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advice on phillipines needed, cebu - palawan


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im in pattaya, need out of here ive had enough of the place allready. anyway im getting mixed reports on phils, angeles / manilla etc im not going for p4p i want to escape see a different culture etc obviously i want bars and company of girls in bars at night but thats not my sole purpose for going to phils, anyone any advice regarding flights, accomadation, location etc etc .


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Well how more specific can i get ? I have asked where is best. How best to get there. Where to stay.

what more info do you need ? colour of preffered bed linen , how much is beer , how much do i pay for sex with 1 girl or 2 girls ? maybe im on the wrong forum for you , get a grip .

Edited by dirtycash
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Dumagate seems to be all the rage at the moment with lots of westerners and ex pats, there's a few ex pats with video uploads of their experiences and valuable advice on YouTube. Good luck mate, gotta agree with you... Anywhere is better than pattaya!

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Good forum on the Phills:


thanks but doesnt give me the info in need. have heard manilla is dangerous thats not really a big problem but so is everywhere if your going to be stupid. im wondering has anyone any advice on cebu, accomadation, flights from don muang ?

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Good forum on the Phills:


thanks but doesnt give me the info in need. have heard manilla is dangerous thats not really a big problem but so is everywhere if your going to be stupid. im wondering has anyone any advice on cebu, accomadation, flights from don muang ?

my first trip into Asia has been to Cebu, if my memory serves me right, Cebu city is about 7km from one end to the other. I lived right in the middle of it for three weeks

being a fan of walking, I walked around.. asking directions to locals who do speak good english mostly have been a waste of time in general. nobody walks and nobody knows where is what

you ask a local which way to Ayala mall? "take jeepney 38" is their answer (not the actual jeepney number). you tell them you want to walk, they shrug and don't know how to get there

Cebu has been the first place in my life that was so poluted from all the jeepneys that when I blew my nose, it was grey.

the roads are not kept well, there is tons of trash floating in every single little river I have walked over (I should say run because the smell is horrible, comparable to sitting on top of the sewage grills)

then you have men trying to sell you fake Oakleys, maps and Cialis right in the middle of town. beggar kids that will circle you (some of them pickpockets).

I had my bag of food pulled at when like 8 young kids blocked my path and circled me, they wouldn't leave me alone

what a dirty place really, the locals are superbly unaware that the place is dirty.. It's cleaner than Manila and other places obviously but.. yeah

I told my Cebu friend that I would not go back to Cebu even if I went to the phils and when asked why told her it was a smelly dump and she got super mad, she seems to think it's nice or something

I even thought about paying her a trip to Thailand so she can see how bad it really is.

Filipino food isn't anything special either, it's not bad but it's quite bland, never seen a Filipino restaurant in Canada or America so far

I was told not to take out my $125 piece of trash Samsung Galaxy duos out when outside because I'd get it stolen, especially on jeepneys.

I was supposed to stay in the phils for 2 months, after 3 weeks I gave myself a birthday gift and changed my tickets to get out of there early.

much happier in general in Thailand where I have lived mostly in Cha-am but travelled quite a bit around with my Honda Wave (over 10,000kms in a year)

In my travels I think I have seen only one city in Thailand that I drove through that seemed that run down.

the girls are good looking and speak English in the Philippines but it seems all they want is to get out of there (I don't blame them)

You go to the mall to buy a phone (or probably anything) and get circled by 3-4-5+ attendants all checking you out (well for me at least.)

and I had made my research as to where to go, Manila, Angeles City and Davao were not recommended, Cebu was.

Edited by kekalot
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Don't lose your temper in Philippines, it's taken more serious than Thailand.

Scams are a bit dumber.

Taxis in Cebu City are reliable.

Some towns have very cheap trikes. There are no tuktuks. Angeles city is horrible.

Only the big cities have nightlife. Small towns have a few kareoke machines. I hope you know a few songs!

Boracay is the only beach island with good nightlife.

Cebu and Manila, being the biggest cities, have nightlife with scope.

Manila is more gritty and MUuuch more poor than Bangkok. But wealth is around too especially in makati city. I use Manila to mean the capital region but Manila is technically one of the 10+ cities. I like Malate in Manila best. Somewhere near Robinsons Place mall.

Malls are huge! All over! If you hate malls, tough!

Jeepney fares are 8peso for most trips. You usually get change. I eat at Filipino canteens every morning if I can find one. The key is to go when the food is hot.

Filipinos are not into chili like the Thais.

Hotels are all round a bad deal compared to Thailand, and the service can be bad.

Always smile. They will often smile when scamming you. It won't be more than like a dollar in many cases. Don't worry too much. There are like a million beaches. No good ones near cities because they dump waste in the sea.

It's a seriously messed up country but worth a trip and the English ability makes life so much easier in many ways.

Remember normal low class Filipinos cannot afford nightlife. But you can meet those type on dateinasia.com

Beer is very very very cheap.

Enjoy and don't stay in Manila long, trust me.

Panglao in Bohol is great. Go to tourist places, they are not much more expensive than cities, unlike Thailand.

Boracay is number one if you like lively beach islands.

When you want to get out of a jeepney just bang the roof twice or tap a coin on a metal part.

Great country to travel around. Cheap, especially flights, which link everywhere to Cebu and Manila. Aircon Buses are freezing. Non-air ones are damn uncomfy but I've taken dozens.

Some one mentioned piatnight.com - its the best forum on the internet pretty much.

Good luck and have fun. You can extend tourist visas all you like but the 2nd extension for month 3 is expensive. Don't stay for 65 days or you will regret paying $150 for 6 days! Don't deliberately break immigration law. They put people in jail.

OK I'm done. Cebupacificair.com for domestic flights. Have fun.

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Good forum on the Phills:


thanks but doesnt give me the info in need. have heard manilla is dangerous thats not really a big problem but so is everywhere if your going to be stupid. im wondering has anyone any advice on cebu, accomadation, flights from don muang ?

my first trip into Asia has been to Cebu, if my memory serves me right, Cebu city is about 7km from one end to the other. I lived right in the middle of it for three weeks

being a fan of walking, I walked around.. asking directions to locals who do speak good english mostly have been a waste of time in general. nobody walks and nobody knows where is what

you ask a local which way to Ayala mall? "take jeepney 38" is their answer (not the actual jeepney number). you tell them you want to walk, they shrug and don't know how to get there.)

and I had made my research as to where to go, Manila, Angeles City and Davao were not recommended, Cebu was.

Cebu city , like manila, is to put it nicely a bit of a s**t infested city. It has upsides but the pollution stops me from staying long. It's a good place to meet a girl.

Just take a taxi to pier 2 or 3 and get the fast boat, any company will do, to tagbilaran, then get a motorbike back ride or van to panglao - alona beach.

Or for peace take a bus for bantayan island up in the north of Cebu province. It's stunning. Stay at Beach Placid if on a budget. Beach front. When you get bored, go back to Cebu city and check out camotes island, or siquijor.

Staying in any Filipino city for vacation is a crime. They are noisy and polluted. For work, i can understand. But holidays... Go to the beaches and green areas.

Tagaytay nearer Manila is great if you want to see a volcano. Take a bus from the 5 star bus terminal. Taxis know it. Oh and always flag down a moving taxi if possible, and if he doesn't put the meter on, politely but strongly ask him to stop so you can get off.

I really rarely ask directions from locals but 3G data is in most cities and reliable enough. I just use google maps. Get a sim when you arrive they are dirt cheap. If Globe, dial *143# to get the gosakto menu and pick the minutes data texts you need. Locals text a LOT. so get texts.

Edited by wondercul
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Philippines airline best to Manila approx 7,200 baht return Approx 3hrs do your homework on net where you want to go good subic Bay plenty of bars and expats good info on phils domestic flights with Cebu Air book on net most places about 1.3 hrs date in asia best and free site can pay to have a girl meet you free guide and s.. Guys are right beaches everywhere booking. Com good for places to stay Ermita in Manila for girls, palawan beautiful? Once again booking. Com good luck

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Philippines airline best to Manila approx 7,200 baht return Approx 3hrs do your homework on net where you want to go good subic Bay plenty of bars and expats good info on phils domestic flights with Cebu Air book on net most places about 1.3 hrs date in asia best and free site can pay to have a girl meet you free guide and s.. Guys are right beaches everywhere booking. Com good for places to stay Ermita in Manila for girls, palawan beautiful? Once again booking. Com good luck

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thanks some great info there, borocay sounds nice.

Regarding PIATNIGHT, if you drill down in the local forums list you will find a pretty decent Cebu/Davao sub-forum.

Beware of any really young and cute Cebu girls who initiate contact on DIA. There are a number of scam rings operating out of local internet shops that create false profiles using pics of cute girls either taken on the street or pulled off the net. Don't underestimate them, they can be very skillful at getting money from guys, often never actually asking for money....instead, manipulating the guy into offering to send it. Sorry tales of having to suspend college studies or not being able to afford to take nurses exams are high on the list.

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