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PM Prayut to tackle street racing by 'Dek Van' seriously


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When I was a kid I used to race other kids on Vespas and Lambrettas wiith no license and no thought for our own safety, yes some used to come off and get hurt, but it didn't stop us, it's what young people tend to do, think they're gonna live forever, bad things won't happen to them etc....then you grow out of it, or become a Professional Racer and get paid Millions to do the same thing but in whats called a Sport that has regulations, some get killed, but it doesn't stop others from becoming Pro racers.

Cafe Racers were yesteryears street racers of today, in Japan the street racing scene is insane but they tend to use Tollroads with no pedestrians, and they use some serious hardware, Bikes and Cars.....it's like a racetrack friday and saturday nights in Tokyo on the tollways, we are talking 1000 BHP GTr's and Toyota Supras, its awesome.

Edited by Banzai99
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Man, this guy "tackles" everything. Too bad he doesn't "accomplish" anything.

Actually in the short time he's been at the helm after the last fiasco left the country in a mess I think he's accomplished a great deal !!

But that is IMHO

I have lived in Thailand a long time now. Through 3 governments now.

I am curious to know what you think he has done? To me everything is the same, a few half hearted crack downs here and there and then things go back to normal.

Based on your comments, may I suggest then that the previous Governments didn't do any half-hearted crackdowns (or full crackdowns)!

Therefore "progress" has been made coffee1.gif

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Take there bikes and licence, so they have to buy a new licence and bike, thats good for the economy to. They will lern not to fool on public roads. And show some respect to the police.

PM want to change the system?... Do it good, do it hard! Coz. Thai are difficult to change. Just like human trafficing, they can tackle it, but can they solve it? For sure they do there very best to solve it, so with that power they (PM) could give orders to do something about street racing to and solve it, not just tackle it.

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In a few Years all of the bickering on here will be replaced with, ah, now I see why The head of the Army and his chosen people were put in complete and unquestionable control of Thailand at that time in history, it all makes sense to me now.

Yet you won't be able to really discuss it without getting banned, ThaiVisa has to observe the laws of Thailand too, even if they are not based in Thailand, they can be banned from Thai servers, which is not good for business, so for this Forums sake, I think this issue of crackdowns and red this and yellow that should not be encouraged, yet........

These discussions are sometimes started by ThaiVisa staff for the amount of traffic they recieve, they know arguments will ensue, but every hit is revenue, and it's a business so it's understandable, the Mods can only do so much, and whatever they do, they will never please everyone, I think it's up to us, as responsible members of this forum to self moderate our response at times, I'll include myself in that group, cos when I drink I tend to get drunk and I spout off some BS, but I'm mostly sober ( like now).

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What is not broken in this country ?

Auto production, a world leader. Hard drive production, a world leader. Durian production, best in the world. In comparison with the West the women are so far from broken it will take centuries for the West to catch up. Uniforms, awesome Western universities should hang their heads in shame. Soi dogs not broken they are everywhere. Women's volleyball team. I could go on but I don't want to get folks in the West any more agitated than you already are.

okay correction on a few

Japanese owned

US owned

yes plenty of agricultural products





2 outta 7 imo

please go on

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Shakespeare summed up Fearless Leader's situation since May 22 of last year in these words from his "Henry IV"


I can call spirits from the vasty deep.


Why, so can I, or so can any man;

But will they come when you do call for them?

Shakespeare cast his eyes upon your worthy post and said - "What crap is this ?" biggrin.png

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I think it's a good thing.

Young Thai males are seriously lacking discipline, I'm not sure what can be done to improve it though, except making really bad things happen to them when they don't follow the law.

Just a suggestion: Automattically enlist every racer that is caught into the army for two years. Kill two birds with one stone. coffee1.gifthumbsup.gif

Yes, curb or re-think the lottery for selection into the army and bolster it with all the petrol heads racing their motor bikes - no if's but's or maybe's, no friends of friends intervention, social status not to be a consideration - get caught and it's off to the barracks next morning for a start of the re-adjustment system - military style - yes sir, no sir, how high do you want me to jump and for how long. Guaranteed results and no refunds.

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What a mob of a#seholes there is posting in TV, would you all be happy if Prayut did SFA


I and most Thais would be happy if he simply allowed a democratic election, you know, the type that he and his ilk have lost at the last 4 times of trying, only to then dismantle them because they didn't win.


You mean the type of democratic election that produces a government that dismally fails to govern?

It didn't fail to govern, it was crushed in a coup. and, besides, was legitimate.

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Absolutely clueless. It continues because there are no consequences for those caught other than a slap on the wrist.

Large fine, jail time for repeat offenders and crush the bikes of those caught..........solved.

That seems to be a valid solution and or taking away their bikes so they can not ride those bikes again ...until they purchase another one....which is possible..... but hardly affordable for most of them.

They could also arrange a one location affair street race gathering and at least try to regulate it so no one gets hurt.....but that would run amuck also...sooner or later.

I would surmise that near everyone of them have watched the Hollywood cult movie series: "The Fast and the Furious" and in effect they are trying to emulate the hot chicks and fast cars lifestyle ......but more so naïve girls and fast motorcycles life style.

I met a young guy when I was in Los Angeles, California for 6 months and he had a stylized Toyota street race car that he used to cruise about in on the weekends ( only the weekends he claimed ) and in effect going about doing what the youth of America has been doing since the beginning of the Hot Rod era starting back in the 1950's....street cruising and street racing.

He argued there was nothing at all wrong with street racing and the police were all <deleted> for trying to stop them or curb their fun and self serving form of entertainment ....while claiming the local citizens in the area where they street raced supported their street racing endeavors.

Hmmmmm.....go figure.


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What a mob of a#seholes there is posting in TV, would you all be happy if Prayut did SFA


I and most Thais would be happy if he simply allowed a democratic election, you know, the type that he and his ilk have lost at the last 4 times of trying, only to then dismantle them because they didn't win.


You mean the type of democratic election that produces a government that dismally fails to govern?

It didn't fail to govern, it was crushed in a coup. and, besides, was legitimate.

So, "widespread cronyism and corruption" to the detriment of the poor is ok under a legitimately elected government? Hmmm....... whistling.gif

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