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i dont like poor people

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Many are organized mafia "employees" dropped off and picked up by their handlers....the more money they attract the better areas/locations they are placed into.....

Some with the sleeping/drugged kids are not even their own kids and have a handler somewhere close by.....

Kind of like in that movie about the kid in India that won the quiz show and how they depicted the beggars....

At least they are not aggressive here like in the Philippines....

Makes it hard to sort out who to have compassion for when you have a good idea someone is actively waiting to take it away from them.....

You're talking about "Slumdog Millionaire". Yeah I've heard the stories about "organized beggars". You can write an entire book about the morality of giving these people money or not.

But at the end of the day I just accept the facts and move on: Hey, You were simply born into unfortunate circumstances and have a shitty life. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have a good life. That's it. It's not your fault. It's not my fault. Thus I don't see it as being my duty to give to the less fortunate. You know, cause it's not my fault.

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I don't mind giving to the poor, what I hate is people that want to take other peoples money and give it away.

Like the UK government and overseas aid.

You obviously don't understand how overseas aid works.

Firstly, it is a negligible amount of the countries GDP.

Secondly, it usually has strings attached. Like having to spend the money on British goods, which helps employment

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When kids are begging I buy them an ice cream. No one can take it away to eat later or sell.

That is clever, killing two birds with one stone like that..

..shows you don't operate on the same wave length as most - and that's a blessing,

for you and the recipients of said ice cream


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I don't mind poor people. It's the cheapskates I cannot stand.

It's called "Keyneow" - or sticky sh-t

It ain't about being rich or poor per se - it's whether you are Keyneow or notcheesy.gif

Poor Thai people are generally more generous ,or less Keyneow than the rich Thais - hence they are more like able

My rich Thai sister in law is a perfect examplecheesy.gif

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Lets put it this way and set it straight - The average person in North America dies with 75% of their money


Some die with 98%, some die with zero


It's a level playing field at the beginning and at the end, for anyone with a cake holecoffee1.gif

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Maybe i dont like poor people.

Most likely you're a satang pinching skinflint from the bottom socio-economic class back home who thinks he's become hi-so in Thailand.

Expect a visit from the ghost of Christmases past.

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Let's not forget the difference between poor people who won't benefit from aid and poor people who need aid.

Example 1: A country has suffered a natural disaster or they have an environment which is virtually impossible to survive in (drought stricken areas).

Do they need aid? Yes. Will it help them? Yes.

Example 2: A country hasn't suffered any natural disaster and their environment is fine for survival.

Do they need aid? No. Will it help them? No.

The reality is, western countries regularly dump food on countries who don't need it. The only result is that their economies can't grow. People there are trying to make a living by selling food, but nobody is buying it because they get free food from the west.

Why do we give them free food? Because western people only like to eat attractive food. We don't like bent carrots, or straight bananas, green eggs, ugly potatoes etc. etc. It won't sell in our supermarkets. So it gets dumped on countries who don't need aid (with strings attached probably) and that country struggles to develop because of it.

This type of idea can be transferred to the beggars in Thailand. Sometimes you see a guy on the street begging. He isn't disabled or unhealthy. He isn't old. Why is he there? Because his mum was a beggar and he was born into that life. She didn't send him to school and only taught him begging. Its all he knows and he makes a decent income if he is in a tourist area. Though he has little other choices anyway, since he doesn't have a high school certificate and probably can't read or write. He probably lacks social skills and lots of other things needed for employment. So, although he makes a decent income sitting in the tourist area, he doesn't have much other choice and his kids will end up the same way.

Only the people who need it should get it. Otherwise you are just making things worse for people in the long run.

Edited by EmptyHead
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I don't mind poor people. It's the cheapskates I cannot stand.

It's called "Keyneow" - or sticky sh-t

It ain't about being rich or poor per se - it's whether you are Keyneow or notcheesy.gif

Not at all, your understanding of Thai is poor. Key doesn't mean shit in this instance.

Key changes a Thai adjective into a negative personal trait.

Gong = cheat, key gong = cheater

Mao = drunk, key mao = drunkard


Newbs, don'cha love em!

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I realize we live in a digital vacuum where video taping a rape or an assault is more important than helping the victimized. Where a homeless person is taunted, humiliated and often a victim of aggression rather than a recipient of goodwill. Where a beggar becomes a slick con artist by a skewed perception of the fortunate. To be human means that we care for each other and civilization means we work together to create a better life for each other. If that is true, then there is nothing human nor civilized about passing by someone in need, regardless of your mental assessment. The moment we stop caring and fighting for each other... that's the moment we lose our humanity.

Humanity was lost a long time ago and Id rather humanity was wiped out and leave the rest of the world to it, those that wont rape the entire planet, why humans think they are special I have no idea running round proclaiming their God did this that and the other, the sooner we are all gone the better.

certainly your humanity has run out, I go as far as saying you never had it, A life of no humanity is why the nut houses are full. People like you make me want to forsake my training. pratical demonstration of humanity given freely. Or would you feel better if I charged you.

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We used to have a pensioner guy with his cup at the same traffic lights every day, here in Vancouver. He was always happy, always waved, smiled. He would spend time cleaning his little patch. Obviously just trying to find a bit extra for his smokes.

Many people, including me, gave him a Loonie or a Toony.

He's gone now. Probably smoked himself into the grave, but he was a ray of sunshine on a dull grey Vancouver day.

The young guys I see begging at traffic lights who appear fit and active I will not give to. No point in encouraging them in their lifestyle.

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We used to have a pensioner guy with his cup at the same traffic lights every day, here in Vancouver. He was always happy, always waved, smiled. He would spend time cleaning his little patch. Obviously just trying to find a bit extra for his smokes.

Many people, including me, gave him a Loonie or a Toony.

He's gone now. Probably smoked himself into the grave, but he was a ray of sunshine on a dull grey Vancouver day.

The young guys I see begging at traffic lights who appear fit and active I will not give to. No point in encouraging them in their lifestyle.

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I realize we live in a digital vacuum where video taping a rape or an assault is more important than helping the victimized. Where a homeless person is taunted, humiliated and often a victim of aggression rather than a recipient of goodwill. Where a beggar becomes a slick con artist by a skewed perception of the fortunate. To be human means that we care for each other and civilization means we work together to create a better life for each other. If that is true, then there is nothing human nor civilized about passing by someone in need, regardless of your mental assessment. The moment we stop caring and fighting for each other... that's the moment we lose our humanity.

Humanity was lost a long time ago and Id rather humanity was wiped out and leave the rest of the world to it, those that wont rape the entire planet, why humans think they are special I have no idea running round proclaiming their God did this that and the other, the sooner we are all gone the better.

Go ahead brother, you first.

already did my bit, no kids

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I realize we live in a digital vacuum where video taping a rape or an assault is more important than helping the victimized. Where a homeless person is taunted, humiliated and often a victim of aggression rather than a recipient of goodwill. Where a beggar becomes a slick con artist by a skewed perception of the fortunate. To be human means that we care for each other and civilization means we work together to create a better life for each other. If that is true, then there is nothing human nor civilized about passing by someone in need, regardless of your mental assessment. The moment we stop caring and fighting for each other... that's the moment we lose our humanity.

Humanity was lost a long time ago and Id rather humanity was wiped out and leave the rest of the world to it, those that wont rape the entire planet, why humans think they are special I have no idea running round proclaiming their God did this that and the other, the sooner we are all gone the better.

certainly your humanity has run out, I go as far as saying you never had it, A life of no humanity is why the nut houses are full. People like you make me want to forsake my training. pratical demonstration of humanity given freely. Or would you feel better if I charged you.

charge me, no problem

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Are they really poor people or are they just lazy?

Thats the real question and how/where you draw that line, The only way I know is to physically know that person and govts cant do that when handing out benefits etc

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