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Ear Cleaning Report...Mccormick Hospital.


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I went 18 months ago, and everything went perfect. 575 THB. My last few flights, I've had a little pain so I decided to go again. Went yesterday, and was greeted at the front door (Outpatient Clinic) and the guy told me the lady doctor works T-TH-Sat, and I could see the male Doctor, but the wait was an hour. It was hot outside, and it is opposite side of town, so I showed him my old bill, and explained. He advised me to come back and see the same lady Doc, today, in the AM, and she wouldn't be busy, but lunch from 12-1. I went back today, got there at 11. Was taken immediately back to a very quick registration then to the ENT Clinic. I think I mentioned about three times, what I wanted done, what I had paid, etc..I wait about 30 minutes, at most, see the Doctor, told her the details, quicker than she could pull up the info on her computer, showed her the old bill. Took a look and said no problem she would clean. Afterwards, I said, OK how much, it was 575 last time, and she said it would be less this time, because it was less involved. I gave her a big thanks, and it's on to the cashier. Wait 10 minutes. 735 THB....I said she just told me it would be less, <deleted>? The cashier stood firm, I said let's go talk to the Doctor. "Just a moment" 602 THB...paid with CC, no extra fee for that. So I thought that just kind of sucked, even though it was probably worth 1200 THB, I didn't mind the wait, and she speaks fluent English and is a fine physician. If her English hadn't been so good, I wouldn't have protested, but I was just that sure that it wasn't a communication problem. So how did "less" end up being 27% more?

Hospital Billing....worse than buying a used car....So for that reason, I may just go to Maharach next time, as it is closer to my home. The ears are perfectly clean, but I got a "rash" in the process. If they had told me 900 THB, up front, when I asked, I would have likely said fine......In summary...good ENT Doctors at the ENT Clinic at Mccormick....wait times will vary, early am is recommended, and expect to pay 600-900, and they have possibly adopted a dual pricing system, so just don't let your guard down....but at this point, I am not sure if it is worth a special trip, if it is not your local hospital. Some great lunch options over there...

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From the few visits I've made to hospitals over the last couple of months and the recent announcement from the junta to crack down on over-priced medicine, I feel previously relatively low consultation fees have increased to compensate hospitals for the potential loss of income from selling medicine.

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the "outpatient care" fee went from 23 to 50. Nursing fee same at 125. Physician Procedures same at 300. They tried to charge me 260 for "Outpatient doctor" fee, but that is what was lowered back to 127......I just smelled a rat somewhere.

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Every time I go there, (McC) I am always impressed with the quality, professionalism, speed of delivery, and the low cost, especially if compared to the West. For everyday, routine medical care, I would never go anywhere else. If they can't handle it, they will see to it that you go to the place that can.

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I went to Pattaya International with bursitis (fluid on the elbow.) Doctor said I needed it draining. How much? See the bursar. Bursar - '3500.' I protested that as an ex-pat/resident I shouldn't have to pay tourist prices. 'OK - 1,200.'

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