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medical insurance


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Hi All, Im sure this topic has been covered before, but cant find any recent posts. Been looking for good personal medical coverage does anybody have recent info as to the best have been looking for a while and want to make sure i dont end up in trouble without insurance. thanks coffee1.gif

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I have Bupa, thankfully I've never needed to use it, but be sure you use the link that Spaniel gave above. Thai Bupa & International Bupa are waaaaay different in pricing.

On the general subject, all health insurance in Thailand has pluses and minuses, so what you get will be a matter of personal choice as much as anything else.

For me, I don't think Bupa was the cheapest I could have found, but it more closely resembles an HMO that I would have had back in the States, simply show card at participating hospital and thats it, your done. No upfront payments, no claim forms.

But again, thats my personal preference, you and others may have difference preferences

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

I had my broker in Bangkok do my medical insurance for me. He works with a number of international companies and I have been very happy with his service and the insurance cover. www.tigonconsultancy.com .

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MSH International very good and reasonably priced

I talked to them on the phone. Everything seems to be ok, besides one point. The insurance is year to year and coverage can't cross the date of renewal. They just offer a renewal option two month before end of contract. Breaking your spine one day before that renewal would leave you with only two months to recover. I don't know how common that is. Also you can't end the contract.

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Hi all,

I had my broker in Bangkok do my medical insurance for me. He works with a number of international companies and I have been very happy with his service and the insurance cover. www.tigonconsultancy.com .

What is his name?
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I have Thai Bupa, I've never used it thankfully. My Thai wife on the other hand has, and the transparency of it was great. No out of pocket expense, just gave her card at the hospital and it was just taken care of.

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I might as well throw this out. Contrary to the common belief I think private hospitals in Thailand are still pretty darn good value. About 6 years ago my wife, before we had insurance, had to have surgery for a burst fallopian cyst.

She had the surgery and 7 days in Khon Kaen Ram, cost around $1000. The service was great and the cost, well I can only shudder what it would have cost be back in the US

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Hello everyone. We are called Mister Prakan and we are an Insurance Brokerage. We handle all kinds of Insurance but we are now focusing on health.

Here is our website : www.misterprakan.com

if you want someone to personally contact you you can email us at : [email protected]

Thank you and have a good day!

Have tried to log on to your website but my screen just freezes?

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Hello everyone. We are called Mister Prakan and we are an Insurance Brokerage. We handle all kinds of Insurance but we are now focusing on health.

Here is our website : www.misterprakan.com

if you want someone to personally contact you you can email us at : [email protected]

Thank you and have a good day!

Have tried to log on to your website but my screen just freezes?

I'm sure everything is okay now. you can contact me directly or you can leave your contact information on our website and we will get to you as soon as possible.

email: [email protected]

phone: 0987477794

Thank you so much!

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Hi all,

I had my broker in Bangkok do my medical insurance for me. He works with a number of international companies and I have been very happy with his service and the insurance cover. www.tigonconsultancy.com .

What is his name?

His name is Steve, email : [email protected] .

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Hi all,

I had my broker in Bangkok do my medical insurance for me. He works with a number of international companies and I have been very happy with his service and the insurance cover. www.tigonconsultancy.com .

What is his name?

His name is Steve, email : [email protected] .

As mentioned before, they are also so called Financial Consultants - not true Insurance brokers, take care.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I had my broker in Bangkok do my medical insurance for me. He works with a number of international companies and I have been very happy with his service and the insurance cover. www.tigonconsultancy.com .

What is his name?

His name is Steve, email : [email protected] .

As mentioned before, they are also so called Financial Consultants - not true Insurance brokers, take care.

Canopus1969, I know that he specializes in Medical cover, hence is why I used him after being recommended . Should I need to speak re Financials, at least I know him, from the service that he has already provided me with. A lot better than other companies whom have been pestering me with phone calls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For whatever it's worth . . .

I sent emails to both misterprakan.com and tigonconsultancy.com and got nary a thing back of any use.

misterprakan.com did send an acknowledgement response but that was it.

Zippo from the other. The Tony Dabbs agency also failed to respond in any way.

Just like most attempts to do business in LOS, it's total crap!

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For whatever it's worth . . .

I sent emails to both misterprakan.com and tigonconsultancy.com and got nary a thing back of any use.

misterprakan.com did send an acknowledgement response but that was it.

Zippo from the other. The Tony Dabbs agency also failed to respond in any way.

Just like most attempts to do business in LOS, it's total crap!

Try AA insurance brokers - have been around a long time and have proved their reliability

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The BUPA Thailand website www.bupa.co.th has a lot of detailed information as well as rates for all of their plans.

No need to fill out an application for a quote - premiums are age-rated, so all you need to do is enter your age and the site will display the rates and coverage for a number of plans. Enrolling before age 60 guarantees coverage for life (although rates will go up).

You may find that the premiums are lower if you enroll at a local BUPA office. In my case (today) they were giving a 10% discount from the rates that are shown on the website.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had MSH International for almost 2 years. Year 1 was ok. Year 2 and it's been like pulling teeth getting them to cover things they are supposed to cover. We have the best plan possible and it's a constant battle to get them to reimburse us now. We'll be shopping for a new company.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few questions:

1. I have a pre-existing condition, glaucoma, that won't be covered under Bupa. I'm 61 about to turn 62 so apparently too old to get into the Thai national plan. True?

Looks like BUPA for my age will be over 100 USD a month and getting more expensive as older. Add in another 200 USD for glaucoma meds and that really adds up so trying to figure out a cheaper way to go about it. In some countries retireers can join the local government plans and/or hospitals have their own cheap plans since they don't go through a middleman.

2. I don't find the age restictions on Bupa except you need to join before 65. Any idea if you join in your 60's whether it is terminated at 70 or 75 like many plans or are you lifelong like the pre-60 age range previously mentioned?


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