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Ajahn Brahm Coming To Bangkok


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I've been told that Ajahn Brahm will speak in Bangkok on October 10, but I don't have the location yet. While surfing for more news about it I came across this:

"Ajahn Brahm’s book Opening the Door of Your Heart has been published in 10 languages already: English, American, Indonesian, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Portuguese, German, Sinhalese and Dutch. The Vietnamese edition is coming soon. The troubled ex-Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr Thaksin Shinawatra, is currently reading a copy given to him personally by one of Ajahn Brahm’s disciples in Singapore. Ajahn Brahm’s magnum opus Mindfulness, Bliss & Beyond: A Meditator’s Handbook is ready to print, with the index, proofing and so on all completed. It is forthcoming from Wisdom Publications in September."

The idea of Thaksin reading the book is not so strange if you remember that later editions of the book were retitled Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung? (Inspiring Stories for Welcoming Life's Difficulties).


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Apparently the new book is already available on Amazon and it looks good. Possibly his trip to Thailand is to "promote" the new book.

A quote from some interview somewhere:

Q. People call you "the Elvis of Buddhism," "the Seinfeld of Buddhism." They want to make you into a celebrity. Do you ever have difficulty reconciling that with being a monk -- and not just a monk, but a forest monk, which is very different from living as a famous person?

A. You know, I think one of the first times when it really hit me is I was giving a talk in Singapore. There was a huge crowd of five thousand, cheering as if they were watching a basketball match or something. Huge crowd. In the front where I was sitting, I was just by myself on this huge stage. As I walked in, I thought, now what am I doing? But then I thought of my teacher, Ajahn Chah. I thought he would be very happy that I was spreading Dhamma to so many. So you never think of yourself; you think of your teachings. You think of what you're doing, rather than who's doing it. So you actually depersonalize everything.

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Thanks, Bill. Reed Tradex is an event organizer, so this looks like the right info. I'll be there! I heard Aj Brahm will also do a meditation class at one of the Novotels during his visit.

Meanwhile, more of his interview:

Q. That's how you avoid the cult of personality?

A. [You get] where you can actually play the role without being the role, so you get up there and you can really connect with your audience. You can enjoy the interaction between yourself and five thousand [other people]. That way you are not shortchanging the Dhamma. Too often, people -- because they're concerned about their ego -- don't actually put themselves forward enough to be able to present the Dhamma in a beautiful way. Whatever you believe in, you just give it everything you've got, you go for broke. If you're going to talk to ten people, it might as well be ten thousand. It's the same as how I'm talking to you now. You just connect and just give a talk to the very best you can, and then off you go. So it's very powerful. If you've got a good teaching, then go out there and give it.

Q. Do you see yourself and your popularity as a vehicle for the Dhamma?

A. Sure, yeah, sure. I mean, when I started [as abbot and giving talks], I thought, "Well, I'll give it everything I've got. If it works, great. If it doesn't work, I can be a nice, peaceful, solitary monk." So you've got nothing to lose.

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:o His lecture is advertised in todays Bkk Post, I rang and was told to be early as there is only seating for around 600, last time 800 people turned up, so best to go early I guess, AUA is the venue....doors open at 6 p.m....address at 7.30 p.m....Dukkha
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I've listened to quite a number of Ajahn Brams talks, and they are very good. I have also been told by an experienced western monk that he is an 'advanced meditator'. I took that to mean he has reached 'sotopana' stage (first stage of enlightenment). Anyway, he is a wise and entertaining monk (!?) & I recommend his talks. There is a bit of ego in there (ie. he laughs at his own jokes a little too much) but this is just a small thing.

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I've listened to quite a number of Ajahn Brams talks, and they are very good. I have also been told by an experienced western monk that he is an 'advanced meditator'. I took that to mean he has reached 'sotopana' stage (first stage of enlightenment).

I don't know about that but he does teach the jhanas and is apparently very good at it.

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From the BSWA website

UPS & DOWNS In Life - Tuesday 10 October

In this frenetic, chaotic world we live in today, it's sometimes so hard to cope with all the ups and downs in life. To uplift us and shine some light on our uninspired lives and jaded perspectives, Ajahn Brahm will once again be in town to share with us his most enjoyable and heartening insights on how to view and cope with life's burdens.


6.00 p.m. Auditorium door opens.

7.20 p.m Welcome speech.

7.30 p.m. Live public talk by Ajahn Brahm. (in English)

N.B.The talk will start at 7.30 p.m., punctually.

8.30 p.m. Questions and answers.

9.00 p.m. End of the session.


- AUA auditorium (second floor) at AUA Language School.

- 179, Ratchadamri Road, Lumpinee, Pathumwan

Tel: 02-252-8170-3, 02-252-8395-6

Seating Arrangement

- 650 seats will be provided.

- Seating will be provided on the first come first serve basis.

- We urge for you to arrive no later than 7.00 p.m.

Traveling Guide

We recommend using mass transit due to limited parking space.

BTS sky train: Exit at Ratchadamri

Bus: 13, 14, 15, 25, 45, 74, 76, 77, 119

ปอ. 4, 5 ปอผ. 12

Car: Only 60 parking spaces are available.


AUA cafeteria on the ground floor serves snacks and light meals.

More talks can be downloaded from:

- www.bswa.org

- www.thawsischool.com

For more information please contact:

(Kindly note well the assigned times when calls will be welcome.)

Khun Anoma

01-646-5948 (10.00 -15.00 daily)

Khun Somsook

01-927-6608 (13.00 -17.00 daily)

Khun Soranan

09-788-9062 (17.00-20.00 daily)

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Did anyone go to the talk? It was a hellish night to be outside but about 300-400 people made it. The talk was pretty good but the Q&A session was kind of tedious for anyone who has read Aj Brahm's book. All the questions were answered in the book.

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  • 7 months later...

Happiness through Meditation

Day1: English Public Talk

Sunday May 27th, 2007

Day2: Silence Meditation Retreat

Monday May 28th, 2007

ALL are welcome.

Happiness through Meditation

“Meditation is the way of letting go. In meditation you let go of the complex world outside in order to reach a powerful peace within. In all types of mysticism and in many spiritual traditions, meditation is the path to a pure and empowered mind. The experience of this pure mind, released from the world, is incredibly blissful.”***

At the Sunday public talk, Ajahn Brahm will tell us what meditation is all about. The what – why – how about meditation from the beginning until the end. With Ajahn Brahm’s realistic simple approach, you will clear up your mind if you should meditate or not and what for. For experienced meditators, you might find some tips to lead you to the end of the path sooner.

Practice makes perfect. Meditation is not the topic of discussion but it is something to do and experience for yourself. The next day, Ajahn Brahm will guide us how to meditate while letting go. This one day silence retreat will provide you with unforgettable meditation experience.

*** Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond – a meditator’s handbook by Ajahn Brahm.

Day1: Happiness through Meditation English Public Talk

Sunday May 27th, 2007 at 19.00 – 21.00

Venue: Auditorium (2nd floor) AUA Language School.

179, Ratchadamri Road, Lumpini,

Pathumwan Tel: 02 252 8170-3

Free of charge.

NO tickets or reservations required.

Simply show up and seat yourself.

Seating Arrangement

- 650 seats will be provided on the first come first serve basis.

- We urge for you to arrive no later than

6.30 p.m.


6.00 p.m. Auditorium door opens.

7.00 p.m. Welcome speech.

7.10 p.m. Live public talk by Ajahn Brahm

The talk will start at 7.10 p.m., punctually.

8.15 p.m. Questions and answers.

9.00 p.m. End of the session.

Travelling Guide

We recommend using mass transit due to limited parking space.

BTS sky train: Ratchadamri Station

Car: Only 50 parking spaces are available.


[As the Day 2 retreat at the World Fellowship of Buddhists Headquarters is limited to 150 people I'm sure it is all booked up by now. But if anyone wants an application form, please PM me. - camerata]

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