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Thai police blame Red Shirt 'network' for Bangkok blasts


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"Based on our investigation they have links with the Red Shirts," he told AFP.

It is highly irresponsible for the police to be making statements like this without a thorough and complete investigation and then a trail. This statement is calculated to inflame people against the Red Shirts and it is yet another indication that no one in this government wants reconciliation.

There needs to be proof, not suspicion. You cannot draw a line from TWO PEOPLE to an entire movement. Maybe these two are associated with the red shirts and maybe they went out and did this on their own with the backing of one or two other rogue elements. Maybe they have nothing to do with the Red Shirts, but want to make it look that way.

It is so completely obvious the entire police force has now lined up behind the new government like good little toy soldiers.

"Based on our investigation they have links with the Red Shirts," he told AFP.

Whats wrong with that, because its the truth maybe ?

What has it got to do with an entire movement and anyway what is this movement ?

As of now it consists of a few paid 'leaders' with none of them really wanting to be seen as in charge.

Thida got out and Jutaporn didn't want the job and was forced to take it as no one else wanted it.

The two who have been arrested have apparently said they were previously supporting the reds, they have also said they were paid to do the grenade throwing and have named the one who paid them, that one also has links to the reds so the police are now following the leads they have, normal police work, right.

Please explain who the police should be lined up with if not the government and the army who are enforcing the law.

Perhaps you think they should still be loyal to a convicted criminal on the run and his red shirts as they were before, like in this photo :


Yes that's the police boss (now ex) who had a picture on his wall of Thaksin pinning on his badge of rank. Together with the 'catch me if you can' red leader, nice cuddly friends eh.

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Ahhh, Jatuporn. Why should Thai's believe him. At least he should be thanked for not mentioning blood, death, sacrifice, training militia up north or killing this time which is usually synonymous with him.

He also states he is a principled man, but he isn't so why should we believe him here?

In fact UDD principle #6 states "Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve our objectives". And then we have our resident blooded pit bull UDD leader state "There will be blood on the streets. Our patience is running out. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood". Yet we should believe him here? He is a man that was born to lead innocent people to their deaths and he wants us to believe him when he said his 7% supporter base is not responsible for these bombs.

This guy goes into hiding saying he is "sick" when his bail hearing was being reviewed and miraculously recovers as soon as he finds we won't be going back to jail. (just yet). Shows absolute contempt for the law and the courts in the process and we should believe him here when he said they did not bomb the court house?

If we can thank martial law for one thing that is that we do not have to hear Jatuporn in the news everyday threatening violence, defending terrorists or describing the militia that was being trained up north last year. For that alone I thank Prayut.

Pretty sure that one of the airport seizers has continually said he was unfit to attend any courts appearance and was too sick but let's not make comparisons eh Jamie?

As for having to listen to Jutaporn daily, I take it the off button doesn't work on your TV like it did mine? I also live in Issan and if I didn't want to listen or watch the politics roadshow I just didn't watch them, were you unable to turn of the rants and raves of Juttaporn and co and that a lot of what you claim are indeed figments of your extremely vivid imagination?

Contempt for the law Young man? Says the guy who rides his moped without a helmet as you have posted on a number of occasions, rather selective are we not? [emoji6] pretty sure staging occupations of government locations were also against the law, but that's okay isn't it it's fine if you break the law for the right beleifs isn't it? I think a coup is also classed as breaking the law, but hey that's for a good reason too eh?

I would rather see the likes of Juttaporn and Co locked up, along with his counterparts who held the country to ransom and escalated the planned coup, oh yeah didn't suthep state the coup was planned ages ago?

You see Jamie, your a guy who cries like a bitch when things are not right or in your favour, but never had the balls to do anything about them, but expect the sympathy from those who swallow your Walter Mitty crap.

It's funny that you stated you hated having to listen to him, and yet I doubt you even speak read or write Thai, but have an ignore function on TVF which you use freely as I do to you that you couldn't implement ignoring the red TV shows in your own home, so you're full of bovine scatology young man.

But but but Suthep. Whatever Suthep did or didn't do, does not excuse Jatuporn.

Were you here in 2010 Haggis? Have you seen the videos or read the speeches of this nasty thug? A scumbag whose made a fortune out of being a paid leader of thugs for the Shins. Jatuporn has so far managed to avoid the jail - something he would not achieve in most countries.

Another of Thaksin's "leaders" who like is boss prefers to lead from the back. All mouth and trousers as we used to say.

Same as Suthep all mouth and coward as a rat.

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I think at this juncture the urge to place blame on anyone party I will adopt with caution , for after 35 years if one lesson I have found the RTP have had it wrong before, many bloody times before , just recently a police commander couldn't help himself and frothing at the mouth announced to all that would listen that the suspects were not Asian going on the DNA results, I rest my case.coffee1.gif


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People here believing what they want to believe without a shred of evidence. Even the glorious PM has been mum on the matter. I will wait to see what comes out in court. Maybe they Red-affiliated or maybe they're not. We have only the rather vague statements of one police officer. I'm also interested in the 'interrogation techniques' used by the police to extract the supposed confessions - but that's a whole other topic.

Just remember that Timothy McVeigh had formerly been a member of the Republican Party ... that doesn't mean he was acting on behalf of that party when he blew up the building in Oklahoma City all those years ago.

Don't know how you come to the conclusion that there is no evidence.

There was intelligence that there were plots being hatched and the two now in custody were implicated and being followed, they were seen throwing the grenade, they exchanged gunfire with police and troops, came off second best and were arrested.

We know these are facts.

On questioning they said they had links to the reds and named the ones who gave them the grenade and showed them how to use it, they named the one who would pay them when the job was done, but that's only what the police say and they cant be trusted nearly as much as Jutaporn, can they.

What makes you think the police needed a confession when they saw them throw the grenade and were actually in a gunfight with them I would have thought that would have been fairly convincing proof that they did these things.

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When there is evil the followers of Thaksin are behind it.

We have enough examples in the past years and I have no doubt about their evil intentions.

I would be very happy to see the likes of Jatuporn, behind bars one of these days.

There does not seem to be any real evidence

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People here believing what they want to believe without a shred of evidence. Even the glorious PM has been mum on the matter. I will wait to see what comes out in court. Maybe they Red-affiliated or maybe they're not. We have only the rather vague statements of one police officer. I'm also interested in the 'interrogation techniques' used by the police to extract the supposed confessions - but that's a whole other topic.

Just remember that Timothy McVeigh had formerly been a member of the Republican Party ... that doesn't mean he was acting on behalf of that party when he blew up the building in Oklahoma City all those years ago.

Incidentally the PM has commented on this.


Try to keep up.

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What do they expect, they stole the country from a peoples elected government? If they think people will sit back and so nothing forever, they are only trying to fool themselves. Mankind is famous for committing violence on people that steal. Whats the first thing that happens when a thief gets caught by a crowd, yup they beat the shit out of him. This is just the beginning boys.....

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How is the bombing at the Siam Paragon linked to the grenade thrown on this incident. Have they caught the three unnamed people that an arrest warrant was issued on, that was certainly connected to an army (red/black shirt) ranger currently in prison, that was further the MO of no less than 3 redshirt organizations?

Lets take a look at fact, not fiction. The two devices in Siam Paragon were crude devises made from easily acquired materials, no one has been arrested and the last I heard on solving the case was when the Junta had the case 70% solved, weeks ago. However this unsolved mystery is continually attributed to the reds and is linked to this incident but no facts given thus far as well as no arrest.

On the other hand the grenade attack is from a manufactured item (RKG5) with variations made by numerous countries and is not standard issue to soldiers in Thailand. Most likely was smuggled into the country. From evidence seen by us TVF sleuths the MO's have yet to show any connection as the Siam Paragon investigation has thus far lacked motive.

The only link that I see is the need for continued martial law.

Now both incidents could well have been done by the reds, I don't know but there is obviously a "missing link" thus far.

Just because they haven't told you doesn't mean there is no link.

They say they have found a link, give them time to carry out a proper investigation as they have said they are doing.

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How is the bombing at the Siam Paragon linked to the grenade thrown on this incident. Have they caught the three unnamed people that an arrest warrant was issued on, that was certainly connected to an army (red/black shirt) ranger currently in prison, that was further the MO of no less than 3 redshirt organizations?

Lets take a look at fact, not fiction. The two devices in Siam Paragon were crude devises made from easily acquired materials, no one has been arrested and the last I heard on solving the case was when the Junta had the case 70% solved, weeks ago. However this unsolved mystery is continually attributed to the reds and is linked to this incident but no facts given thus far as well as no arrest.

On the other hand the grenade attack is from a manufactured item (RKG5) with variations made by numerous countries and is not standard issue to soldiers in Thailand. Most likely was smuggled into the country. From evidence seen by us TVF sleuths the MO's have yet to show any connection as the Siam Paragon investigation has thus far lacked motive.

The only link that I see is the need for continued martial law.

Now both incidents could well have been done by the reds, I don't know but there is obviously a "missing link" thus far.

Just because they haven't told you doesn't mean there is no link.

They say they have found a link, give them time to carry out a proper investigation as they have said they are doing.

Robby please, you have been around a long time. When have the Thai authorities current or past missed an opportunity for a photo op and name recognition? But at least you do agree the link has yet to be shown, as am sure you would have definitely posted a link in your noted thoroughness of research, which I do appreciate.

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

Maybe if the alliances of army, courts and powers that be stopped overthrowing their elected Governments for nefarious reasons, they would not have reason to turn to violence.

Through 80 years of failed democracy the one constant throughout that period is the military meddling.......make of that what you will when assessing the current disenfranchisement and chaos in the entire system.

Trying to defend the indefensible Smutcakes?. You failed again. Thaksin thinks, PTP (UDDetc) acts!

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When there is evil the followers of Thaksin are behind it.

We have enough examples in the past years and I have no doubt about their evil intentions.

I would be very happy to see the likes of Jatuporn, behind bars one of these days.

Must be comforting to live in a simple, black-and-white world, Costas. I envy you.

Better than living in a red(shirt) world, though, eh?

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

Using babies as human shields? That's Hamas you're thinking of.

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I guess the police have to say something... As it seems to be the military doing the police's work for them. They say it's from the same redshirt people that were responsible for the pipe bomb blasts? How do they know? Only a week ago they didn't have a clue who was responsible for that either. What a crock of sh*te

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

And taking over airports also? What about Suthep and his mob? The thuggery is not always on the one side.

How many people died in the airport takeover? Thuggery is on both sides but they are not equal - drop the false equivalency.

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How is the bombing at the Siam Paragon linked to the grenade thrown on this incident. Have they caught the three unnamed people that an arrest warrant was issued on, that was certainly connected to an army (red/black shirt) ranger currently in prison, that was further the MO of no less than 3 redshirt organizations?

Lets take a look at fact, not fiction. The two devices in Siam Paragon were crude devises made from easily acquired materials, no one has been arrested and the last I heard on solving the case was when the Junta had the case 70% solved, weeks ago. However this unsolved mystery is continually attributed to the reds and is linked to this incident but no facts given thus far as well as no arrest.

On the other hand the grenade attack is from a manufactured item (RKG5) with variations made by numerous countries and is not standard issue to soldiers in Thailand. Most likely was smuggled into the country. From evidence seen by us TVF sleuths the MO's have yet to show any connection as the Siam Paragon investigation has thus far lacked motive.

The only link that I see is the need for continued martial law.

Now both incidents could well have been done by the reds, I don't know but there is obviously a "missing link" thus far.

As they say, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. Yet another justification for the continued extension of martial law. Great to see all the anti Shin family posters here have another story to bitch about while ignoring Thailand's political history, both recent and past. If you take time to to do a bit of research you may find TS has more +'s than -'s. Most of us who are aware of Thai history/politics are at this moment censored in telling the truth about what is really happening now. We have no say in the matter. "Up to you" and mai pen rai. Have a good night and "don't ting too much"

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

And taking over airports also? What about Suthep and his mob? The thuggery is not always on the one side.

were they shooting at the stranded passengers then....coffee1.gif

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If you take time to to do a bit of research you may find TS has more +'s than -'s.


Or you may not. I suppose it depends on how seriously you take his -'s and his +'s.

Personally I'm very happy that he will be brought to account for his crimes if he ever decides to return. But he needs the odds stacked in his favour first, and that didn't even happen when his own people were running the government, and despite the biscuit tins of cash. That's why he'll remain a fugitive forever, that and the refusal to lose face and own up.

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How is the bombing at the Siam Paragon linked to the grenade thrown on this incident. Have they caught the three unnamed people that an arrest warrant was issued on, that was certainly connected to an army (red/black shirt) ranger currently in prison, that was further the MO of no less than 3 redshirt organizations?

Lets take a look at fact, not fiction. The two devices in Siam Paragon were crude devises made from easily acquired materials, no one has been arrested and the last I heard on solving the case was when the Junta had the case 70% solved, weeks ago. However this unsolved mystery is continually attributed to the reds and is linked to this incident but no facts given thus far as well as no arrest.

On the other hand the grenade attack is from a manufactured item (RKG5) with variations made by numerous countries and is not standard issue to soldiers in Thailand. Most likely was smuggled into the country. From evidence seen by us TVF sleuths the MO's have yet to show any connection as the Siam Paragon investigation has thus far lacked motive.

The only link that I see is the need for continued martial law.

Now both incidents could well have been done by the reds, I don't know but there is obviously a "missing link" thus far.

As they say, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. Yet another justification for the continued extension of martial law. Great to see all the anti Shin family posters here have another story to bitch about while ignoring Thailand's political history, both recent and past. If you take time to to do a bit of research you may find TS has more +'s than -'s. Most of us who are aware of Thai history/politics are at this moment censored in telling the truth about what is really happening now. We have no say in the matter. "Up to you" and mai pen rai. Have a good night and "don't ting too much"

You're obviously a well researched and balanced reasoner.

So please, help us out and give us the benefit of all your hard research. Kindly list all the +'s and -'s you believe appertain to TS for our illumination.

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Ahhh, Jatuporn. Why should Thai's believe him. At least he should be thanked for not mentioning blood, death, sacrifice, training militia up north or killing this time which is usually synonymous with him.

He also states he is a principled man, but he isn't so why should we believe him here?

In fact UDD principle #6 states "Using exclusively non-violent means to achieve our objectives". And then we have our resident blooded pit bull UDD leader state "There will be blood on the streets. Our patience is running out. The dark sky will turn red, red like blood". Yet we should believe him here? He is a man that was born to lead innocent people to their deaths and he wants us to believe him when he said his 7% supporter base is not responsible for these bombs.

This guy goes into hiding saying he is "sick" when his bail hearing was being reviewed and miraculously recovers as soon as he finds we won't be going back to jail. (just yet). Shows absolute contempt for the law and the courts in the process and we should believe him here when he said they did not bomb the court house?

If we can thank martial law for one thing that is that we do not have to hear Jatuporn in the news everyday threatening violence, defending terrorists or describing the militia that was being trained up north last year. For that alone I thank Prayut.

Pretty sure that one of the airport seizers has continually said he was unfit to attend any courts appearance and was too sick but let's not make comparisons eh Jamie?

As for having to listen to Jutaporn daily, I take it the off button doesn't work on your TV like it did mine? I also live in Issan and if I didn't want to listen or watch the politics roadshow I just didn't watch them, were you unable to turn of the rants and raves of Juttaporn and co and that a lot of what you claim are indeed figments of your extremely vivid imagination?

Contempt for the law Young man? Says the guy who rides his moped without a helmet as you have posted on a number of occasions, rather selective are we not? ? pretty sure staging occupations of government locations were also against the law, but that's okay isn't it it's fine if you break the law for the right beleifs isn't it? I think a coup is also classed as breaking the law, but hey that's for a good reason too eh?

I would rather see the likes of Juttaporn and Co locked up, along with his counterparts who held the country to ransom and escalated the planned coup, oh yeah didn't suthep state the coup was planned ages ago?

You see Jamie, your a guy who cries like a bitch when things are not right or in your favour, but never had the balls to do anything about them, but expect the sympathy from those who swallow your Walter Mitty crap.

It's funny that you stated you hated having to listen to him, and yet I doubt you even speak read or write Thai, but have an ignore function on TVF which you use freely as I do to you that you couldn't implement ignoring the red TV shows in your own home, so you're full of bovine scatology young man.

But but but Suthep. Whatever Suthep did or didn't do, does not excuse Jatuporn.

Were you here in 2010 Haggis? Have you seen the videos or read the speeches of this nasty thug? A scumbag whose made a fortune out of being a paid leader of thugs for the Shins. Jatuporn has so far managed to avoid the jail - something he would not achieve in most countries.

Another of Thaksin's "leaders" who like is boss prefers to lead from the back. All mouth and trousers as we used to say.

I hope that's not an attempt to say if your were not here then you know nothing argument?

You are not reading me too well, many times I've said that Juttaporn and his ilk need to be reeled in and dealt with severely but you know as well as I do, in Thailand money talks and crimina walk.

Don't make the mistake that because I've only been here a country living a couple of years I don't do my research both in and out of the country.

I've no time for hate speeches but face it, both sides use them to rile up their audiences it's called rhetoric and sabre rattling 90% of the ones making these speeches are cowards and bottom feeders, Juttaporn is no different.

Tell me this much, what can you do today, that will make a difference to how Thailand as a country will be tomorrow?

I agree with a lot of what you say, I just refuse to wear any team colours as none of them are worth my effort ?

No Haggis - but if you were here, the experience certainly adds to what can be researched later.

None of us can do anything to make a difference - Thais have to work things out for themselves; but are not easy or comfortable with seeking advice especially from foreigners.

I agree - I don't wear team colors. But people like this lowlife are the worst possible, screwing the poor and enriching themselves whilst lying through their teeth. The UDD/PTP/Shin Clan movement, whatever you want to call it, have shown time and time again their disrespect for the law and willingness to do anything to further their own agenda, which is themselves. The end always justifies the means to these types.

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"The Red Shirts is a grassroots political movement"


Since when is an organization founded by, funded by, and directed by a fugitive convicted felon billionaire former PM a 'grass roots' political movement?


Edited by rametindallas
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As they say, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. Yet another justification for the continued extension of martial law. Great to see all the anti Shin family posters here have another story to bitch about while ignoring Thailand's political history, both recent and past. If you take time to to do a bit of research you may find TS has more +'s than -'s. Most of us who are aware of Thai history/politics are at this moment censored in telling the truth about what is really happening now. We have no say in the matter. "Up to you" and mai pen rai. Have a good night and "don't ting too much"

TS has more +'s than -'s, mostly on his bank balance. Do you think he understands the concept of altruism?

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"Based on our investigation they have links with the Red Shirts," he told AFP.

It is highly irresponsible for the police to be making statements like this without a thorough and complete investigation and then a trail. This statement is calculated to inflame people against the Red Shirts and it is yet another indication that no one in this government wants reconciliation.

There needs to be proof, not suspicion. You cannot draw a line from TWO PEOPLE to an entire movement. Maybe these two are associated with the red shirts and maybe they went out and did this on their own with the backing of one or two other rogue elements. Maybe they have nothing to do with the Red Shirts, but want to make it look that way.

It is so completely obvious the entire police force has now lined up behind the new government like good little toy soldiers.

Incorrect. Only the new top brass are in with the new government. The vast majority of the rank and file, especially in the North and NE are not, and intensely dislike what is currently going on.

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Police blame them and so do I. They are always the ones blowing things up, burning things down, using babies as human shields. You say "democracy" - I say "thuggery". If they are the "democracy" then I'll take the army.

Maybe if the alliances of army, courts and powers that be stopped overthrowing their elected Governments for nefarious reasons, they would not have reason to turn to violence.

Through 80 years of failed democracy the one constant throughout that period is the military meddling.......make of that what you will when assessing the current disenfranchisement and chaos in the entire system.

Maybe if those "elected" governments did not break the laws of the country then perhaps they would still be in power instead of being disbanded for electoral fraud.

Perhaps if those "elected" governments were open, moral, transparent and served ALL of the people of Thailand they would still be in power.

Maybe I am dreaming or perhaps you are but please tell us all WHY those last pile of Thaksin controlled gocernments were disbanded.

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There's a confusing version in the BP where a senior police officer claims they knew about the blasts in advance but I'm presuming he meant they knew there were to be bombs but not where they would be placed.

It would be the height of irresponsibility to know where the bombs would be but do nothing to prevent their detonation.

I'm sure certain posters will be upset if I mention that of course we're talking about the BIB.

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