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Where do the Chinese tourists hang out in BKK?


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I was staying in the marvel hotel suk soi 22

Breakfast time is like watching a swarm of lotus

After you watch that go to the front of the building and watch 100 of them trying to get into the one tour bus , while the other two buses sit empty

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Do you get to enjoy the sounds of burping and view the joyous sight of them spitting on the floor before lighting a cigarette and throwing debris on the floor?

It's quite fascinating. When I was in China I saw a woman hold a baby over a trashcan while it took a dump.

These people are more animal than human!

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They hang out in their hotel rooms or on the tour bus


they don't go anywhere or socialise unless it is organized by their group leaders. As for dinner - there are many restaurants (Chinese restos or seafood Restos) that have contracts with tour operators and are eager to release the Chinese crowd of their money.

many Chinese tourists are uneducated, have never or rarely been out of their country (which explains the cultural unawareness or ignorance), and don't speak any foreign language. alone they would feel extremely unsecure.

There are a lot individual mainland Chinese travellers nowadays though. they are mostly quite young, speak some English and know how to behave. met quite a few of them and had friendly conversations.

Another important thing: Do not generalize. while indeed Chinese Mainlanders usually have no manners and don't know how to behave, virtually all other ethnic Chinese folks from HongKong, Taiwan, Singapore or Malaysia are civilized and friendly. For example: I consider Taiwanese the most friendly and helpful people in all of Asia, topped only by the Burmese (been there, done that).

I can in 95% of the cases tell you if those Chinese are from the Mainland or from civilized countries after watching them for a couple of minutes

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Exact for the walking part. Despite how young/affluent they appear to be (eg: not in a large tour group), they are the worst pedestrians. Constantly slowing down to just stare into space, in the middle of the path (at a busy place like an airport), side-by-side so that nobody can <deleted> pass them. Occasionaly they will come to a complete stop and people have to start poking through their group to get by, by the time they realize to get the <deleted> out of the way, they start walking slowly again as a group.

Another really annoying these shitbags do on international flights is intentionally step on the heels of peoples shoes, on a crowded plane isle where it is impossibele for anyone to walk faster/around anyone. They have no problem being <deleted> to get people to move, even in unreasonable contexts where it is impossilbe to move, yet obvliously block entire roads.

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I want to do some people watching.

Why do you want to watch Chinese people?

Are you a weirdo?

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I'm kind of a weirdo.

I kind of want to see someone take a dump in the gutter and start laughing at them.

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