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Don't know your age Konini, but some in my crowd have just decided to "go natural" after a couple decades of coloring to "hide the greys" at some point you realize you aren't hiding a few stray grey hairs and the entire root mass is white/grey. I was pushed on by the fact that the Thai salons, even the much celebrated Absolute Salon on Huay Kaew, which charges western prices kept wanting to make my hair harsh Thai colors instead of subtle western colors. Every colorist in the west knows you tone down a woman's color as she ages rather than making it darker and harsher. Frankly, even the Thai ladies would look better with toned down more subtle brown colors as they age instead of jet black.

I remembered how my Dad had fabulous thick white hair by the time he was 65 and since I'm getting close, I just bit the bullet and decided to give up color. That was a "the year of the skunk." Several others in my circle of done the same thing with eventual good results.

Now if we could just find a good local source of "silver shampoo" instead of trying to figure out how to have it shipped in here. It does make a difference for white or grey hair. Keeps if from looking faded or yellow.

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Don't know your age Konini, but some in my crowd have just decided to "go natural" after a couple decades of coloring to "hide the greys" at some point you realize you aren't hiding a few stray grey hairs and the entire root mass is white/grey. I was pushed on by the fact that the Thai salons, even the much celebrated Absolute Salon on Huay Kaew, which charges western prices kept wanting to make my hair harsh Thai colors instead of subtle western colors. Every colorist in the west knows you tone down a woman's color as she ages rather than making it darker and harsher. Frankly, even the Thai ladies would look better with toned down more subtle brown colors as they age instead of jet black.

I remembered how my Dad had fabulous thick white hair by the time he was 65 and since I'm getting close, I just bit the bullet and decided to give up color. That was a "the year of the skunk." Several others in my circle of done the same thing with eventual good results.

Now if we could just find a good local source of "silver shampoo" instead of trying to figure out how to have it shipped in here. It does make a difference for white or grey hair. Keeps if from looking faded or yellow.

I'll be 52 soon, but have a lot of grey - natural highlights as I like to call them, but I know what you're saying. I want to bite the bullet and let it go, but I have long hair and unless I get it cut a lot shorter than it is now I'm going to be in severe pain for a lot longer than a year. My cunning plan is to match my natural colour, blend it in, then when it starts coming through get silver highlights to get a nice natural look until that grows out. I don't know if it will work or not; I'll be annoyed if it doesn't because I've suffered for a good couple of months to get an inch-plus wide skunk trail so that there is enough of it to get a good match. I'd never thought about the colours here being harsh compared to more subtle ones I'm used to, but you are 100% right - that's the difference that I've never been able to put my finger on. I didn't know silver shampoo and conditioner weren't available here, I've never looked as I've used the same one forever and it's always something that I've automatically put on my shopping list for back home, I shudder at the cost of shipping it.

Whilst looking on the internet yesterday I came across New York New York salon who charge 4,500 - that's as much as I once paid in Melbourne (only to have it looking no different than going to my usual quarter of the price salon; I put that one down to experience). It would probably be worth the big price tag if it were to be the last time ever (apart from highlights), and if I were in Aus or UK I would have no hesitation doing it in the full knowledge that I would definitely get a perfect match, but that's an awful lot of money to risk on something that might not work with a Thai colourist who is not as accustomed to doing it as they are back home. Actually, it isn't really that much money but it just seems so extravagant and wasteful, I've never been comfortable spending money on myself no matter what I used to earn.

To be honest, I've always loved white hair. I was white right up until high school; at the grand old age of 13 I was going to see the Sex Pistols and I dyed it electric blue. Punishment from my parents (when they got over the shock) was bad enough, but it never went back to white after that until it was peroxide white with the Debbie Harry look in my late teens and early twenties, and now look forward to having it again. It will be just my luck to go grey not white, although it does look more white than grey to my eyes, so my fingers are crossed.

I'm going to a wedding next week so the skunk trail has to go unfortunately. I need to get of my bum and do something though, we fly out first thing Tuesday morning. Decisions, decisions.

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To be honest, I've always loved white hair. I was white right up until high school; at the grand old age of 13 I was going to see the Sex Pistols and I dyed it electric blue. Punishment from my parents (when they got over the shock) was bad enough, but it never went back to white after that until it was peroxide white with the Debbie Harry look in my late teens and early twenties, and now look forward to having it again.


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