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  1. Yes, attagonists for massive wars or threats thereof do not support climate change. Think of what Russia and North Korea could do to divert their murder against humanity to protecting the future of Earth for humanity.
  2. Gutsy. Can't wait for the court to rule such investigation as unconstitutional.
  3. As the public did in response to PM Prayut numerous "gifts" to the public during his tenure. A decade of declining economy under Prayut was more destructive than gifts could recover.
  4. Yet no indication that they did, like repeated ringing the stop bell.
  5. No doubt some politician will scream this celebration is unconstitutional.
  6. Please confirm with legitimate non-bias political links or references.
  7. A poisonous staffer. "Why Dan McLaughlin is Wrong About Trump’s Prosecutions," Posted by Martin Longman | Dec 20, 2023 https://progresspond.com/2023/12/20/why-dan-mclaughlin-is-wrong-about-trumps-prosecutions/ Example: "Dan McLaughlin argues in the National Review that any attempt to convict Donald Trump of a crime prior to Election Day 2024 is political in nature and therefore illegitimate."
  8. "The messages on the billboard, in Chinese, also mentioned that the service was for those seeking a second nationality." Is it illegal to apply for Thai residency that provides for a Thai passport? Highly unlikely a Chinese visitor can obtain Thai nationality but the advertiser will benefit financially. If no guarantee of Thai passport, let buyer beware but illegal? Maybe as false advertising, but not so simple as illegal. Note that the advertiser is not Chinese but a Singaporean firm, perhaps furthering a deception.
  9. For cannabis policies that deny cannabis historical place and acceptance in Thailand, why not do a public referendum on the issue? No controlled surveys. No political smears. Let the People decide.
  10. Looking at the metrics used in the ranking, missing is the population equalizer "per capita" - whether it be related to total general population or tourists (aka visitors). Bangkok has a population of 11,234,000 vs 22.8 million visitors (2023) compared to Pattya 115,840 population vs planned 27 million visitors for 2024. While Singapore ranked #1 with 0 risk score, if compared to other Southeast Asian cities, Bangkok ranked #2 as safest for tourists. Bangkok also ranked #1 of the world's most visited cities in 2023 vs Singpore ranked #5. So subject ranking appears dubious at best and irrational at worst.
  11. So it's not what you know but who you know. That's aside from the 50 Senate "untouchables."
  12. World Bank cuts Thai growth to 2.5% for 2024. Bank of Thailand holds interest rates at 2.5% for 2024. NESDC forecasts 2.5% growth for 2024. PM expects 3% for 2024. Guess who has no idea?
  13. So Trump is more Supreme than Christ after his alleged resurrection? Christ retained nail and spear wounds after his crucifixion.
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