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Group to sue NCPO despite arrest risk


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A communistic group seeking freedom?

What kind of group would do this in China?

"A Communistic group seeking freedom?" Why are they "communistic"?

And did you read the bit where it say's one the participants is a human rights lawyer? so one could think she may well know what she's talking about.

So asking the courts to up-holed a law ie an overthrow of the constitution is not acceptable in your enlightened opinion?

Dose that go for any other laws that should be selectively over-looked? or just the ones that don't suit your opinions?

And lastly would this fly in your home country?

Actually she is a "red-shirt human rights lawyer" and although she may know what she is talking about, by that description one has to assume she is both biased and prepared to lie for her clients.

Shouldn't we wait until they are arrested before crying about it?

Firstly the story by who? The Nation, a body of respected and un-bias journalists, what a steaming pile of buffalo ...........!

So when they label a Human rights lawyer as a "red shirt Human rights lawyer" you and many others have let them suck you into their bias view point.

Wouldn't this be far more accurate and non-bias to describe her as a human rights lawyer regardless of her political affiliation be it red yellow or pink n purple???

Secondly you "assume she is both bias and prepared to lie for her clients" on a public forum, now considering the laws here involving who says things about people and the potential for a legal action resulting large amounts of cash being paid, and you my friend are doing it to a HR lawyer,,, not to bright eh.

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