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On the trail of Thailand's human traffickers...


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The Thai folks in that story working to combat the problem deserve some serious recognition. Good to see them speaking out.

Indeed, when reading about the struggle of the District Chief previously I remarked that Thailand needed people of his integrity at a higher level in government.

Instead Thailand got General Clean Hands.

Of course we know the military are not involved as not a single military officer has been arrested. The fact that the largest transit camp so far uncovered was on the Malaysian border in an area under total military control is a testament to their initiative to employ military personnel who are both deaf and sightless.

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Bangkok Post is reporting that Thailand has rejected US offers of help and are actually telling USA to remove its aircraft and servicemen from Phuket within five days. Can't imagine any nation rejecting help in a refuge issue like this.

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Bangkok Post is reporting that Thailand has rejected US offers of help and are actually telling USA to remove its aircraft and servicemen from Phuket within five days. Can't imagine any nation rejecting help in a refuge issue like this.

Hi T_dog,

I actually don't know exactly why government refused. They may have hidden reason behind this (something like if US provide help, Thailand should allow US to do something and Thailand don't want it).

Anyway, I (I am Thai) am very sad to see many Thais see Rohingyas as the bad guys and they should deserve this. This is not the right thing. Many Thais may heard the bad things about Rohingyas but we cannot make a conclusion that every Rohingya will be like that. Every nation has both good people and bad people. Many people just make a judgement when they receive one side information (mostly from the one who doesn't like Rohingya) without analyzing.

This also explains why we have a problem about red shirt and yellow shirt. We just think that every thing that their own side does is correct and every thing that the opposite sides does is not correct.

I am very sad of this and hope we can improve out mindset not to be a self-centered but be understand others as well.

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I watched a news programme on Thai TV channel 5 yesterday that mentioned the blame lies with the British who introduced the Rohingyas into Burma during the days of the empire. Ever since these people have remained stateless, not officially being accepted in Burma as citizens and not wanted anywhere else.

And as we know, admitting Muslims into a country on mass poses the risks of these refugees being infiltrated by extremists and terrorists, so this is a very complicated situation and not many countries are keen to take on the responsibility and welfare for these people and prefer to turn them back to become someone else`s problem. I am not unsympathetic towards these people, but for many countries they have become a dilemma and can understand the reasons why.

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I watched a news programme on Thai TV channel 5 yesterday that mentioned the blame lies with the British who introduced the Rohingyas into Burma during the days of the empire. Ever since these people have remained stateless, not officially being accepted in Burma as citizens and not wanted anywhere else.

And as we know, admitting Muslims into a country on mass poses the risks of these refugees being infiltrated by extremists and terrorists, so this is a very complicated situation and not many countries are keen to take on the responsibility and welfare for these people and prefer to turn them back to become someone else`s problem. I am not unsympathetic towards these people, but for many countries they have become a dilemma and can understand the reasons why.

Well taken it to its logical conclusion the blame lies with God as according to most of the planet he made us all that then lets everyone off the hook.


Edited by kannot
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I watched a news programme on Thai TV channel 5 yesterday that mentioned the blame lies with the British who introduced the Rohingyas into Burma during the days of the empire. Ever since these people have remained stateless, not officially being accepted in Burma as citizens and not wanted anywhere else.

And as we know, admitting Muslims into a country on mass poses the risks of these refugees being infiltrated by extremists and terrorists, so this is a very complicated situation and not many countries are keen to take on the responsibility and welfare for these people and prefer to turn them back to become someone else`s problem. I am not unsympathetic towards these people, but for many countries they have become a dilemma and can understand the reasons why.

I agree with you.

Notice it was the BBC's Jonathan Head doing the reporting.

First off the BBC is England's equal to Americas Fox.

Secondly I highly doubt Jonathan Head has ever left Bangkok.

He gets most of his news in a bar. Prayut is doing more about the problem than all the administrations before him. Of course Thai Visa has it's share of idiots who think it can be done in a day and can't figure out why it is not done in a day.

As for refusing American help. I have no idea why. It wasn't much help they were offering any how just spot the boats.

They can do that from other locations than Thailand. They could put an aircraft carrier in the area off Thailand's legal limit and when they see a boat direct them to it. They can produce thousands of liters of water a day and carry lots of food and fuel for the refugees. Instead all they want to do is tell Thailand what to do. For that matter they could load them up and take them to the states. Lots of room on an aircraft carrier.

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I watched a news programme on Thai TV channel 5 yesterday that mentioned the blame lies with the British who introduced the Rohingyas into Burma during the days of the empire. Ever since these people have remained stateless, not officially being accepted in Burma as citizens and not wanted anywhere else.

And as we know, admitting Muslims into a country on mass poses the risks of these refugees being infiltrated by extremists and terrorists, so this is a very complicated situation and not many countries are keen to take on the responsibility and welfare for these people and prefer to turn them back to become someone else`s problem. I am not unsympathetic towards these people, but for many countries they have become a dilemma and can understand the reasons why.

Well taken it to its logical conclusion the blame lies with God as according to most of the planet he made us all that then lets everyone off the hook.


I would love to see you talking to an atheist. They are as ignorant about creation as you. Neither one of you has any proof to back up your beliefs.

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I watched a news programme on Thai TV channel 5 yesterday that mentioned the blame lies with the British who introduced the Rohingyas into Burma during the days of the empire. Ever since these people have remained stateless, not officially being accepted in Burma as citizens and not wanted anywhere else.

And as we know, admitting Muslims into a country on mass poses the risks of these refugees being infiltrated by extremists and terrorists, so this is a very complicated situation and not many countries are keen to take on the responsibility and welfare for these people and prefer to turn them back to become someone else`s problem. I am not unsympathetic towards these people, but for many countries they have become a dilemma and can understand the reasons why.

Well taken it to its logical conclusion the blame lies with God as according to most of the planet he made us all that then lets everyone off the hook.


I would love to see you talking to an atheist. They are as ignorant about creation as you. Neither one of you has any proof to back up your beliefs.

you did see my avatar didnt you?

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