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US: GOP tries to undercut nuclear deal with warning to Iran


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Unlike you most Europeans arnt racists any more we grew up, get over yourself, the hatred and the Xenophobia dosnt become you.

Oh and I wouldnt worry about Europe too much, its seen much worse extremism over the Millennia and religious dogma, and so what if in a few generations nearly everyone is just brown/Asian/White mix and all that are still religious ( if any ) are muslim ? it wont bother me ill be long dead and the world will keep on turning.

Besides Islam will burn itself out like Christianity, Catholicism and Judaism and become assimilated and moderate for those left following it, the world is moving beyond what god matters complex, None of the religions see it and thats just great because its been happening for centuries, a few more wont make any difference in the direction, unless god pops up somewhere and then just as likely to be an alien....

I repeat the rest of the P5+1 is going ahead and wants managed stability and trade not war, get used to it and more countries with nuclear power projects. Its called......growing civilization and meeting its ever increasing less polluting power needs in the 21st century... The dinosaur republicans had better wake up and adapt before they find themselves a party of the last century with no future in the present.

"Unlike you most Europeans arnt racists..."

Arabs are the same race I am. They are caucasian. And your race card point is?

The rest of your post is outrageous. Islamists aren't going away until people send them away. More likely they will continue to grow with the objective of world domination under their neanderthal laws and lack of human rights.

Many people on TVF will live to see London under Islamic laws. This is going to get worse and worse because too many people believe what you believe.

When your living room is full of deadly snakes you start killing them or at the least moving them out. You can't make nice with them.

The PC naivete I see in the midst of an islamic extremist war against the West in astounding.

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Unlike you most Europeans arnt racists any more we grew up, get over yourself, the hatred and the Xenophobia dosnt become you.

Oh and I wouldnt worry about Europe too much, its seen much worse extremism over the Millennia and religious dogma, and so what if in a few generations nearly everyone is just brown/Asian/White mix and all that are still religious ( if any ) are muslim ? it wont bother me ill be long dead and the world will keep on turning.

Besides Islam will burn itself out like Christianity, Catholicism and Judaism and become assimilated and moderate for those left following it, the world is moving beyond what god matters complex, None of the religions see it and thats just great because its been happening for centuries, a few more wont make any difference in the direction, unless god pops up somewhere and then just as likely to be an alien....

I repeat the rest of the P5+1 is going ahead and wants managed stability and trade not war, get used to it and more countries with nuclear power projects. Its called......growing civilization and meeting its ever increasing less polluting power needs in the 21st century... The dinosaur republicans had better wake up and adapt before they find themselves a party of the last century with no future in the present.

"Unlike you most Europeans arnt racists..."

Arabs are the same race I am. They are caucasian. And your race card point is?

The rest of your post is outrageous. Islamists aren't going away until people send them away. More likely they will continue to grow with the objective of world domination under their neanderthal laws and lack of human rights.

Many people on TVF will live to see London under Islamic laws. This is going to get worse and worse because too many people believe what you believe.

When your living room is full of deadly snakes you start killing them or at the least moving them out. You can't make nice with them.

The PC naivete I see in the midst of an islamic extremist war against the West in astounding.

No one to the left of Attila the Hun thinks that because it equals overkill of those who are different, and a lot of civilizations and societies over the past thousand years have moved well to the left of Attila. Not every citizen everywhere has however made this migration successfully.

.Republicans, conservatives, right wingers used to criticize the so-called PC stuff on ideological and philosophical grounds almost entirely, saying it was simply statist conformism to some opposite philosophy or ideology from the politically proper left that supposedly likes rules, regulations, the nanny state etc etc blah blah.

Now however, with the advent of the tea party within the Republican party, so called PC has become the Trojan Horse of the imams and the Grim Reaper of Western civilization, society, culture, life.

The extreme on the right is in this respect trampling out new and expanding ground over there that constantly and continually moves them further and further toward the ultimate right end of the political spectrum.

Among the several new ideologies that developed circa 1850 and remain with us today, the most extreme and opposite are the modern far left and far right. Contrary to Marx's forecast, communism has always found fertile soil in rural agricultural societies that have been significantly feudal. Fascism however has always festered and developed out of the industrial societies, economies, civilizations -- its appeal being to the middle classes.

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So basically you support nukes for Iran.


Yes I do

Then the lawless president is your man, but the American people do not agree with you.

Well that is odd as I am a American? So are all my family & friends yet they all think the same as me wink.png

meh..........That is why I never post links to some BS poll....We can always find one that agrees with us if we look wink.png

That aside we all have opinions & polls never include all of us

How You dare to question Foxnews polls?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes that freedom, liberty & lower taxes are horrible.

I think I'll choose the left wing nanny state.

Yes that freedom, liberty & lower taxes are horrible.

I think I'll choose the left wing nanny state.

When you choose the left wing nanny state you get lots of free stuff.

The PC tea party far right mindset is childishly stubborn, the self-appointed defender of the reactionary faith. I'm now watching the tea party crazies drag the morose center right Republicans out to the precipice, the political brink.The whole of the right is welcome to it as it is digging its own political grave.

The PC right has become a fiercely ideological wrecking crew, demolishing the Constitution for Bibi Netanyahu and trying to shatter a peace agreement by siding with the radical imams and Revolutionary Guard in Tehran. The far extreme right knows no bounds so it has appointed itself sovereign.

I'm preparing for what the ferocious fringe extreme far right will do after the next election in 2016 subsequent to the crushing rout the voters will have put upon it. It is a long way yet to election day in November of next year but all the Republican right is doing is charging into brick walls. One after the other.

Groundhogs, almost all of 'em. So many groundhogs the party will get flushed by the clear majority of the electorate.

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Unlike you most Europeans arnt racists any more we grew up, get over yourself, the hatred and the Xenophobia dosnt become you.

Oh and I wouldnt worry about Europe too much, its seen much worse extremism over the Millennia and religious dogma, and so what if in a few generations nearly everyone is just brown/Asian/White mix and all that are still religious ( if any ) are muslim ? it wont bother me ill be long dead and the world will keep on turning.

Besides Islam will burn itself out like Christianity, Catholicism and Judaism and become assimilated and moderate for those left following it, the world is moving beyond what god matters complex, None of the religions see it and thats just great because its been happening for centuries, a few more wont make any difference in the direction, unless god pops up somewhere and then just as likely to be an alien....

I repeat the rest of the P5+1 is going ahead and wants managed stability and trade not war, get used to it and more countries with nuclear power projects. Its called......growing civilization and meeting its ever increasing less polluting power needs in the 21st century... The dinosaur republicans had better wake up and adapt before they find themselves a party of the last century with no future in the present.

"Unlike you most Europeans arnt racists..."

Arabs are the same race I am. They are caucasian. And your race card point is?

The rest of your post is outrageous. Islamists aren't going away until people send them away. More likely they will continue to grow with the objective of world domination under their neanderthal laws and lack of human rights.

Many people on TVF will live to see London under Islamic laws. This is going to get worse and worse because too many people believe what you believe.

When your living room is full of deadly snakes you start killing them or at the least moving them out. You can't make nice with them.

The PC naivete I see in the midst of an islamic extremist war against the West in astounding.

Kill all the Muslims (snakes)? What's astounding is the simplicity of the conservative thought process.

Interesting that whenever the racism is pointed out, liberals are playing the race card. Virtually every policy supported by the Republicans is either racist, misogynistic or both. Start with the ridiculous voter ID laws, immigration laws, right to life BS, etc, etc, etc.

It's the old white guy party and no one else need apply.

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Keep GitMo open for the traitors. § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments. Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

I wouldn't yet classify these Senators as traitors, but their action was certainly traitorous. They were paid by AIPAC to sign it, and probably didn't fully realize the consequences of the letter they signed.

It's becoming increasingly apparent that the Israeli Lobby, the politicians who do their bidding, and other "Israel Firsters" are a fifth column operating within the US.

These scum need to be culled from the rest of us who put America, Americans and America's interests first..

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I wouldn't yet classify these Senators as traitors, but their action was certainly traitorous. They were paid by AIPAC to sign it, and probably didn't fully realize the consequences of the letter they signed.

Please provide some evidence from a CREDIBLE source or stop continually posting blatant lies.

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Iran does not directly threaten Israel's existence.

Of course they do and their are dozens of quotes by numerous officials and THE SUPREME LEADER to back it up, not just "one". Why do the haters of Israel have to constantly lie to make their points?

In a Friday sermon on Dec. 15, 2000, Khamenei declared, Irans position, which was first expressed by the Imam [Khomeini]is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region. A month later, he repeated his message. The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region.

More recently, on Nov. 20, 2013, Khamenei told an assembly of some 50,000 Basij militiamen that Israel was ready to fall. The Zionist regime is a regime whose pillars are extremely shaky and is doomed to collapse, he said. Israelis, he added, should not be called humans.




Edited by Ulysses G.
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Iran does not directly threaten Israel's existence.

Of course they do and their are dozens of quotes by numerous officials and THE SUPREME LEADER to back it up, not just "one". Why do the haters of Israel have to constantly lie to make their points?

In a Friday sermon on Dec. 15, 2000, Khamenei declared, Irans position, which was first expressed by the Imam [Khomeini]is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region. A month later, he repeated his message. The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region.

More recently, on Nov. 20, 2013, Khamenei told an assembly of some 50,000 Basij militiamen that Israel was ready to fall. The Zionist regime is a regime whose pillars are extremely shaky and is doomed to collapse, he said. Israelis, he added, should not be called humans.




This line of argument appears to be going round in circles.

Yes he said nasty things, not all of them as reported. No he didn't mean them literally. Or did. But who cares?

Have you ever heard the saying "Sticks and Stones.....".

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Uh the Constitution requires any treaty be ratified by Congress. Then Senator Joe Biden said as much in 1997. Nobody trusts this President as he had sold out America at every turn and has proven over and over he is incompetent.

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Keep GitMo open for the traitors. § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments. Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

I wouldn't yet classify these Senators as traitors, but their action was certainly traitorous. They were paid by AIPAC to sign it, and probably didn't fully realize the consequences of the letter they signed.

It's becoming increasingly apparent that the Israeli Lobby, the politicians who do their bidding, and other "Israel Firsters" are a fifth column operating within the US.

These scum need to be culled from the rest of us who put America, Americans and America's interests first..

"senators...didn't fully realize what they signed" scary!

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Keep GitMo open for the traitors. § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments. Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

I wouldn't yet classify these Senators as traitors, but their action was certainly traitorous. They were paid by AIPAC to sign it, and probably didn't fully realize the consequences of the letter they signed.

It's becoming increasingly apparent that the Israeli Lobby, the politicians who do their bidding, and other "Israel Firsters" are a fifth column operating within the US.

These scum need to be culled from the rest of us who put America, Americans and America's interests first..

"senators...didn't fully realize what they signed" scary!

Agreed. Senator John McCain said, "“It was kind of a very rapid process. Everybody was looking forward to getting out of town because of the snowstorm, I think we probably should have had more discussion about it".

Israel said jump, and far too many asked how high without bothering to consider the consequences.

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Yes he said nasty things, not all of them as reported. No he didn't mean them literally. Or did. But who cares?

The people that he is threatening to wipe off the planet OBVIOUSLY. rolleyes.gif

Naaaaah just the Israeli Propaganda Ministry. They're great sound bites, nothing more in the scheme of things.

Israel Firsters always trot out this thoroughly debunked IDF generated deliberate mistranslation. In fact, it was proven to be false on this very board just within the last week.

But I wouldn't make light of the Israeli Propaganda Ministry. It and AIPAC are an insidious fifth column operating within the US with impunity. Their fingerprints are all over this letter that they paid for with campaign donations. They expect American soldiers to die for a war that Israel wants, but Americans do not.

Americans need to wake up to the reality that Israel is not a friend of the United States and Israel Firsters aren't patriotic Americans.

Correct -

The deepest insult I could deliver to the Israel First American contingent is that they are collaborators.

Since the WW2, France has dedicated itself to the creation of a false history. The propaganda they have spewed would have it that every French citizen was a member of the resistance. The fact of the matter was, the biggest threat to the outstanding and heroic French Resistance were their own people turning them in.

The resistance heroes were a tiny band. The French nation capitulated, and collaborated.

American Israel Firsters don't understand that they are in the same category. They are, each and every one of them, are traitors to their country. An American that swings behind a foreign national against their own democratically elected President is a traitor.

They, like the French - can tell themselves all the lies they like to justify their actions - but they will go to their graves traitors.

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The deepest insult I could deliver to the Israel First American contingent is that they are collaborators.

Since the WW2, France has dedicated itself to the creation of a false history. The propaganda they have spewed would have it that every French citizen was a member of the resistance. The fact of the matter was, the biggest threat to the outstanding and heroic French Resistance were their own people turning them in.

The resistance heroes were a tiny band. The French nation capitulated, and collaborated.

American Israel Firsters don't understand that they are in the same category. They are, each and every one of them, are traitors to their country. An American that swings behind a foreign national against their own democratically elected President is a traitor.

They, like the French - can tell themselves all the lies they like to justify their actions - but they will go to their graves traitors.

An interesting point of view. There seems to be this almost wistful memory among some of the Vichy as being the protectors of France rather than collaborators.

Many still claim that having the Vichy run the country prevented a much cruelly Nazi regime doing it.

I suppose you had to be there.

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Even more Republicans are starting to realize that signing this borderline treasonous letter was foolhardy at best.


I hope that this embarrassment forces every US politician to finally realize that AIPAC and its two-faced Israel First operatives couldn't care less about the US or its citizens.

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Keep GitMo open for the traitors. § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments. Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

I refer you to 18 US code 2381 for the standard for treason. (Don't know how to do that squiggly thingie.)

I'm pretty sure Congress is exempted from the Logan Act. Also, this was not a private correspondence, it was an open letter.

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Uh the Constitution requires any treaty be ratified by Congress. Then Senator Joe Biden said as much in 1997. Nobody trusts this President as he had sold out America at every turn and has proven over and over he is incompetent.

A Sole-Executive Agreement is not a treaty and needs no ratification.

As the Iranian FM pointed out.


And is not binding to the next president.

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