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Penis Extensions


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i was shocked to hear from a thai male friend recently that he had paid 30k baht to lengthen his penis with silicon implants. he even took it out to show me, to my utter horror. then i found out that about half the boys in my village have these things. i find them terrifying! they certainly don't look natural. is it hard to get a normal erection i wonder? has anyone else come across these in thailand? is it a new trend?

the things that people will go through in order to appeal to the opposite sex, man... :o

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....then i found out that about half the boys in my village have these things.....

Does not sound like the type of village I would like to live. But as I say "Village life is not for everyone".

Sounds like "Keeping up with the Jones" so to speak. Otherwise why would so many have the procedure.

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Really? guys in TNP are spending that much money on penis extensions? Amazing. Never heard of it but then no man in their right mind would mention this to me much less pull out their penis to show me, so, haven't a clue.

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girlx that would be doing it for themselves

my boyfriend had self implanted those glass beads in his... he thought that it would be more fun for the female.... no way, i told him, they are out or he isnt in.... they are now out

men worry about their length the same way women worry about their breast size... not because the opposite sex wants it, but because the person him/herself feels less adequate...

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With a title like this thread, you're not keeping the men out of the Ladies Forum this time; even a gay man who fathered six children....:D

I simply can't believe that 'boys' in a village can afford 30,000 baht for an operation. Can't believe that half the boys do it. Can't believe that it looks unnatural.

Uhhm, let me say that based on objective scientific research, it appears that the average Thai man is only 0.438 inches shorter than the average farang, and some of them are 2.023 longer. But are both the straight and the gay men of every nationality worried that they're too short? Surely, and you can call me Shirley, if you're nice. :o

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30K ahead(pardon the pun) Half the village..Must be a very rich village... Also How did the OP find out that half the Thai males had this done. Did they also show her?

actually it is a rich village but "half the village" was (probably) an exaggeration. it was a topic of conversation amongst me and my friends, i didn't believe this guy had gotten one and so he proved it to me. then he named all his friends who had gotten them as well, all over the island. i talked to a couple of them subsequently who admitted it was true. i do think it is a trend specifically on this island... haven't ever noticed it elsewhere in thailand, but then, i haven't been looking that closely either!

i knew about the implanted balls and such before... this is traditional in thai culture as a boost for fertility. i think it's rather silly, but a lot of guys are vehement supporters of it, just as they are adamant that their amulets are going to protect them from car crashes. i think the penis extensions are indeed more to do with their own insecurities, rather than wanting to please foreign women, though you never know.

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i think the penis extensions are indeed more to do with their own insecurities, rather than wanting to please foreign women, though you never know.

Probably depending on the age group these 'men' are in as to the reasoning behind it. Insecurity, as you mentioned, keeping up with the 'Somchais' (very possible since we are talking 30k), peer pressure are some possibilities or a combination of them. Trend setters? You should take a survey and see what each persons reasons were. :o

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The village my bf is from has a 'penis man' that performs all of the 'extras' they do to their equipment. While I have heard that basically all of the young to middle aged men have the beads, it is also common to have the tip of their penis sliced so the head swells up. Recenltly one of my friends from the village had his fourskin sliced four ways like a banana pealed down folded back and it was sewed back so I guess it looks like a flower.. so I have heard... I dont dare take a look just the thought of it makes me shudder!!!

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....then i found out that about half the boys in my village have these things.....

Does not sound like the type of village I would like to live. But as I say "Village life is not for everyone".

Sounds like "Keeping up with the Jones" so to speak. Otherwise why would so many have the procedure.

more like keeping up with the JOHNSONS!

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The village my bf is from has a 'penis man' that performs all of the 'extras' they do to their equipment. While I have heard that basically all of the young to middle aged men have the beads, it is also common to have the tip of their penis sliced so the head swells up. Recenltly one of my friends from the village had his fourskin sliced four ways like a banana pealed down folded back and it was sewed back so I guess it looks like a flower.. so I have heard... I dont dare take a look just the thought of it makes me shudder!!!

Ouch, ouch, ouch and ouch again! :o:D:D:D

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Sounds like "Keeping up with the Jones" so to speak. Otherwise why would so many have the procedure.

Shouldn't that be 'keeping up with the John Thomases'? :D

yep your quite correct but as this site is leaning to the hard right rather than the softer left politically speaking and geographically speaking I thought I would express it in a way the less literate and enlightened amongst us would understand :o:D

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