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Motorcycle Accidents And The Outcome?

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Hey guys, if you've been unfortunate to have been in a road accident, be it in the car or on motorbike, what was the outcome with the other person concerned? Did you get the worst end of the stick financially and was the other party concerned Thai? I think you understand where i'm going with this question. Tell us about your bad experiences, should you want to share them with us about the said accident in question/ My maths says you should come a cropper on average every eighteen months!

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I was involved in an accident recently.

It was about 8pm and had just left home, no alcohol for 24 hours I might add.

Was sitting at a junction (stationary) indicating and waiting to turn right when a Thai guy on bike hit the oncoming car that I was waiting for to pass, and then hit my front offside wing.

The other car did not stop and seeing the poor chap unconscious in the road, I got out to try and help him.

Soon there was a crowd of Thais around. Luckily four had witnessed it and said the motorcyclist was driving at speed and was trying to overtake me before I could turn right, misjudged and clipped the other oncoming car as it passed me before bouncing off my wing. They said, clearly not my fault.

My passenger called the police and ambulance, and after about ten minutes was told by one of the witnesses that I must take the injured man to hospital. I said we must wait for the ambulance and police, but she informed that if I could understand Thai, I would realize that the crowd were getting very angry and for my own safety to take him to hospital NOW.

Reluctantly agreed and left my passenger and two of the witnesses to deal with the police and send them onto the hospital.

Five Thai’s lifted him in the back of my truck and came with us to the hospital. Checked the guy into emergency after paying 5,000B deposit and waited for the police to arrive.

They spoke to all the independent witnesses, to myself and my passenger, looked at the tiny scratch on my wing and said they were satisfied that I was not to blame, but I would have to go to the police station to be interviewed further. At the station, friends and family of the bike driver were insisting that it must be my fault, even though they we not at the scene, but the witnesses agued my case.

Was asked to leave my truck overnight for further examination, but the next morning was informed that the poor bike driver had died and my truck would have to stay with the police.

Had proper insurance with a bail bond, so luckily I was not detained as well.

It took 3 weeks and a few thousand baht to get my truck back, and I have more or less been told that the blame will be put down to me as, If I had not been in Thailand this accident may not have happened, and that as my truck was bigger than the bike, even though I was stationary, this was the Thai way of doing things.

The insurance company said the fact that the bike driver did not have a license, had the biked stripped for speed and was not wearing a crash helmet would not have any bearing on this case as it was a separate issue that the unfortunate man could not now answer to.

The family want 300,000 THB compensation, but my insurance company have said no way. Looks like it’s going to court in the coming months, so will let you know the outcome.

It’s not a nice feeling to know that someone has died because I was at a certain place at a certain time, even though I was powerless to have avoided this accident. The man was in his twenties and left a wife and two young children.

I asked the wife what she thought if I collided with a bike driving towards me on the wrong side of the road, at night without lights, (which seems to be an every night occurrence) Her reply was, “ He very stupid but will be your fault as he only bike and you truck, I think this wrong, but Thai way.”



My experience was no where near as bad as Mike's,but pissed me right off and taught me NEVER STOP !

I had been out for a bike ride with a few friends.It was getting dark and we were on a small road coming into Jomtien.

All of a sudden I noticed 2 girls on a bike coming towards me on my side of the road.Their bike was slowly arcing to the left so I wasn't too worried,I started to slow down.At about this time I realised both the girls had a bag drink (the rider was holding hers in one hand and drinking through a straw),the girl suddenly notices me. She slams on her brake,her bike arcs back toward me. I brake harder. Now I find the road I'm on has a good layer of sand and gravel, so as not to wear the surface out. Even though I'm only doing about 25 K's, I start skidding and so does she.

By the time we meet we have a combined speed of about 15 K's.No problem,our front tyres kiss and we both drop our bikes on the floor.

No one is hurt.

The girl starts making a fuss,but keeps saying she doesn't want any money.Good I say,because it was your @#$#%$* fault.

She calls the police.

After about 30 mins plod turns up,so have half a dozen Thai men who are convinced it is all my fault.

In all fairness to the policeman,he was as good as gold,he got the facts of the incident straight away.

The facts

1. She was riding on the wrong side of the road

2. She wasn't wearing a helmet

3. She had no lights on

4. She was riding one handed,drinking with the other

5. She didn't have a license

6. She didn't have insurance

Once again I would like to point out the policeman was very good.He didn't believe her pack of lies and promised to charge her with the above facts at the station,but his hands were tied.

Did I want to spend all night arguing at the police station ?

Did I want to go to court ?

My Thai speaking friends negotiated her compensation ( "I don't want any money") down to 1000 baht,and I was allowed to leave !

T I T :o

Guest IT Manager

Don't <deleted> STOP...


In other countries, if you're involved in an accident and don't stop they take you to the cleaners. Don't they here?

mike100 - Since you obviously had all the paperwork in order, and proper witnesses available why didn't you take it to court? Isn't that an option?

This really is too scary!!!!

mike100 - Since you obviously had all the paperwork in order, and proper witnesses available why didn't you take it to court? Isn't that an option?

This really is too scary!!!!

It's in the hands of the insurance company now. They tell me they have made an offer to the family of 100,000B, but looks like they want go for the 300,000B and take it to court.


If you take off, is there any chance of being chased down or tracked down by license #?

The horror stories I have read on these boards seem to dictate that the best option is to take off quick !!



actually i thought the done thing was to run over the person until your sure they're done in, then speed off. witnesses and location are the question of the day, but i agree the majority of people believe that to speed off would be the best and easiest option. obviously us civilised expats coming from developed countries have a guilty conscience so we suffer for that reasoning. i guess it comes down to timing! i've figured from the above posts that probably most thai people driving motorcycles don't have licenses! how ignorant am i?


Oh my God, these are horror stories!


So far, I've only driven motorcycles with only minor incidents and no horror stories. This summer, I am thinking of buying a car but these stories are unsettling.

Are such altercations common place?

Is it always this bad? :o

"Come to the edge, He said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," He said. They came. He pushed them... and they flew."

Guillaume Apollinaire

:o I was cruising around a traffic circle at a reasonable speed when all of a sudden found myself flying through the air,,,,,,,, As Ive wrecked plenty of times and all the cars were stopped so I didnt think id be ran over,,,,,,, I slowly started moving and checking to see if I had any broken bones which I was lucky I landed on a big duffle of clothes,,,,,,, The drunk SOB who hit me from behind and sent me flying and his A-hole lao kaoed buddy were trying to drag me and my scrap motercycle out of the road,,,,,, after refusing their generous offer I finally got up and just bled out some as they had ripped a chunk of hide off my leg...........After a week of drinking whisky and paying for my own repairs I was no longer in pain and I didnt even have to give them any money,,,,,,,,,,,, Maybe next time I wont be so lucky after they run over me ill have to buy them a bottle of BLACK LABEL for their trouble.......... ADVICE: buy a reasonbly safe larger car or truck with maybe a roll bar and a cowcatcher on the front,,,,,,,, maybe a old land rover,,,,,,,,, THEN TEACH YOUR WIFE HOW TO DRIVE.

i agree, perhaps a humvee. and as you say get your wife to drive you around. i just recently paid for her driving license. 10 hours were needed and a bribe. cest la vie.

:o Just a question here????????? If a guy had one of them ELITE cards do you think they would help you unload a ABRAMS TANK at Don Muong and park in the VIP as long as your wife was the driver??????????? This might save your life for another day from a SYCHO bus driver from ###### that passes blind on two lane highways in corners and such....... They seem to think if you turn up the Issan music loud enough you wont crash and burn?????????????????????????

There I am at sukumvit 26 sat at the traffic lights, centre lane on my motorbike waiting for them to change. Screech of brakes behind then i'm on my ass in the road + girlfriend. *&(^%in Taxi. we're not hurt, lucky !! & bikes not too bad

Bikes under the car he reverses & tries to take off. Can't as I shove my bike in the way & jump on the bonnet girlfriend is hammering on his window. he has to get out or i'm gonna put my helmet through his window. He does, I calm down immediately and say thank you. Now he's confused as i'm suddenly nice. :D

lovely traffic jam. police arrive and a lot of wai's from me and g/f I explain all calm with a these things happen attitude. He has no licence. only 17 etc etc :D

Insurance is called. his mates turn up offer 1000 bht *&%$ off I say politely. A bigger Police arrive More wai's and explian again all polite and respectful.Off to the station & I get a nice Report from the police of accident. Hes in shit and I leave the police to decide what to do with him as they are giving him a real ragging. I get doc from his insurance co/rep at the station. & I go home.

Next morning off to Honda for a damage quote. All the guys know me & i always tip for service so they run up a lovely bill for every scratch on the bike, 18000 bht :o

off to the insurance co the next day. A lot of talking and indignant no's to 2000 bht quikie and ill go to court threats etc. have witness & police report ........ I want a quickie and i know the bill will only be 2000bht. i settle reluctantly at 6000 bht signed recipt from insurance I wait 30 days and pick up on 21 this month via bank transfer........ Sawaddee pi mai.....


Not all things that happen are bad or the police and my luck was in. Just another day in Thailand.

& before anyone says it I know i'm nuts for driving a bike but i'm a biker and I take the chances on the road eyes open and clear headed.

The rest is up to fate... :D


I would just like to add that I treat ALL motorists here like they are trying to kill me. That means defensive driving at the MAX, ALL the time.

I would'nt dream of riding here like I do at home ( UK ) and it's bloody tireing, but so far I reckon I've avoided about 15 or so accidents and sure at least 5 fatals here in 3yrs. Ive seen about 50 accidents and of those half were real bad & I travel everywhere in LOS. Scarey huh?......... driving here is not for the faint hearted or casual driver. If in doubt don't ! :o


I was in an accident near Krabi recently. My Thai friend was driving and I was asleep in the back when a Thai woman pulled her Honda Wave out into the path of my friend's truck. The bike and the truck were trashed and the woman was thrown quite a distance and knocked out (she recovered later with relatively minor injuries).

It seemed as though every person in this village swarmed out of their houses to surround us. My friend and I got out of the car and soon after this self-important Thai fellow sauntered up and surveyed the damage seriously. Noticing me his lips spread into a wide, s**t-eating grin. "You car? You driving?" he probed anxiously, dollar signs in his eyes. When one of the locals assured him that I wasn't driving, but rather it was a Thai behind the wheel he deflated visibly and only then turned his attention to the injured woman. I don't know what would have happened if I had been driving but I got the distinct feeling it wouldn't have been good. Especially with no other farang witnesses around.


only last night i witnessed to minor accidents within the space of 3-4 minutes. no exaggerating. the first was a foreigner pulling out from a soi onto third road and when indicating left i can only assume a thai motorcyclist presumed he had the right of way both ways going into the soi from which the fahrang had departed! the second was interestingly a foreigner who only momentarily lost control of his bold bike and bumped someone on for a couple yards. but for this minor laspe of control the thai lady was screamingly incoherently for a minute or so and about thirty or so thai peoples were thirsty for viewing action.

i'm not sure what we can make of this post as nothing is too exceptional. except we are a day away from the national songran festival and ninty confirmed dead to date. going back to the accidents, i must assume that neither of these parties had consumed copious amounts of alcohol as the foreigner was adept and the thai party ambituous for cash to point out so diligently the fahlangs miscomings. what a bloody shambles. i don't drink much alcohol myself, anyone going to drink majestically during the festival or is the expected intake to be as any other day?



apart from some of the thais, the worst drivers in pattaya are the young arab idiots and the old farang guys who live here, (i think because they've been here a while they think they can drive like the thais) although saying that if they are french or italian i'll understand anyway.


watch out, another one bites the dust!:

looking at the post songran stats we've a collective total of some two hundered and fifty deaths. most met they're untimely end on motorcycle and a large proportion of the unfortunates were young drivers of the age fifteen to nineteen years. i wonder if any of the families asked if they had permits/ licenses for the mopeds? i guess the families didn't even know they had a bike or they were residing in pattaya! i'm so negative. safe driving!


apart from some of the thais, the worst drivers in pattaya are the young arab idiots and the old farang guys who live here, (i think because they've been here a while they think they can drive like the thais) although saying that if they are french or italian i'll understand anyway.

What about the rest of the world Dave.

Didn't you tell me that women are the cause of most accidents ? :o

Don't <deleted> STOP...

Sad to say, but in Thailand I agree with this sentiment.

It is not worth the hassle to stop.

apart from some of the thais, the worst drivers in pattaya are the young arab idiots and the old farang guys who live here, (i think because they've been here a while they think they can drive like the thais) although saying that if they are french or italian i'll understand anyway.

What about the rest of the world Dave.

Didn't you tell me that women are the cause of most accidents ? :o

No, second-hand johnnies are the cause of most accidents :D

  • 1 month later...

I was reading the local rag one day and having seen reports, that after accidents, most Thais seem to drive off or run away, I innocently asked my GF "Why do they do that?".

Smiling, she explained that if you wait for the cops, you will probably endup in clink

while things are sorted, and you may be blamed, even if you are not the guilty party, and heavily fined.

Where as, if you leggit, it will probably take ages for the cops to find you, and then all you have to do, is give them a few Baht to go away........Simple eh?

Where as, if you leggit, it will probably take ages for the cops to find you, and then all you have to do, is give them a few Baht to go away........Simple eh?

Sick.... but simple

What about when the driver of a tour bus crashes and 30 passengers die. He runs off.

Does the owner of the tour bus not know who was driving at the time and what obligation is he under to give up that information.?

I know in a lot of Western countries if the license plate is taken the OWNER cops for all unless they prove someone else is the driver...by giving them up.


What about when the driver of a tour bus crashes and 30 passengers die. He runs off.

Does the owner of the tour bus not know who was driving at the time and what obligation is he under to give up that information.?

I know in a lot of Western countries if the license plate is taken the OWNER cops for all unless they prove someone else is the driver...by giving them up.


I remember an article from the Bangkok Post a couple of months ago, it was about a farang guy killed by a bus in front of the British embassy. The article said litterally: "The driver remained at the scene"

It's somehow sad that this is regarded as news in Thailand....


My experience was no where near as bad as Mike's,but pissed me right off and taught me NEVER STOP !

Thats right thai never stop , i was with some family driving along a dark country road when we came across a thai bloke and his bike in a heap in the road.

they drove around him and ignored the situation. there is a high risk of getting embroiled in a police and his family problem . they will try to squeeze some money from

any unfortunate sucker who happens to be around at the time .

so the moral is get the he1l out of there fast .

i asked them why they didnt stop , they were scared of any police involvment ....


A great big crane on a lorry toppled over, and squashed a woman in half, a few months ago in south Pattaya....

What did the lorry driver and his mates do?

Ya got it.....THEY RAN AWAY!

Don't think they were ever found either.


Not Thailand, but a lesson to learn :

Working in Iran, large construction site, fenced and isolated. Two cars collide on the road outside. Nothing to do with the site, but badly injured victims. Our two British nurses go out to help the victims, despite my shouting at them to leave it be. Probably saved the life of one person, saved the legs of another.

When the police eventually arrived they took the nurses into custody for assault (as I understood it). Took me all day to get them out, then they were not allowed to leave the country until the victims recovered and signed-off that they did not want to press any charges against these two nurses.

And that is typical of my experience in many third world countries, not just the Middle East.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well Ok everyone says to run away, well there is another side to that option. A pedestrian who I was arguing with ( because she was blocking my path ) kicked the side of my car as I drove past. Several hours later 3 unmarked police vehicles turned up at my house and I was arrested at gunpoint, the pedestrian had claimed I had attempted to murder her by running her down with my car. She had faked a leg injury and even been to a doctor etc etc When I got to the police station in soi 9 the police produced a witness to the whole imaginery affair who they claimed was a plainclothes cop, he was not at the scene ( of that i'm 100 % certain ) bottom line they said they would arrest me on hit and run, and attempted murder unless I coughed up 40 K baht within 30 minutes.

They kept my passport but allowed me to visit a friend to 'borrow' the money'. The Captain who was running the show is still at Soi 9 and I often see him involved in arrests of Falangs on tv. I had considered going to the tourist police while I was supposed to be getting the dough but I was too scared to do so.


Almost every post confirms my long held opinion of Thailand and Thais (the majority of them) which is that the majority of law makers and enforcers have not too long ago come down from the trees where of course you don't get too many head on collisions (or motorcycles)

With all the stories it just confirms what I have been saying for years namely that it will be light years before Thailand emerges from being a 3rd world country.

It will be a couple of hundred years before they can rightly describe the country as developed, and that will only occur when all the primates running the country have learnt to walk upright.

I have been here quite a few years and have a fervent passion for the country but I am now thinking more often about leaving them to it and returning to my "developed country"

Forgive them (the Thais) for they know not what they do.

p.s. I have a few stories of my own about my driving experiences in the realm but I must admit that they don't come close to some of the horror stories posted in this thread. Maybe I have been lucky.

And YES when in Thailand do as the Thais do "wing bai"

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