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Turistvisa Before

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Do some know aboute this because I dont understand.I done 30days visarun for some time(4-5times)Next time I go to Penang I will get a dubbelentry tursitvisa(that means 6month)but if iam

correct after my 60days+30days from immigration and then I go to Ranong and should get 60+30agin but will that work with the new rules.Do they look back befor and not let me back in

or is it from 1oktober and after that you can go 3times for 30days visa??

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Guys, let's be realistic. Using 60 day tourist visas from regional consulates for perpetual stay is going to be over very soon. Look what is happening at penang already. They used to give 3 entry and for some inexplicable reason just changed that to one entry max. This means there will be 3 times more people showing up there as they have to apply 3 times more often. Second, I would expect AT LEAST 10 times more people go there as people go in pursuit of a replacement for the border runs. So instead of about 5 people in line like you have today. You have 5x3x10 = 150 people in line ahead of you and they will need to issue thousands of visas every day.

Cas in point, this very thing happened in Vientiane about 5 years ago. I remember the days there were just around 6 people in line and it gradually built up to these horribly long lines and the consulate said enough is enough and put a quota in place. Many regional consulates already have such a quota system to prevent perpetual stayers. The remaining "good" consulates may not be good very long. I don't see them beefing up staff to handle the giant border run crowds that are going to start showing up as they want to get rid of these people anyway. Ultimately they may just rule that the only place you can apply for a tourist visa is your home country as is the case for many African countries already.

I hope I'm wrong, but common sense is prevailing in me right now.

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Guys, let's be realistic. Using 60 day tourist visas from regional consulates for perpetual stay is going to be over very soon. Look what is happening at penang already. They used to give 3 entry and for some inexplicable reason just changed that to one entry max. This means there will be 3 times more people showing up there as they have to apply 3 times more often. Second, I would expect AT LEAST 10 times more people go there as people go in pursuit of a replacement for the border runs. So instead of about 5 people in line like you have today. You have 5x3x10 = 150 people in line ahead of you and they will need to issue thousands of visas every day.

Cas in point, this very thing happened in Vientiane about 5 years ago. I remember the days there were just around 6 people in line and it gradually built up to these horribly long lines and the consulate said enough is enough and put a quota in place. Many regional consulates already have such a quota system to prevent perpetual stayers. The remaining "good" consulates may not be good very long. I don't see them beefing up staff to handle the giant border run crowds that are going to start showing up as they want to get rid of these people anyway. Ultimately they may just rule that the only place you can apply for a tourist visa is your home country as is the case for many African countries already.

I hope I'm wrong, but common sense is prevailing in me right now.

Perfect common sense.. I would assume exactly those things are on the cards..

I would also think that any B visa's would not be multiple but single entry tied to a work permit for its extensions.. after all that gets them paying taxes doesnt it..

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