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Thai Health Ministry to put fresh new warnings on cigarette packets


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Public Health Ministry to put fresh new warnings on cigarette packets

BANGKOK: -- THE PUBLIC Health Ministry will soon introduce new warning messages for all cigarette packets.

The move is based on the conclusion that after three years in use, the current warnings may have become so familiar to smokers that their deterrent effect has been reduced.

It is estimated that there are more than 10 million smokers in Thailand.

"The National Tobacco Control Board has already approved the 10 new warning messages. So we will quickly issue a ministerial regulation to enforce the use of new warnings," Public Health Minister Rajata Rajatanavin said yesterday

Rajata chairs the board

Thai laws require both pictorial and text warnings to be displayed prominently on cigarette packets.

The current warnings say: "Cigarette Smoke Can Kill Children", "Cigarettes Cause Strokes", and "Cigarettes Cause Oral Cancer".

Among the new warning messages are "Cigarette Smoke Contains Ratsbane", "Smoking Causes Liver Cancer", "140 Thais Die of Cigarettes Each Day", and "Children Will Take Their Parents' Smoking Habit".

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Public-Health-Ministry-to-put-fresh-new-warnings-o-30255428.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-06

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The roads kill more innocents, focus on that. If you want to stop people smoking, rather than make people sick with disgusting images, hoick the taxes or just make smoking illegal anywhere but the home. But you don't wanna do that, hey, all that revenue!

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They just changed the laws for packing cigarettes to display about 85% of it with warning labels. Now they are saying its not deterring smokers so new pics and warnings are needed. How stupid can these people be that they can not comprehend that all they are doing will not stop or slow down the sales of cigarettes

At most it may stop some from tryin them but even that is questionable since most youth follow peers and role models examples and not some pic showing overly diseased cancers. They never saw those for real. This action is just another waste of time.

They should instead raise prices and use the money on efforts to help people stop smoking.

And yes! I am a smoker too amd i laugh at the warnings and pics they now use here

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same old same veilled anger from the smoking addicts interupt their dossage or challenge thier addiction,, and watch out:blink:

maybe JUST MAYBE if the new.labels were to put say just 10 kids off smoking cos the new labels aint quite so

socially acceptable ie.cool. it'll be worth it?

Dont know how accurate it was, normally they're good but a women on radio 4 today reckon one out of two smokers die because of it!!.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"thou mammering, onion-eyed ratsbane."

It's just arsenic, in case anyone's wondering. But wait ... there's an idea ... to stop people smoking ... !!! More ratsbane in the fags (or more Shakespeare quotes on the packets smile.png).

You're on form today!! This post and the one about the 30% graft ineptitude have brightened my day. thumbsup.gif

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same old same veilled anger from the smoking addicts interupt their dossage or challenge thier addiction,, and watch out:blink:

maybe JUST MAYBE if the new.labels were to put say just 10 kids off smoking cos the new labels aint quite so

socially acceptable ie.cool. it'll be worth it?

Dont know how accurate it was, normally they're good but a women on radio 4 today reckon one out of two smokers die because of it!!.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All good banter but the fact remains that labeling DOES NOT work. How about some labels depicting the health damage from farmers burning, or some measures to stop people emitting fumes from polluting cars. That wont work either because people don't care.

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How about putting warnings on the stinking songthaews - people actually dies from their monsterpollution, wake up trafficpolice (even tho there is no Money in it for you) and do your job just for once ....

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Hey, how about this. Every time they blur out on TV or at the movie house someone with a cigarette in hand or mouth, insert within the bur the

words English or Thai, "Smoking KIlls"........same with the stupid burring of an alcohol drink, "Alcohol Kills"......plain and simple!

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same old same veilled anger from the smoking addicts interupt their dossage or challenge thier addiction,, and watch out:blink:

maybe JUST MAYBE if the new.labels were to put say just 10 kids off smoking cos the new labels aint quite so

socially acceptable ie.cool. it'll be worth it?

Dont know how accurate it was, normally they're good but a women on radio 4 today reckon one out of two smokers die because of it!!.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All good banter but the fact remains that labeling DOES NOT work. How about some labels depicting the health damage from farmers burning, or some measures to stop people emitting fumes from polluting cars. That wont work either because people don't care.

l it aint banter theyre points and you address none of them. and depends what you

define as 'work'

it works in the sense that it stops the ciggie packets looking quite so good. and the rest of your 'points' arent to do with ciggies. stick to the point.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Meanwhile in the booze section~ all is open for display for children to see.

yep ARGUABLY, not societies finest


oments legalising booze.and ciggies.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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same old same veilled anger from the smoking addicts interupt their dossage or challenge thier addiction,, and watch out:blink:

maybe JUST MAYBE if the new.labels were to put say just 10 kids off smoking cos the new labels aint quite so

socially acceptable ie.cool. it'll be worth it?

Dont know how accurate it was, normally they're good but a women on radio 4 today reckon one out of two smokers die because of it!!.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

All good banter but the fact remains that labeling DOES NOT work. How about some labels depicting the health damage from farmers burning, or some measures to stop people emitting fumes from polluting cars. That wont work either because people don't care.

To say that plain packaging and health picture warnings on cigarette packets DOES NOT WORK is disengenious. The jury is still out on this one. It's less than 3 years since Australia introduced this, much more time and data will be needed before a result is known, however the Oz Health Authorities indicate initial results are encouraging.

If they don't work as you say, why then is big tobbacco fighting tooth and nail through the Courts and using every trick known to man to try and stop further legislation of this sort around the World?

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I'd like to see pictures of microwaved brains on new mobile devices or large poster sized pictures of horrific car pile ups posted on the windshields of new cars and motosighs. blink.png

Rather ironic, futile, not to mention useless, the health ministry's obsession with trying to stop people from smoking when many parts of the country spend day after day enveloped in a toxic cloud that causes many to have headaches, stomach problems, aches and pains in the body and fatigue 24/7 because apparently no government has ever provided adequate refuse collection.The cloud is smoke from burning plastic garbage, sometimes mixed with pesticide when spraying of the fields is going on.

When the wind doesn't blow our area is shrouded for days in these foul clouds. If I go into to town for an hour or two, suddenly I feel fine, no headache, nothing as does anyone who has gone with me. In town the garbage is collected, so no need to burn it. Despite there being options to recycle plastic in my area and sell it for a few satang, people don't seem to understand what they are doing to themselves and often can't be bothered. They chuckle at my suggestion that burning plastic right next to your house is the reason they are literally turning green with dark purple rings around their eyes.

Without genuine interest and care for people's health, without leadership from the health ministry to tackle the real problems people face from smoke inhalation, it wouldn't surprise me if we saw an epidemic of all kinds of diseases that could easily be prevented just from the burning plastic alone. People will just quietly die in their fifties at home without proper care. Too many people around here who are middle aged, i.e, much too young, dying of cancer. Many of them don't smoke either. It wouldn't surprise me if Some of it is years of very poor diet choices or years of eating chemical saturated cheap processed foods, unfit for export, but people around here are poisoning and fumigating themselves to death with glee and can't be asked to do anything to stop it. Meanwhile the Ministry of Health seems to have no inkling as to what is happening nationwide with smoke inhalation and is instead absorbed in Photoshop projects preparing hundreds of pictures of diseased organs.

At least in the case of smoking cigarettes we have a choice to not do it. With breathing in toxic smoke daily, people don't have a choice. It is being forced on them by neglect and perhaps even some kind of passive aggressive malicious intent.

And in Bangkok these very same ministry offcials are doubtlessly being stewed in vehicular exhausts. The righteous pictures of cancerous organs on cigarettes packs are likely the state of their own organs whether they smoke or not and it is just from sitting in traffic to and from the ministry 5 days a week, living near a major congested road, living in a neighborhood choked with bar-b-que smoke, or unregulated emissions from a factory or giant shopping mall. At least something might be done about refuse collection. Even farmers are now part of the consumer economy and amass plastic packaging waste in great heaps.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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Why not force manufacturers to not put Ratsbane or any number of chemicals in the product, so that the consumers stay alive longer to pay more taxes?

Anyone who smokes here - without looking at the packet, do you recall which image is on it at this very moment? I wouldn't know. It's a bit like looking at the mantlepiece whilst poking the fire.

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Why not force manufacturers to not put Ratsbane or any number of chemicals in the product, so that the consumers stay alive longer to pay more taxes?

Anyone who smokes here - without looking at the packet, do you recall which image is on it at this very moment? I wouldn't know. It's a bit like looking at the mantlepiece whilst poking the fire.

it aint the current addicts

they are aiming it at, although to non users smokers do look rather dumb using and carrying stuff that is quite clearly marked dangerous. its the kids ,the first time smokers its aimed at ,making the packets less visually appealling may put some off. which is a good thing, yes?

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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TYpical bureaucratic BS. Instead of campaigning about Public Health issues that really matter, ie, strategically placing sufficient public trash cans on every street corner; creating new jobs and hiring people to maintain same; then (significantly) raising the public health consciousness (via the PM's Friday nite broadcasts) to actually use those trashcans, for a upgrade in cognitive (beginning @ the top) processing skills, for a change. The abundant street flooding from rainfall would be dramatically decreased, for a positive public health result coffee1.gif

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No matter how many health warnings are placed on cigarette packets, most will ignore them. The reason being is because the majority of smokers believe that the odds of contracting a smoker related disease are slim, as it`s always going to happen to the other fella before them.

As one poster rightly commented, price the things up so it becomes financially unviable to smoke. I also believe that if the Government really cared, they would subsidise the cost of anti smoking products, such as, nicotine patches and gum and other products to help wean the addicts off the weed. Presently these products are ultra expensive and perhaps many may say that it`s probably cheaper to smoke, therefore there has to be some financial incentive to use substitutes rather than tobacco.

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