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Nigerians and Peruvian arrested on drug charge in Rayong


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Does anyone know why they need "naval officers" for this? Or is it just PR to show how much we all just can't possibly do without the military about to hold our collective hands? I wonder if they all got to pose for a photo at the end of this "op" having saved the kids for another day....

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if they did ok they will be able to buy there way out, and thats a good thing, drugs arent the evil they are made out to be, theres a drug store right out my door and someone has to make them

seems like someone here is trying to justify his dangerous self-harming habit.

drugs destroy human personality. like in the famous biological experiment: rats push pleasure button (connected to the pleasure center in their brains) until die.

only junkies are not agree with this.

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Nigerians nothing new, every single day they make it to the news. and lately drug related charges on many Peruvian across Asia. Two got busted at Manila, Philippines trying to smuggle Cocaine, one got basted this week, at Dhaka, Bangladesh for same Charges and now in Thailand.

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A nice bit of BBC for the hungry ladyboys in the monkey house ?.

Mmm British Broadcasing Corporation.- I realise we do use the odd abbreviation- but what are you on about- can you explain?

Maybe some soup and rice for those hungry ladyboys- hungry for what?

Back to the OP- seems like they were cooking up crack cocaine - one of the worst drugs on the planet- they deserve everything they get.

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What I don't see is any posts which points out, and I think an investigation should be launched as to the global connections these people have and what is their motive here. We know their motive, money. What we don't know is how they are connected, how big the connection is, perhaps there are a lot of questions to be answered here.

Specifically, who is facilitating their entry to the country and their ongoing visas...

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if they did ok they will be able to buy there way out, and thats a good thing, drugs arent the evil they are made out to be, theres a drug store right out my door and someone has to make them

seems like someone here is trying to justify his dangerous self-harming habit.

drugs destroy human personality. like in the famous biological experiment: rats push pleasure button (connected to the pleasure center in their brains) until die.

only junkies are not agree with this.

There are those who can enjoy their chemicals responsibly. Just as there are those who cannot handle anything. One rule does not fit all, nor does one assumption.

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Just wondering, why do these guys get to have their faces blurred out?...

Usually that's not normal procedures for arrested suspects

That is the way they look......

Damn, I was thinking the black dudes were Mike tyson and evaders holyfield coming back out of retirement for the 20yr anniversary of their infamous brawl to do it once last time...

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if they did ok they will be able to buy there way out, and thats a good thing, drugs arent the evil they are made out to be, theres a drug store right out my door and someone has to make them

seems like someone here is trying to justify his dangerous self-harming habit.

drugs destroy human personality. like in the famous biological experiment: rats push pleasure button (connected to the pleasure center in their brains) until die.

only junkies are not agree with this.

There are those who can enjoy their chemicals responsibly. Just as there are those who cannot handle anything. One rule does not fit all, nor does one assumption.

oh yeah, the main junkie's lie is "I can take drugs a little bit, on weekends and remain a member if society all other days"

in practice you start to use drugs occasionally. then on some weekends. than every weekend. and finally find yourself without job, friends, relatives, but taking drugs every day

I've heard that fairy tale about "responsible drug usage" so many times and always, sooner or later, the end was the same.

conscious has natural mechanisms to resist urges for natural pleasures, but chemical artificial pleasures are so strong that conscious gives up, sooner or later.

dopamine is a natural pleasure hormone. it decomposes in bloodstream very quickly - a natural mechanism of prevention of too much pleasure. that's why dopamine can't be used as a drug.

but heroin much stronger affects the same receptors and does not decompose at all. that's why new mechanism of prevention of too much pleasure starts - pleasure receptors degenerate and those remained loose there sensitivity to dopamine.

and junky has to take more and more to get the same effect. natural dopamine does not work for him anymore.

he is hooked forever and doomed to tell the fairy tale about "responsible usage" in order to rationalize and justify his dependency.

same with all other popular drugs.

there is no ex-junkies, but there are some junkies who manage to sober. they will never be the same as before they tried drugs. there is no way back.

Edited by TimmyT
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I said 2 years ago that all Nigerians should be searched, IDs carefully checked, and monitored thru out their stay in Thailand. Most are on nefarious missions and up to no good. Why else would,

for example the 2 pictured, neither of whom is anywhere near 50, ( retirement visa ), come here? I

am sure if they had been carefully checked, ( see Auatralia, Canada and Israel to learn how this

is done ), they would have been denied entry and maybe arrested !

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if they did ok they will be able to buy there way out, and thats a good thing, drugs arent the evil they are made out to be, theres a drug store right out my door and someone has to make them

"drugs aren't the evil they are made out to be",,, are you for real?

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Why are people like this permitted into the country?

Why are they even permitted to leave their home country?

They have worked hard to earn their world wide, bad reputation.

No people in any country are happy to see these scum.

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What I don't see is any posts which points out, and I think an investigation should be launched as to the global connections these people have and what is their motive here. We know their motive, money. What we don't know is how they are connected, how big the connection is, perhaps there are a lot of questions to be answered here.

The Peruvian is obviously the cook. The other two probably sourceing ingrediants, traffic organisers/ every time a nigerian seems to come out in the news it's for scamming and other horrible crime, not just in Thailand but all over the world.

This is a prime example and a shame on Thai immigration for the amount of scum that filters into this country.

I wonder if their address was noted at time of entry as "Tent in Rubber plantation"

To say the least this Country needs to do something about it's border control and Visa requierments, back ground checks ect.

But then again a Negro hooker can flaunt herself on Sukhomvit Rd and not attract the attention of police standing nearby.

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Thai immigration needs to be more careful who they are letting into this country even if this involves "profiling". It seems that many undesirable criminal types come here to rob ATMs , deal with drugs , illegal call centers etc. I wonder if they have a handle on how many people from each country are here on overstay. Too many foreign thugs are causing problems here.

Now your statement is the most logical so far. And it has been this way for years.... Thank you.....thumbsup.gif

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Why are people like this permitted into the country?

Why are they even permitted to leave their home country?

They have worked hard to earn their world wide, bad reputation.

No people in any country are happy to see these scum.

I wish I knew, so maybe it is a part of the United Nations, diversity program, or perhaps a repatriation program from the same..... I surely can never understand how these people got in... Something smells fishy to me.... Thailand needs to clean their act up, in my opinion... That is why truthfully I have not returned. So these are quality people, you would trust you children with correct? I really have no clue of where it is going to end... Must be the department of tourism huh? I truly admit that I do miss Thailand, but I guess this is the quality people that they really want..... So I stay here in America with my wife, and I am not too happy when she goes home. Not the Thailand that I knew... Just my opinion....wai.gif

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A nice bit of BBC for the hungry ladyboys in the monkey house ?.

Mmm British Broadcasing Corporation.- I realise we do use the odd abbreviation- but what are you on about- can you explain?

Maybe some soup and rice for those hungry ladyboys- hungry for what?

Back to the OP- seems like they were cooking up crack cocaine - one of the worst drugs on the planet- they deserve everything they get.

Sorry for being late with the reply. If you Google BBC porn definition the answer is awaiting you. Now with feeding the hungry ladyboys your interpretation of rice soup is not far off the mark when you include the BBC's !!!! But maybe the image is not for everyone.

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if they did ok they will be able to buy there way out, and thats a good thing, drugs arent the evil they are made out to be, theres a drug store right out my door and someone has to make them

What a strange post, what are you on ?

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