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Trump signs pledge to back GOP's 2016 presidential nominee


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Not a Trump fan other than for late night comedy shows but, I watched last night and he was slick, took all questions, was definitely credible in his presentation if not his ideas and plans. He can remain self funded until he possibly wins the GOP nomination at which time the GOP and super-packs will move into high gear. Any GOP candidate or Hillary takes his candidacy

lightly at there peril. Not beholding to special interest money is a huge plus. It will be as always the best of reality television. facepalm.gif

Like I said, someone has not been paying attention.

If you are going to try and act like a know all, knowing it all is actually a prerequisite, otherwise you just look silly.

But since you weren't paying attention.....

Donald Trump tore into radio host Hugh Hewitt as a "third-rate radio announcer" on Friday after the Republican presidential candidate struggled to answer a question about the leaders of major terrorist groups the previous day.

The move followed a familiar script for the real estate mogul who has unexpectedly soared to the top of the Republican presidential polls: When backed into a corner, go on the attack and change the headlines.


It seems that his response to anyone asking him difficult questions is to publicly insult them.

Ask stupid questions, get ripped by Trump.

Again, you haven't been paying attention, just reading internet articles.

That's what happens when you let others form your opinion for you instead of listen to a candidate talk at length about the issues which you obviously haven't done based on your posts like this person did: "I watched last night and he was slick, took all questions, was definitely credible in his presentation if not his ideas and plans."

I guess MSNBC didn't mention that...

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Ask stupid questions, get ripped by Trump.

Again, you haven't been paying attention, just reading internet articles.

That's what happens when you let others form your opinion for you instead of listen to a candidate talk at length about the issues which you obviously haven't done based on your posts like this person did: "I watched last night and he was slick, took all questions, was definitely credible in his presentation if not his ideas and plans."

Have you heard of cognitive dissonance? You seem to think I haven't watched his speeches and interviews. It's a brave assumption considering I posted earlier that I have Fox on in the office all day long.

They showed his interview on Judge whatserface this morning. And he's still an evasive rambling narcissist who really has no understanding of what is required to be CiC, but of course she went very gently on him, "I know your wife" asskiss asskiss asskiss.

The interview I referred to earlier - where I didn't think he was being pressed particularly hard - illustrates his modus operandi perfectly. Since you obviously haven't seen it, here's the transcript:


I won't post it in entirety - it's too long - but here is an example of how he blusters when he does not have an answer - and he comes out with this bullshit on a regular basis.

Do you consider this "a stupid question"?

HH: Okay, looking to Asia, if China were to either accidentally or intentionally sink a Filipino or Japanese ship, what would Commander-In-Chief Donald Trump do in response?

DT: I wouldn't want to tell you, because frankly, they have to, you know, somebody wrote a very good story about me recently, and they said there's a certain unpredictable, and it was actually another businessman, said there's a certain unpredictability about Trump that's great, and it's what made him a lot of money and a lot of success. You don't want to put, and you don't want to let people know what you're going to do with respect to certain things that happen. You don't want the other side to know. I don't want to give you an answer to that. If I win, and I'm leading in every single poll, if I win, I don't want people to know exactly what I'm going to be doing.

It's fairly obvious to even a casual observer that he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's going to be doing.

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And if Trump said what he would do, the media would be running headlines like they did in 2008: "Palin wants to go to war with Russia!" (BTW, she was right about Ukraine.)

Trump is too smart to play the gotcha game.

Let me know when Hillary and Sanders are asked the same questions.

In the meantime, it's GOP hit pieces. Ask Jeb the same question, or won't the GOP allow it?

It's fairly obvious he's not playing the media "gotcha" game.

Did that go over your head as well?

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Americans have a real appreciation for a classic underdog story. Underdog Donald Trump is a man who started with just barely several hundred million dollars and went on to make several billion dollars.



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And if Trump said what he would do, the media would be running headlines like they did in 2008: "Palin wants to go to war with Russia!" (BTW, she was right about Ukraine.)

Trump is too smart to play the gotcha game.

Let me know when Hillary and Sanders are asked the same questions.

In the meantime, it's GOP hit pieces. Ask Jeb the same question, or won't the GOP allow it?

It's fairly obvious he's not playing the media "gotcha" game.

Did that go over your head as well?

You're funny.

Hewitt asked Fiorina the same "gotcha" question.....

CF: Look, we know that the general of the Quds force has been a powerful tool of the Iranian regime to sow conflict. We also know that the Quds forces are responsible for the deaths and woundings of American soldiers. We also that the Quds forces have been in Syria and a whole bunch of other countries in the Middle East. The Iranian deal – which sadly, has just been approved by Congress – starts a massive flow of money, and that money is going to be used not only to build up an Iranian nuclear weapon – which they have been hell-bent on getting for thirty years – that money is also going to go to the Quds forces, going to go Hezbollah. It’s going to go to all of Iran’s proxies which is why I’ve said to you on other occasions, Hugh, that we have to stop the money flow. And even if Congress had succeeded in stopping this deal – which we now know they have not – the reality is that China and Russia and European money are already flowing to Quds forces among proxies. And that’s why I’ve said I’d cut off the money flow by letting the Supreme Leader know that, hey, there’s a new deal, and we’re going to make it as hard as possible for you to move money around the global financial system so that we cut off the money flow from the Iranian regime to whomever, including the Quds force.

You clearly do not have a clue about Trump's methods, so I might as well let you carry on living in your little Trump world.


If Hewitt asked Fiorina the same question about the Chinese attacking a Japanese or Filipino ship, why did Fiorina answer with what she would do with the Iranian Quds forces?

You have your questions from Hewitt or your answers from the two candidates mixed up.

Either question is a "gotcha" type.

The big question is, what would Hillary do?

Maybe you should quit watching so much Fox News.

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If Hewitt asked Fiorina the same question about the Chinese attacking a Japanese or Filipino ship, why did Fiorina answer with what she would do with the Iranian Quds forces?

You have your questions from Hewitt or your answers from the two candidates mixed up.

Either question is a "gotcha" type.

The big question is, what would Hillary do?

Maybe you should quit watching so much Fox News.

Chuck I posted the full transcript of the interview.

I posted the Chinese question to illustrate how vacuous his reply was.

He complained about - and PHP87 agreed - the Quds "gotcha" question, and PHP87 said it wouldn't be put to anyone else.

All it took for you to avoid being confused was reading the interview.

I'm guessing you didn't bother.


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It's fairly obvious to even a casual observer that he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's going to be doing.

Maybe because it is a completely fictitious question. The first thing any president would do is consult with experts, before making a decision about what he is going to do.

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It's fairly obvious to even a casual observer that he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's going to be doing.

Maybe because it is a completely fictitious question. The first thing any president would do is consult with experts, before making a decision about what he is going to do.

Good answer.

Have you thought of running?

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It's fairly obvious to even a casual observer that he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's going to be doing.

Maybe because it is a completely fictitious question. The first thing any president would do is consult with experts, before making a decision about what he is going to do.

Good answer.

Have you thought of running?

Yes that is the answer he should have given. Its a standard answer that anyone with an IQ over 20 would use.

Trump has absolutely no idea of diplomacy and tact, two things which are critical to being a leader.

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Not a Trump fan or republican here, but Trump is a smart person and probably the smartest the Republican can produce just now. Another thing he's not bought by any big sponsor so he can be him self and that's what he's best at. Will he be President? Probably not and I don't think that's his intention either, so let the circus Trump continue and keep the republicans on their toes. He gave them his word to support whoever the Republican Party will nomine, but we have seen his flip flopping before and he does what he want and will not obey to anyone else then himself. So good luck to the other candidates to get the big money donors that they need.

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If Hewitt asked Fiorina the same question about the Chinese attacking a Japanese or Filipino ship, why did Fiorina answer with what she would do with the Iranian Quds forces?

You have your questions from Hewitt or your answers from the two candidates mixed up.

Either question is a "gotcha" type.

The big question is, what would Hillary do?

Maybe you should quit watching so much Fox News.

Chuck I posted the full transcript of the interview.

I posted the Chinese question to illustrate how vacuous his reply was.

He complained about - and PHP87 agreed - the Quds "gotcha" question, and PHP87 said it wouldn't be put to anyone else.

All it took for you to avoid being confused was reading the interview.

I'm guessing you didn't bother.


You are right, I didn't bother reading the two links.

I read your mixed up post and decided what good would it do for me to bother when you didn't even know what you were talking about.

I'm not George Bush. You can't blame me for all your mistakes.

Nice try at passing the responsibility over to somebody else, though. A true liberal in action.

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It's fairly obvious to even a casual observer that he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's going to be doing.

Maybe because it is a completely fictitious question. The first thing any president would do is consult with experts, before making a decision about what he is going to do.

Good answer.

Have you thought of running?

At least, UG can legally run for the office.

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If Hewitt asked Fiorina the same question about the Chinese attacking a Japanese or Filipino ship, why did Fiorina answer with what she would do with the Iranian Quds forces?

You have your questions from Hewitt or your answers from the two candidates mixed up.

Either question is a "gotcha" type.

The big question is, what would Hillary do?

Maybe you should quit watching so much Fox News.

Chuck I posted the full transcript of the interview.

I posted the Chinese question to illustrate how vacuous his reply was.

He complained about - and PHP87 agreed - the Quds "gotcha" question, and PHP87 said it wouldn't be put to anyone else.

All it took for you to avoid being confused was reading the interview.

I'm guessing you didn't bother.


You are right, I didn't bother reading the two links.

I read your mixed up post and decided what good would it do for me to bother when you didn't even know what you were talking about.

I'm not George Bush. You can't blame me for all your mistakes.

Nice try at passing the responsibility over to somebody else, though. A true liberal in action.

Have a lie down Chuck.

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It's fairly obvious to even a casual observer that he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's going to be doing.

Maybe because it is a completely fictitious question. The first thing any president would do is consult with experts, before making a decision about what he is going to do.

Good answer.

Have you thought of running?

At least, UG can legally run for the office.

Yes, I know. And?

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If Hewitt asked Fiorina the same question about the Chinese attacking a Japanese or Filipino ship, why did Fiorina answer with what she would do with the Iranian Quds forces?

You have your questions from Hewitt or your answers from the two candidates mixed up.

Either question is a "gotcha" type.

The big question is, what would Hillary do?

Maybe you should quit watching so much Fox News.

Chuck I posted the full transcript of the interview.

I posted the Chinese question to illustrate how vacuous his reply was.

He complained about - and PHP87 agreed - the Quds "gotcha" question, and PHP87 said it wouldn't be put to anyone else.

All it took for you to avoid being confused was reading the interview.

I'm guessing you didn't bother.


You are right, I didn't bother reading the two links.

I read your mixed up post and decided what good would it do for me to bother when you didn't even know what you were talking about.

I'm not George Bush. You can't blame me for all your mistakes.

Nice try at passing the responsibility over to somebody else, though. A true liberal in action.

Have a lie down Chuck.

I'm not the one that needs their head cleared up. Still trying that old deflection, huh?

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You are right, I didn't bother reading the two links.

I read your mixed up post and decided what good would it do for me to bother when you didn't even know what you were talking about.

I'm not George Bush. You can't blame me for all your mistakes.

Nice try at passing the responsibility over to somebody else, though. A true liberal in action.

Have a lie down Chuck.

I'm not the one that needs their head cleared up. Still trying that old deflection, huh?

I think you are actually.

I have no idea where the George Bush comment came from.

Is the fact that I said I wouldn't post the entire article because it's too long mean that I'm passing the responsibility to you to read it?

Really Chuck, have a lie down.

Just to clarify and get back on topic: The subject I raised is Trump not being capable of providing a rational answer and then insulting the questioner for daring to ask him.

Fiorina got the same question and answered it handsomely.

Trump wouldn't answer another theoretical question because "he's going to tell everyone what he's going to do after he's elected".

If you read the article there are even more nonsensical statements.

HH: And if Israel acts unilaterally against Iran because they view this deal as so bad, will you unequivocally stand by the action of the Netanyahu government?

DT: Of course I will. In fact, he's a friend of mine. I did commercials for his reelection. And according to what he said, I'm the only celebrity, he's used the word celebrity, this was a while ago, that did commercials, that he asked to do commercials.

Whoop de doo, he's a celebrity. He does like himself a lot, doesn't he?

And he certainly isn't fit to be president if all he can churn out is this empty-headed rubbish.

At this rate I don't think the GOP have anything to worry about even if he does run as an Independent.

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This will be my last word on the subject. You may then respond and have the final word, which is something you crave.

You initially said Hewitt asked the question of Trump, what would he do if the Chinese attacked a Japanese or Filipino ship.

Trump responded with an answer you thought was rambling and incoherent.

Then you made the claim Hewitt asked Carly Fiorina the SAME QUESTION and you provided her answer. Her answer you provided related to sanctions on Iranian money and the Quds forces and had nothing to do with an attack on Japanese or Filipino vessels.

Most reasonable people reading that would assume you made a mistake and Hewitt really didn't ask Fiorina the SAME QUESTION but perhaps asked her an entirely different question since her answer was not on point.

When I pointed all this out to you, you accused me of not reading your links. That is an accurate assessment. Since your post was so fouled up, I didn't see the sense in trying to figure it out for you.

Had you managed to string together a few sentences into a cohesive thought, I might have read your links.

With the flowing rhetorical skills showing in the post you made, I really had no incentive to go any further

The floor is now yours, but your last post is just more deflection.

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This will be my last word on the subject. You may then respond and have the final word, which is something you crave.

You initially said Hewitt asked the question of Trump, what would he do if the Chinese attacked a Japanese or Filipino ship.

Trump responded with an answer you thought was rambling and incoherent.

Then you made the claim Hewitt asked Carly Fiorina the SAME QUESTION and you provided her answer. Her answer you provided related to sanctions on Iranian money and the Quds forces and had nothing to do with an attack on Japanese or Filipino vessels.

Most reasonable people reading that would assume you made a mistake and Hewitt really didn't ask Fiorina the SAME QUESTION but perhaps asked her an entirely different question since her answer was not on point.

When I pointed all this out to you, you accused me of not reading your links. That is an accurate assessment. Since your post was so fouled up, I didn't see the sense in trying to figure it out for you.

Had you managed to string together a few sentences into a cohesive thought, I might have read your links.

With the flowing rhetorical skills showing in the post you made, I really had no incentive to go any further

The floor is now yours, but your last post is just more deflection.

Had you read the article I linked, you would realise that PHP87 brought up the subject of the "Gotcha" question, and I responded.

It's all pretty clear if you don't just sit there sniping in a half arsed fashion without reading what is in front of you.

I agree, I would quit while you're behind.

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All 17 GOP candidates are unelectable with no clear policies for helping or reason for the middle-class to vote for them.

As usual, your whole post is partisan nonsense, but this ridiculous statement stands out. The Republicans have a strong field with some very electable candidates. Competition in the public school system, restructuring the complicated tax code, and job creation policies will bolster the middle class and put the USA back on a path towards economic success.

"Back on a path to economic success"


You seem to be getting confused between the longest recovery from a recession in 150 years and "ECONOMIC SUCCESS". They are two different things. blink.png

I said in response:

If so, it just shows how deep and damaging the Bush recession was.

I was on my way out so couldn't give a lengthier answer. Here it is:

Besides the little matter of this being the deepest recession since The Great Depression, the republicans have screamed "NO!" To every job creation proposal put forward by Obama over the years. Meanwhile, they have proposed no, nada, nil, zilch counter proposals of their own. Because God forbid that anything positive might ensue and Obama get credit.

In fact, they had vowed from day one to do everything in their power to ensure the failure of the Obama presidency. After all the tantrums, obstructions, and outright sabotage--while offering NO counter solutions ("More tax cuts for the rich" doesn't count), it's a little rich for them to then complain about the slowness of the recovery.


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