution !!

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In reality a similar system occurs in many national parks and historical attractions in the west. In the UK it is very common for pensioners and local people to get reduced or often free admission to attractions owned by local authorities and for others to have to pay more. 200-400 thb to spend a day in a national park does not sound a huge amount but too much for many local Thais to be able to appreciate their own natural resources.

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There is a song from The Wizard of Oz I am reminded of...If I Only Had a Brain.

I didn't like the pricing before and they can certainly f*** off if they think I or anyone in my family will ever visit a Thai national park again. The less baht they get from my friends and family who come over, the better so I'll ask them (push them) to boycott these parks. Unbelievable the balls on these idiots. What they ought to be doing is making the prices equal, not raising them. In due time I am leaving Thailand...This f***ed up, "you will never be Thai so f*** you" mentality is one of the reasons why.

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Can't possibly be true they are not that stupid here are they!

"Additionally, Suwan predicted the increase would not affect the number of tourists who visit the park as fewer than 100 foreigners visited the park last year."

If the number is correct the TAT can now declare every little dead end soi a tourist attraction.

The problem I see here is the effect it may have on other subjects: tenfold the price for foreigners on public transport, entree fees on beaches, deck chairs, in restaurants, hawker stalls, taxis Ok that happens already.

Here is one for all the fake Buddhists in this country:


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It is getting to where one does not have to say anything derogatory about Thailand anymore...they do a better job of showing the world what Thais are made of than any foreigners could possibly do...

Way to go Thailand!

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so if it is accurate that less than 100 farangs entered the park last year, then raising the cost per farang to 400 THB would net them at most 40,000 baht up from say 20,000 baht (not sure what is was before).

So they effectively make an extra 20,000 baht per year? So they will now make an extra 600 USD per year at this park? How many tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars does it take to pass and institute this new rule? I am sure it would take them years just to break even.

Not to mention the park officials time and energy wasted here they really could have been doing something better with their time. Maybe sentencing more mushroom pickers to incredibly long prison terms.

Prayut, maybe time to reform the parks board too?

I would like to see the same reciprocity give to all Thais in western countries. Pay extra for everything, cannot own a business, cannot buy land, cannot get citizenship etc etc.

That truly would be sum num na

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Would it be the case that 1/2 the Thai people visiting the parks are at least as 'rich' as the foreigners anyway?

Certainly that was the case the last time my GF and I visited a park last year (she paid 440 B - 40 for her, 400 for me. Thank you dear).

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In reality a similar system occurs in many national parks and historical attractions in the west. In the UK it is very common for pensioners and local people to get reduced or often free admission to attractions owned by local authorities and for others to have to pay more. 200-400 thb to spend a day in a national park does not sound a huge amount but too much for many local Thais to be able to appreciate their own natural resources.

They have much the same at many Florida (privately owned) tourist attractions. Show your Florida ID & get a discount.

It's not "Hey YOU! YOU! You no look like us so you must pay more!"

If you are from Colorado or California you have to pay more to get a fishing license (what a stupid license) in Florida than residents pay, but it's never judged on skin color or one's first language or whether or not they have slanty eyes.

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What a bunch of crying cheapskates. If you don't want to pay the price, don't go. It is common practice in the Western world to charge less for locals than for imports--even Disney does it.

Aaah...the apologists' favourite reference: Disneyland. Now I might be wrong, but the lower fees are for residents of the state (including people that work in the state). Also I don't think foreign nationals or people from the other 49 states pay 900% more. If I am wrong, I apologise and retract my statement.

The residents in the other states do not make 10% or less of what the locals in that State make.

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Welcome to Thailand. This is true Thainess. In addition to the fake 'wai' and empty smiles. Behind that thin facade, a shark awaits to rip your arms and legs off. Consider yourself lucky if you leave the LOS upright and breathing. What a load of <deleted>.

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"The entrance fee to the Phu Hin Rong Kla National Park in Phitsanulok province will increase the cost of entrance for foreigners from THB200 to THB400, according to a spokesman."

10 fold?

I would take 10 fold to mean 10 times more that being 2,000, 200 baht to 400baht is 100% increase. Would you not agree.

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The one thing that pleases me about this topic is that I wont be meeting up with any of you lot when in a national park.

The parks are better off without you lot, sit behind your keyboards and whinge.

I knew kiwis liked sheep, didn't know they liked to act like them lol, jk . :)

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hope other countries start charging Thais 10 fold when visiting their countries, would bring a smile to my face.

Believe me, if I ever do business with a Thai in the US, I am definitely going to tell him, "Sorry, you don't get the US price, you're Thai, you need to pay 10X more than Americans." If more people did this, maybe Thailand would smarten up. Then again...I don't think so.

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