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Bank details - retirement visa

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Another simple question (apols) but I cannot seem to get a definitive answer.

For years I have used the 800,000 baht route for the RV. However due to circumstances (i.e. I thought I was leaving Thailand this year) my bank account, though reasonably healthy, is well below. I could top it up but the 3 month rule applies (I think).

I will obtain an 'proof of income' letter. My question is ... Do I have to have a letter from the bank in addition or is a photocopy of my bank account sufficient?.

Have received conflicting answers. Any guidance much appreciated.wai2.gif

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That would depend on what method you are using to apply for the extension. (It is not a Visa)

If using income only, you need the Embassy letter and that is all.

If using a combination of income and savings you will need the Embassy letter plus bank letter plus bank book.

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I use Jomtien ( I assume you do ) and have always just provided the income letter. I have read reports that some offices do require the bank book. Ah - looking at LB's post I assumed you were just using income letter.

Edited by pontious
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What are you asking? What your Embassy will require for proof if income? This would normally be information from payer (pension proof) rather than bank information if not a sworn statement as required by some countries.

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Thanks for those answers. I'm OK now. Will be using income letter of 1 mill per annum, but will take bank book to Jomtien as a backup - as per Pontious post.

It's just that years ago the guy on retirement visa (pretty dour sort of fellow) made me go all the way back to the bank to change a letter stating my account in US dollars, to baht. I think that was a bit of 'power' being demonstrated by the individual, and the bank manager thought they were nuts.!

Anyway, thanks again.

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Slightly off topic, but last year when I asked at my Bank for the letter with proof of funds, they didn't seem to grasp what I wanted exactly or what it was for. I was a little surprised as this Branch is slap in the middle of many Farang majority villages in East Pattaya

Does anyone here use the Ayuthaya (Yellow Bank) for their letter and does it have a particular name?

Can I ask for it in any Branch or must it be my own.

Thanks in advance

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You should ask for a letter to immigration stating the balance of the account.

If there is a problem the ask to speak to the supervisor/ manager.

I believe if you try other branch's you will be directed back to the branch who maintain the account.

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