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Johnnies Widger

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Johnny was a big boy for his age, but he only had a little widger. His mother, concerned, took him to the Doctors. " doctor, I'm worried about Johnny, he's a big lad, but his thingamebob is not growing in proportion to his size. The doctor checks the boy. " don't worry too much, my dear, the best thing you can do is give him toast, I've found this has worked very well" The woman goes home and the next day, Johnny comes down stairs to find a big plate of toast on the kitchen table. " is that for me , mum" She replies,'' the top two pieces are yours, the rest are for your dad"

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Little Jimmy

Jimmy had been hearing loud bumping noises coming from his parents room for the last 3 or 4 nights. The next night , the noises started again, so he goes to investigate.

Quietly opening his parents bedroom door, he see's his mother bouncing up and down on his father. Quietly, he slips back to bed. The next morning, Jimmy asks his mom why she was bouncing up and down on dads stomach. Mom thinks for a minute , then tells Jimmy it's part of a new diet plan to help dad lose weight.

Jimmy then replies" I don't think it will work mom". Mom asks Jimmy why not! "Because every morning when you leave for work, Mrs. Jones from next door comes over and blows daddy back up!"

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Did you hear the one about the TRT minister who got excited when he heard Australia was a "PENAL" colony?

Did you hear the one about the TRT minister who locked his mia noi and family in the same car?

A TRT minister is shot, he goes to an Aussie hospital for better care, he wakes up.. concerned the TRT minister says... Doctor, Doctor,... did I come here

"to die"...No mate you can here "yesterday"

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There was a girl named Khun Phukmee who desperately wanted to get a VISA to America. She had an interview at the American Embassy. She passed in the interview but the man told her that she would have to change her name as it was impolite. She went to the Thai English teacher at her school and asked her to invent a more polite name so she could go to America. The next day she went back to the Embassy. Her application was for a "Please Phukmee Sir."

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