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Prayut requires all income earners to register to ensure all aids reach troubled people


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I for once am going to partly agree with the General. Everyone should register their earnings and pay their taxes appropriately. How he is going about it I disagree with. The amount of businesses, small and big who fiddle out of paying the right tax here is astronomical. If that money was available then so much could be done to improve things such as infrastructure, health scare, education just to name a few.

Paying your way should have been number 13 in the list of things all Thais should do and show. Before I get bashed I do know some pay their way what I am saying is that some don't

Whilst I agree with you in principle the problem here (in Thailand) is that more will just be skimmed off the top if more tax is paid. The money will still never get to the people who need / deserve it, unfortunately.

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This should depress those popularity numbers a bit.


Next week: "Majority of Thais Welcome Income Reporting"

May the happiness continue. thumbsup.gif

Personally I blame the USA and EU governments. I think they put heavy pressure on PM Prayut as not having to report income was setting a very bad and dangerous example.

PS did you already mail off your report to the IRS?

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Maybe this could help the country produce some realistic unemployment figures.

Unemployment figures are not his aim. His aim is to flush out tax dodgers. Better get your wife/g/f to start declaring all that farang money she is receiving from you. She works hard for it.

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I honestly don't understand this proposal.

OK, I am a Thai worker who has been sensible with my money and lived within my means. But my neighbour, who earns more than me, has bought a new pick-up, flat-screen TV and much more. He now has problems and is 'in trouble'. Does he qualify for 'aid' and I don't?.

The guy next door has no job as he is a semi invalid. He does not have to register. I assume he does not qualify for 'aid'.

My farang friend tells me that in his country they have some form of 'means testing' in order to decide if government money as aid is appropriate, and how much. That seems sensible to me, even though it requires a bit of effort by the civil service.

My farang friend also told me that in the 1930's in Germany Jewish people had to register with the authorities. Not quite sure what he meant.

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"all income earners must be registered so that the government will know exactly who are really in trouble and need help."

Why do this moronic, bureaucratic exercise that will cost more than what it's worth? And in the end it will be imprecise anyways.

If someone is really in trouble (whatever that means) and needs government help, then they apply for help. The government then reviews and/or interviews to see if the request is valid. Aid is then provided in proportion to need. Make the program proactive for the applicants. Maybe it could even set up an online request process - you know, do the digital economy thing.

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Should n't be all that need help register, Those working don't need help are working. So why would someone who dose'nt need help register? Is it me or dose the world spin in different direction in Thailand?

this is Thailand. no spinning allowed, unless you get a permit from the general

Didn't Hitler get lists of names.

And polpot did the same thing, before the re-education camps.

Maybe it really is not about taxes. Maybe they just want to keep a check on the masses, so that reconciliation can move forward.

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What a load of doublespeak.

Only the most gullible will believe that the Govt is doing this solely to give aid to income earners .... because, why is the Govt not bothering to register the unemployed, who are more in need of aid.

They do already: Unemployment Benefits from Social Security Organisation

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Criteria and Entitlement Benefits have made contributions towards unemployment for not less than 6 months within a period of 15 months prior to unemployment

Terms and conditions giving rise to the entitlement:

Must apply for registration of the unemployed at the State Unemployment Office within 30 days without having to wait for the Unemployment Certificate from the Employer as to declare the entitlement tentatively.Is capable of performing the work and is ready to take on suitable job as offered.Must not reject the job training.Must report to the Employment Office for not less than 1 time per month.The unemployed must not be terminated from employment thanks to:Dishonest on dutyCommission of criminal offense to the detriment of the employerSerious infringement upon working rules, or regulation or lawful working orderAbandoning the duty for 7 days consecutively without good reasonsRecklessness which causes serious harms to the EmployerHaving been sentenced to imprisonment by Court judgment.Must not be the person entitled to old age benefit.Shall be entitled to receiving the benefit starting from the 8th day from the date of unemployment with the last employer.Is not a voluntary insured under Section 39.

The Entitlement Benefits you shall receive:

In case of termination of employment:

Unemployment benefit for not more 180 days per year at the rate of 50 % of the wage calculated on the basis of maximum contributions of 15,000 Baht.

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An interesting aspect of the government collecting data of all kind is 'information security'.

Not saying Thai government officials make the same type of mistakes like those in other countries, but ...

"With a single key stroke, the personal information of President Obama and 30 other world leaders was mistakenly released by an official with Australia's immigration office."


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Come on they can't even come up with a system to tax land owners who have deeds registered at the Land Office and now they think that the income earners are just going to stand in line to register on the off chance that they may get some government money

I'll give him a fool proof way of getting tax revenue. Make all the banks report all cash transactions over 100,000 THB, that will put a real crimp on tax evasion. So long as the country runs on cash there will be no control and therefore no tax revenue

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I for once am going to partly agree with the General. Everyone should register their earnings and pay their taxes appropriately. How he is going about it I disagree with. The amount of businesses, small and big who fiddle out of paying the right tax here is astronomical. If that money was available then so much could be done to improve things such as infrastructure, health scare, education just to name a few.

Paying your way should have been number 13 in the list of things all Thais should do and show. Before I get bashed I do know some pay their way what I am saying is that some don't

Whilst I agree with you in principle the problem here (in Thailand) is that more will just be skimmed off the top if more tax is paid. The money will still never get to the people who need / deserve it, unfortunately.

I also agree with you. I was trying to be positive but I am a realist also.thumbsup.gif

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Should n't be all that need help register, Those working don't need help are working. So why would someone who dose'nt need help register? Is it me or dose the world spin in different direction in Thailand?

this is Thailand. no spinning allowed, unless you get a permit from the general

Didn't Hitler get lists of names.

And polpot did the same thing, before the re-education camps.

Maybe it really is not about taxes. Maybe they just want to keep a check on the masses, so that reconciliation can move forward.

So he's like Hitler and Polpot because he wants a list of names of people who pay tax ?. Not on political belief or ethnic origin, just on who pays tax ?.

You truly are an idiot.

This is about knowing who pays tax and making sure they do in order to raise the maximum revenue. It's so clear that someone just above the level of 'idiot' can see it. If it was really to help the poor, he would want a list of everyone unemployed instead.

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"He then came out with suggestion that all income earners must be registered so that the government will know exactly who are really in trouble and need help."

should RTP decalre side incomes & GIFTS ?

should all the street side vendors declare any income ?

should all bargirls decalre all their customers ?

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