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Only Being a Foreigner means your talents ingnored by Employer or Thai HR

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Your problem in Thailand...you're Indian.

Your initial employer might have been enlightened, but from hanging with my wife (who I consider a normally enlightened, educated woman accustomed to dealing and working with foreigners) I find that Thais have a very dim view of Indians.

It doesn't have anything to do with you...just that they hate that their religion, Buddhism, comes from India and they want it as their own.

My suggestion would be to move on to KL or Singapore, where your talents could be appreciated.

Thailand is an insular society, sometimes. Not as bad as other Asian nations, but still....

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I'm currently based in Europe, senior EMEA sales & marketing position, ICT sector: Euro300K a year + car + other benefits

Before, I was based in North Asia with Asia + EMEA P&L responsibility and was making USD250K.+ benefits

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A lot of truth in the previous posts.

I've tried, myself, to get a well-paid job in Thailand. Almost impossible, I'll develop later...

Three paths for potential job opportunities:

* Teaching

* Expat: sent by a foreign company to work in Thailand

* "working online"

One point to take into consideration:

it's very unlikely to earn a package similar to a European one. Thai packages over THB10M a year are very rare while they are much more common in Europe (GBP200K + a year).

OK, cost of living will be higher in Western Europe. However, in other EMEA sub-regions cost of living could be quite similar to Thailand...

Best strategy could be to get a good (and well paid) job outside Thailand and be back (?) later.

Just my 2 cents!

Two things.

Thai's do not like compentant foreigners, they could lose face if your ability is higher than their's (which is not difficult to achieve in most cases).

You need to improve on your written English communication ability (and possibly your verbal). Whilst we can understand what you are saying, if I received a letter from you written in the same form as your post it would be binned with no reply.

Good luck.

10mill baht a year????? I personally know two Thai vice presidents of big companies who are on less than that and in Europe you'd have to be senior level management to get anywhere near it. Not sure what position you have in mind for that salary level.

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A lot of recommendations given already. The other point is language skills. A lot of Indian people here can speak Thai, and for Indian study Thai is MUCH easier than for ANY other nationality in the world, because of Pali - Sanskrit roots in Thai.

So, if you serious in your wish to stay here, you will need to know local language. English is not a local language.

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I'm currently based in Europe, senior EMEA sales & marketing position, ICT sector: Euro300K a year + car + other benefits

Before, I was based in North Asia with Asia + EMEA P&L responsibility and was making USD250K.+ benefits

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A lot of truth in the previous posts.

I've tried, myself, to get a well-paid job in Thailand. Almost impossible, I'll develop later...

Three paths for potential job opportunities:

* Teaching

* Expat: sent by a foreign company to work in Thailand

* "working online"

One point to take into consideration:

it's very unlikely to earn a package similar to a European one. Thai packages over THB10M a year are very rare while they are much more common in Europe (GBP200K + a year).

OK, cost of living will be higher in Western Europe. However, in other EMEA sub-regions cost of living could be quite similar to Thailand...

Best strategy could be to get a good (and well paid) job outside Thailand and be back (?) later.

Just my 2 cents!

Two things.

Thai's do not like compentant foreigners, they could lose face if your ability is higher than their's (which is not difficult to achieve in most cases).

You need to improve on your written English communication ability (and possibly your verbal). Whilst we can understand what you are saying, if I received a letter from you written in the same form as your post it would be binned with no reply.

Good luck.

10mill baht a year????? I personally know two Thai vice presidents of big companies who are on less than that and in Europe you'd have to be senior level management to get anywhere near it. Not sure what position you have in mind for that salary level.

I'm clearly in the wrong job. Although my knowledge of information technology is limited to turning the computer on and if it slows down resorting to shouting at it.

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whistling.gif Compare what it costs you to live in Thailand and Dubai.

I bet living costs are much less here in Thailamd than they were in Dubai?

Well, you had better be prepared to accept a similar decrease in your Salary here in thailand also.

The general rule is that salaries in Thailand for the same job and work position/staus are around 50% of wht you would get elswhere for that position.

Also ask yourself the questions:

As a worker, can your boss explain what he or she wants done today by you in Thai?

As a Supervisor or manager. can you explain to your workers in Thai what they need to do.?

These are questions the person who is hiring you needs to ask before he or she takes a chance on hiring you.

Thimk about it.

The truth is: many thais even thise that will be your supwevisor do not speak enough English to adequately tell you whant they want you to do today for your job today.

After you've beeen in Thailand for a while you will start to learn some of the things i just told you..

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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