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  1. This the same story published yesterday. When Pattaya police do anything it's so newsworthy it makes headlines on consecutive days.
  2. Riding on the back step is illegal; if I were the assessor for the Insurance company. I'd mention this.
  3. Why is she working at that time of the morning?
  4. Well they're not looking very hard; most sois are brimming with plastic rubbish and dog dirt.
  5. One with no security. Check out the guard on the gate, his sleep patterns and friends.
  6. It's not very interesting as it happens all the time. What is newsworthy, is the last sentence.
  7. I recall a baht bus crash some years ago when multiple children were killed when the driver and his wife had an altercation.
  8. Thank you for this. Because of my hearing disability HMRC have accepted my UK daughter as my proxy. DWP have ignored my frequent email requests. I've contacted an email for complaints twice in the last two months with no success! Like the Thai police they are answerable to no one.
  9. 'Safty First.' This official notice adorns numerous building sites.
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