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Testoviron / Andriol (or similar steroids) in Bangkok


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Does anyone have any experience buying these medications (steroids) in Bangkok. I know nothing about these except that there are many fakes and counterfeits in Thailand. My friend is here looking for them but I warned him about the problem with counterfeit steroids (especially in Pattaya).

I am not asking for opinions are lectures about these medications.....he is a grown man and can make his own decisions.

So please, the main questions I am asking are whether or not these medications (or other steroid types and brands) can be obtained in pharmacies (with or without prescription) and if anyone knows of a safe and legitimate pharmacy to buy them from. Thanks!

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Testosterone can be purchased without a prescription. In Pattaya, suggest Fascino Pharmacy (stick to pharmacies, no street vendors and avoid pharmacies in tourist areas). North Pattaya Road near City Hall (same side of the road about 100m further from the beach.

Before going there your friend needs to do his homework and decide what form of testosterone he wants: chemical form and also delivery system (gel, tablet, injection).

There have been a lot of threads in this forum on T replacement therapy suggest doin ga search and reading those for starters.

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Thanks Sheryl. Do you know of a place in BKK by chance? He will not be going to Pattaya. Also, he is not using it for low T, but rather for aesthetic reasons. I have seen some of the other threads, but they were dated years ago so I did not know if the laws and availability have changed, much less a legitimate source for the medications in BKK. Thanks again.

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They're is one off surawong rd that has real medications at good prices

They have Thai or indian generic for many products cheaper than the name brand

I know it's a tourist area but I've found them honest and fair, products like testosterone etc can be verified online by a serial number or qr code on some brands that's unique to every pack ...

Famous Name brands will be obviously faked more often than generics and don't buy from any stalls selling around suk Rd etc

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