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The Fate Of Thaskins Cronies


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Think of and consider during this unfolding pitched battle....

Thaskin will try to get on international news morning time USA east coast EST

Like rats on a sinking ship, some knew first and did a "runner".

Let's try to name some of the ones who still may be in the realm - as Trink would say.

In my humble opinion and quite a few Thais I know, Where is Samak and what's his position now?

As a major mouthpiece to the X PM, this should be interesting.

I for one am happy it went down (the coup).

Long Live The King!

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I heard from a TV (ASTV?) that Samak and Sudarat went to France.

I agree with you I'm happy with this so far. I also heard that major investors (funds) aren't planning to reduce their holdings in Thailand.

It would be nice if all the proThaksin dirtbags packed their bags and left LOS. Some of the proThaksin posters should leave too. There's got to be another dictatorship for them to live under, maybe in Africa?

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I heard from a TV (ASTV?) that Samak and Sudarat went to France.

I agree with you I'm happy with this so far. I also heard that major investors (funds) aren't planning to reduce their holdings in Thailand.

It would be nice if all the proThaksin dirtbags packed their bags and left LOS. Some of the proThaksin posters should leave too. There's got to be another dictatorship for them to live under, maybe in Africa?

For sure there is no need for any of them in France, nor in any former french colonies in africa. I am unsure about the thai constitution, but french usages is : if a person is no longuer an official of a thirdcountry, he/she have to apply for a refugee visa at the end of the courtesy period. It mean ,amongst other things, you have to be relocated in a temporary shelter, places that are kinda like a jail. Knowing my government is actually looking for 2 billions of euros , and knowing also the sense of humor of my governement (typically french humor) I am suposing they will invite Misters Samak and Sudarat to first move some cash in France (like we have to do to apply for a retirement visa in Thailand) and then take (seize????? unsure how to spell it in english) on the ground it was not fairly earned and the thai government is asking for blocking the bank accounts. If was made in the past, I hope they will do it too.

The procedure is not the Governement who claim the money is for him, the procedure simply block the owner to touch the money and the money is moved to the central bank (interrest are the legal and the difference btw the real interrest and the legal is simply give the central bank).

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