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Statement of Service letter from Thai school

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I taught in Thailand from 2007-2010. I have since returned to Australia, and recently completed a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education.

I have registered as a teacher with the local education authority here. I want to prove to the authority that I have prior experience teaching in Thailand. The authority has very strict demands as to what constitutes proof of prior service. They want a letter from the school on official letterhead stating dates I worked at said school, any unpaid leave, etc, etc.

I have emailed the Thai school in Nonthaburi where I was previously employed requesting this statement of service document, outlining the Australian education authority's requirements, and attaching a document from the authority that stipulates their requirements.

I have had no response from the school.

I therefore emailed the Thai Ministry of Education and the Thai Teachers' Council, advised them of my request to the school, and also advised them that I have received no acknowledgement or response from the school.

I have heard nothing back from either of them.

I would very much like to receive this statement of service letter from the Thai school where I previously worked.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what more I can do to attain this letter?

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How about trying to find out if anyone you know still works there? Might be worth making a phone call to the school explaining who you are and asking to speak to someone who was involved in the school's management or the management of the section you worked in. Get a contact name and an email address and draft the letter you want specifying all the information you require and send it to that person and ask them to get it put on notepaper, signed and sealed and returned to you.

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The other thing you can do is actually write the letter for them and ask them to put it on the letterhead and have it signed by the Admin and officially stamped. Of course, this would mean that it would have to go to someone who you know.

I get these types of requests occasionally, but the records aren't readily available. Most of the time, I know the information is correct.

I am pretty sure you will have to have someone go to the school and get it done for you.

A real good one that seems to be the norm here. I wanted a letter of recommendation from my first school, but nobody was capable of writing it...facepalm.gif

So I ended up and wrote my own, the coordinator put the emblem of the school on top, it got signed by the director and all were happy.thumbsup.gif

There must be a way to get in touch with a foreigner who's currently employed there and you might have good luck? wai2.gif

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No one answers English emails in Thailand as most people can't/don't read English let alone compose a reply.

That's a good point, the OP should maybe try to get the original e-mail written in Thai instead, that would likely speed up the process substantially.

Although sending it directly to someone you know, and getting them to take it into the school, in person, would definitely be the best option (Especially if you put the dates etc and then they just needed to put it on letterhead + stamp/sign it).

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I sent the original email to all the management contacts I had at the school. I am no longer in contact with any of the teachers from there anymore, unfortunately.

'No one answers English emails in Thailand as most people can't/don't read English let alone compose a reply.' Yes, possibly correct. However, I sent the original email to the English Programme addresses at the school in question. And regarding the forwarding of the email to the Thai Ministry of Education and the Thai Teachers' Council, I sent them to the Foreign Affairs unit of the Thai Teachers' Council (English language website), and to the 'Contact Us Webmaster' of the Thai Ministry of Education where all the instructions are in English.

I knew I would be lucky to receive any responses...

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