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Ikobo.com Cheats Hundreds Of Companies

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Hi folks,

I have several accounts with ikobo.com (on recommendations by thaipro.com - a search engine based in Pattaya that seems to be affiliated with them)

1) Last year everything worked well with them, so I opened another account with them a few weeks ago and banked 200 USD via my Visa Card, issued by a Thai bank.

2) No ikobo ikard arrived so I scanned the web for ikobo sucks and ikobo scams and hundreds of complains shown up that users were cheated from ikobo.

From my own research, I noted around 250 users got scammed and some even got scammed around 6000 USD. I myself got scammed around 450 USD which is not that much and it doesn't hurt me that much but I feel p..sed because it is the 1st time I got scammed in 11 years on the WWW.

I am currently in discussion with the Bangkok Post to get a story out about ikobo.com and those affiliates that still keep promoting them in Thailand.

It looks the guys of Ikobo are from India and the scam is is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. (Some mentioend they are maybe Nigerian's but it is for sure that the Number 2 in ikobo is a Russian)

Both Mastercard and Amex removed them already and they are now only left with Visa Int'l.

One guy got scammed in the States around 8000 USD with his merchant account, and he is currently in discussion with the law enforcement and the Attorney General in Georgia, to track them down.

No one seems to be answering more the phone at their office and a lot of people's are still waiting for their Visa iKard since last year. (I have been emailing them for 10 days with no response)

Anyone has the same problems in Thailand and can come forward as I promised those guys in the States that I will launch something from Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia to get them nailed?

Also anyone has information about who thaipro.com is in Thailand as they have been promoting ikobo.com for a long time already? Are they based in Thailand and anyone has their address, address or contact details such as who are the Thai and foreign shareholders?

Thanks and best regards,

PS: ikobo.com still buys Adswords from google but google has been informed already and hopefully they pull the Ads ASAP as they offer a 10 tier affiliate system and claim that they have paid out 350,000 USD.

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Myself and my business partner looked into Ikobo about a month ago... Very nearly moved our business from Paypal to it (it has no restrictions on what countries can use it)... Very glad we didn't now.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I only learnt about it from a guy who had something to do with Thaipro - The conversation certainly seemed like a bit of a plug!!!

Mmm.... Just did a whois on ikobo.com and thaipro.com but the database says it has no info for thaipro.com (Like it doesn't exist). Perhaps IT or one of the other computer guys could look into this??? :o

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I don't think that thaipro.com is related to them but we emailed them 2 times without any reponse and we still see them endorsing this affiliate system.

The fraught seems to working the following way:

Either they mail the ikard out or they email the PIN code out.

(But they never give you both)

The last contact from them was about 10 days ago and when I warned them about legal actions but no one replies.

thaipro.com seems to be run out of Pattaya.

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OK, I talked to the guy that runs thaipro.com and hr informed me too that he has problems with them and he assured me he will remove all links ASAP. So at least no new Thai websites will join in and to be scammed.

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Hi Folks,

This is the webmaster at www.thaipro.com

First let me say that I do not have any connections with Ikobo, I just started to use them since last July as a payment option on our site, the system seemed easy and as Paypal didn't accept Thailand, this seemed the solution to take.

Until 2-months ago, never no problem, payments from customers came on my Ikobo account within 2-days time, and as soon as the money was on the account, via their control-panel I could transfer the money to my Ikobo-Card (a Ikobo branded Visa Electron Card) walk to the first ATM in Pattaya, and take out the money.

But as I explained to "ASINAH", when he phoned me 1-hour ago, since about 2-months my customers are having problems to pay via Ikobo.

As soon as they entered their CC-card info in the form, the system responds with "Your Card has been blocked".

In January-February this happened with about 4 on 10 people that wanted to pay online, since March this has gone up to 6 a 7 cases by 10 customers. I have emailed support a couple of times but got only standard pre-formed answers in the way of "Our security-system tries to intercept fraude payments, which can sometimes result in legitimate cards being blocked also, we are sorry for this".

I have to say that when I signed up with them, I received my Ikobo-ATM-Card and PIN-code within the next 3-days, Card delivered by courier and PIN delivered by email.

I have never had any problem with getting my money and after any transaction online, I was able to retrieve the money, minus the 2% commission for Ikobo from any ATM in the world. Even 2-days ago I took out a couple of thousand Baht while shopping in "Big C" in Pattaya.

As "Thaipro.com is promoting ikobo.com" ....... After signing up with them, I received by email a welcome-message and at the same time the information that Ikobo had a very good affiliated program, by adding links and banners to them.

I then first did a search on Google for "Ikobo Affiliate Program" and found thousands of pages and forums where webmasters explained how easy and good value it was to add banners and links to Ikobo to receive a 10 US$ bonus every time a website signed up to use the merchant account of Ikobo, so why not .... same as many other websites work with affiliated programs fro "Tours, Hotels, Books, Loans, Web-Hosting..... and many many more.

I myself signed up after clicking the Ikobo banner on another website at that time.

Now what "LegalAllien" is saying as "I'm pretty sure I only learnt about it from a guy who had something to do with Thaipro" ...... Dont have a clue what he is talking about, as I am the only "Guy" here at Thaipro ... and surely could not have been while having a beer somewhere in Pattaya, as I then surely no have time to talk about Ikobo while cruising the bars ....... Did you really meet me somewhere?? .... Did I pay the round or did You .... a little clarification about this would be in order.

Using Ikobo as a payment solution and joining their affiliated program all happened in good faith, as before signing up, at that moment, I did a search on Ikobo and nothing bad came up, I did find a lot of pages on "Pay pal Sucks" but only found praise from webmasters about Ikobo (talking about July 2003).

Same as "ASINAH" told me on the phone, that before he signed up, he also did a search for "Ikobo Scam" and "Ikobo Problems" but did not find anything bad, reason he then signed up.

To show my good faith in all of this, as soon after "ASINAH" phoned me, I have started taking of the links and banners to Ikobo, even currently I do not find any real proof on the NET that people are being robbed .... I find here and there some webmasters that are unhappy or say they dont get their money .... but no less or more than from the many other paysystems such as Paypall and others.

I am doing this as I trust the well-informed people on this forum that this announcement is backed by proof, as I am taking of a affiliated program that don't pay too bad, all on what I am reading here.

Most links are already gone as I am writing this message and the server is currently rebuilding all the other pages, everything should resolve in about 8 a 12 hours time.

Beware I am not defending Ikobo, as before "ASINAH" phoned me I was already looking out for another payment-system to use, as I am not very happy that 6 users on 10 can not use the system, so I am missing business.

As a last note, the reason I did not respond to the emails, was because "ASINAH" used an old email-address that he found at WHOIS, I had cancelled this email as I was getting to much spam on this one.

Had he simply clicked the link "Contact Us" that appears at the bottom of each of my pages, then he would have received an answer within hours.

If someone would now also post some links to pages that are showing a "Proof" of this "Ikobo Scam", I would like to have a look at them as I would like to see why Ikobo suddenly changed from a good system in the past to a bad one.

Best regards,

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i signed up with ikobo.com last year and had a $200 payment come through without a problem. i was then sent the most generic looking atm card i have ever seen . the card worked out here in thailand and i pulled the funds out in baht. since then, they sent a visa electron card and a pin but i haven't used it yet or the account in about 6 months.

the following is information listed on the back of the ikobo visa electron card:

issued by Global Bank of Commerce Limited.

if the card is lost or stolen the bank phone number is 268.480.2240

ikobo's phone number is 678.483.4562

if found the card should be returned to the bank at:

4 woods center

st. john's


iKobo Announces Board of Director Positions


Ikobo, Inc.

1355 Terrell Mill Road

Building 1466 Suite 100

Marietta, GA 30067


Domain name: IKOBO.COM

Administrative Contact:

Admin, Domain [email protected]

1355 Terrell Mill Road

Building 1466 Suite 100

Marietta, GA 30067


678-483-4562 Fax: 678-483-4569

Technical Contact:

Admin, Domain [email protected]

1355 Terrell Mill Road

Building 1466 Suite 100

Marietta, GA 30067


678-483-4562 Fax: 678-483-4569

Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.

Record last updated on 23-Sep-2003.

Record expires on 11-Oct-2008.

Record created on 11-Oct-2000.

Domain servers in listed order:


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I am an representative from iKobo. This post was forwarded to customer support. We would like to apologize for any unresolved issues that customers have with us. We are happy to immediately any of these issues. Please contact me for assistance.



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I was looking for a way to receive payments online etc. some time ago and considered various possibilities.

I almost immediately disounted iKobo mainly because of the name - "Kobo" is the smallest unit of Nigerian currency - as in if $ = Naira, Cent = Kobo; maybe not the best reason in the world but having lived in Nigeria for 4 years, and, like everyone else on the Web, received dozens of "419" Emails, I felt it wise to look elsewhere!

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So what happened with my ikard?

Would you care to comment?

Are you the marketing manager that so many people's are waiting for at an answer:


I noted you were before answering to complains at the forums, but then you stopped visiting the forum. Any reason ?

Why no one is answering the phone in the States?

Why did Master Card and Amex pulled the plug on you?

Why did you last month accept paypal as payment?

Why are you still advertising on Adwords if you know that ikobo's customer support isn't answering the phone?

Now I hear the whole operation is operated out of an offshore Bank in Antigua and kobo stands for a Nigerian currency. (OMG)

So what's happened to my iKard? By the way, your customer support refused to even give me a full name and I informed them I am not given them any more details until I know with the person I am communicating.

Care to explain?

and btw: Why the Int'l Marketing Director of ikobo is joining all those forums to try to do damage control? Looks to me you are a one man show?

Huski, thanks for posting the details of their location, I have forwarded it and posted in the other forums so at least the users know from where they operate. (I owe you one)

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You mentioned in your posting that you remove the link on good faith w/o any proofs.

At the same time you mentioned as posted:

"But as I explained to "ASINAH", when he phoned me 1-hour ago, since about 2-months my customers are having problems to pay via Ikobo.

As soon as they entered their CC-card info in the form, the system responds with "Your Card has been blocked".

"Which card has been blocked? The ikobo card?

Did they all get their money back?"

If I were you I would contact them all and I think it is in the interest of your reputation to pull the plug on ikobo because I only got to know them from your website.

I do hope no Thais have been scammed that came in via your website. (You mentionend to me on the phone you made good beer money with the affiliate system so I am sure this is just the beginning as you are top listed.


I know several websites in Thailand that uses SCB and they have no problems. Transactions is around 40 million Baht per month so if you have a real business, have some money you can put in a fixed deposit account you should do fine with them and as longer you work with them as more creditbilty you will gain from them.

BTW: We use mainly surepay.com and they are owned by First Data, the guys that seem to own Western Union, Telecheck Express and they have merchand facilities in the US and Canada, South America and Australia. They are going to expand into Asia by this or next year. (If I remember correct they own Chase Manhattan Bank but I could be wrong)

I must say however they are picky and they need all US companies to have a D&B Credit rating which is easy to get.

Since we switched all our online hotel reservations to hotelclub.net (they were bought out by Cendant this week for a lot of cash) we no longer use them but still have an account with them.

BTW: Surepay and First Data have been informed about ikobo as they are too located in the State of Georgia and I hope they can pull some strings on ikobo.

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Had he simply clicked the link "Contact Us" that appears at the bottom of each of my pages, then he would have received an answer within hours.

I can't as I am using Pacific Net Thailand and your site is not showing up for some kind of block. (try it out but the message I am getting is no dns)

So from my experience if I deal with a website I make a whois search and contact the owner of the website to make sure that the owner gets the email and not some kind of support etc. .

(I would say most websites update a valid email address on their whois search. If you didn't it's your problem but I would suggest contact Pacific Net why they don't allow their users access to your website)


When I make nslookup

connection timed out; no servers could be reached (I also tried the dig command but again another server time out)

; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> thaipro.com

Could be that your dns is wrong setup? Maybe talk to your hosting company as they may made some changes on the ns1 etc. and you have not done those changes with GoDadday.

I made an nslookup and it could be that your site is wrong setup by dns:

Non-authoritative answer:

nameserver = ns1.thaiproweb.net

nameserver = ns2.thaiproweb.net

Authoritative answers can be found from:

thaipro.com nameserver = ns1.thaiproweb.net.

thaipro.com nameserver = ns2.thaiproweb.net.

you should change that to:

ns1.thaiproweb.net internet address = your IP number for NS1

ns2.thaiproweb.net internet address = your IP number for NS2

Non-authoritative answer:

thaipro.com nameserver = ns1.thaiproweb.net.

thaipro.com nameserver = ns2.thaiproweb.net.

Authoritative answers can be found from:

thaipro.com nameserver = ns1.thaiproweb.net.

thaipro.com nameserver = ns2.thaiproweb.net.

nslookup: Couldn't find server 'ns2.thaiproweb.net': Name or service not known

nslookup: Couldn't find server 'ns1.thaiproweb.net': Name or service not known

So I take that back that Pacific Net blocks you but your dns is wrong setup and since both of your ns servers have the same problems they just not resolving and give a wrong dns

OK, I am off for some son and beaches but I will join this forum again on Saturday or Sunday.

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To clarify my post. I have never met you, but - without putting too much detail - I did meet a guy who said he was working/helping with thaipro.com and then went on to give me the full pitch about ikobo.com. Whether he was genuine in his claim regarding thaipro.com is something I hadn't considered. Apologies if this is the case.

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As I am doing a lot of tracing etc. I found out some bucks on the ikobo server.

First of all it is a must to have 2 name servers (dns) and not one if you run your own dns. (They can't be hosted on the same server and you need two boxes to run a valid name server)

Maybe try stop advertising so much on Google Adwords and get first your infrastructure fixed because the way your system is setup it looks to me that whoever the techteam is at ikobo they have no clue of setting up a server and also thaipro mentioned to me on the phone that it a an EX Navy office from the US and I highly doubt that.

You have ns1 but ns2 is missing? I wonder why?

Tracking down your IP number it comes up as - and when I make a search on google I end up at ikobo.ru and on the Russian page I found:

I wonder why Ikobo Russia mentions IBM Corporation on their page? Anyone speaks russian on thaivisa.com that would like to translate it?

Also your address mentions Building 1466 Suite 100? Looks to me we talk about a building but when I make a search on the web you seem to be the only one that make use of Building 1466.

Any way, no big deal ikobo1, posted in the Atlanta Webforum so someone can make a picture of Building 1466 and email it to me so I will post it on this site.

My guess is it is a local residence or possible operating out of a business center. Whatever it is I will share it with everyone as soon I get the news from the Atlanta Forum.

Oh yes, since you have my private address, I informed already the Police station at my Mooban as I may expect some visits from some of you guys at ikobo as I am sure I will be going to hurt your business.

Bye for now.

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Thanks for the clarification and honesty, LegalAlien .....

Still wondering who you did meet .... but never mind.

I even ran into a guy in Pattaya once, telling that in reality he was CIA

working undercover in the bars ... well you have them

Whenever in Pattaya, drop me a line

maybe we can have a pint together.


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Here's a rough translation of ikobo.ru for you courtesy of InterTran, at first I thought he was saying he'd been ripped off but now I'm not sure...

Very agile how rendering after breach against iKobo, Inc.

On the cards, at anon formation discharge after breach to make room for cully formation, as, Webmoney, - brass, E-gold ampersand file cully formation

behind adduct thumb-nail sketch formation discharge iKobo ampersand direct experiment exertion author chance ?????? discharge formation About meringue cultivation do into www.ikobo.com

AT given factor activity differently FAQ about handywork after iKobo.

An briefly formation, that formation discharge iKobo lock among carrier card ampersand, which their no. Formation admit to make tracks for brass ?? number one card body at, no long such card ? also after gladuation card chance like smoke gladuation against cohort- in fond remembrance of about, for example qua defrayal after either entertainment discharge at hire system against on-line auction.

Cause dispatch look ensuing fashion:

1. Mailer, among whom already ate ATM card VISA either MasterCard against www.ikobo.com

2. Poisoner " build" against iKobo receiver discharge, inlet intelligencer about receiver, in particular, necessarily show in appellation receiver ampersand him active post-office address where receiver dig up cartouche.

3. Mailer dispense rendering number one chalk card receiver discharge, formula against.

4. ATM safety rendering, iKobo divisor amount rendering against unequal detail, ampersand cut after card mailer division.

5. Mailer discharge amount against iKobo, recognition amount about write for account either across country at her bank. An against mailer no afterbirth acknowledgement by penta, that iKobo give back brass carrier card conversely against cartouche, avoidance embezzlement mean after card. fashion advocacy against.

6. After acknowledgement against mailer rendering iKobo cut division rendering after card mailer ampersand detect account against amount receiver discharge at banket, in particular behalf keeping bank account iKobo is Global Bank of Commerce,LTD.

7. After break-through account at banket iKobo cartouche VISA Electron, cartographer, card assuredly no, but if brass at banker her all nuf sed Distant this card express- mail receiver discharge. PIN code card against e-mail mailer, which teamwise PIN() receiver accessible how.

8. After gladuation card receiver drop in against iKobo ampersand makeweight file number one account, beginning mailer discharge against number one appellation to the last. Ibidem come to find out balance against card.

9. Here we sill near leg . At positively dross against account receiver to make tracks for near banker, after aid iKobo ampersand brass PIN gladuation against mailer discharge.

Direct experiment exertion author chance www.ikobo.com

22.01.2004 - Account formation.

27.01.2004 - Mailer rendering, number one card MasterCard receiver at amount 10$.

05.02.2004 - Departed gladuation registered letter after card. Character 9 before addressee.

09.02.2004 - Accomplishment recording receiver at formation iKobo ampersand at banker 100$.

Penalty after card after carriage opera about at banker $1.50.

Footing against card the rest of it 144 ?. Together with, as 9 behalf delivery correspondence among at regional it anxiously.

Farther gen line beyond. [email protected] , [email protected]


Before near formation departed carriage disquisition service, against article big noise service ampersand admittedly dependability formation Behind adduct address ampersand big noise ex- ampersand arrant:

Accordingly, against my aspect, it daughter conformation company IBM, whom advance redbrick service against discharge formation at breach.

I think Intertran needs to do a little work on their software!


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Jayrockwell: Thanks for the translation in Russian.

Winston: Your DNS is working now and your site shows up now.

Ikobo1: Still haven't heard anything from you or your support for a while now. (no iKard was received so you can join me up at webmasterworld

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Well, at least I didn't lose any money with iKobo as some have...

I "signed" up with them about 8 months ago - I use "quotation fingers" because my registration never actually went through - I received my "Welcome" email about 5 minutes *after* I received my "Account Blocked" email - LOL &lt;deleted&gt;.

Anyways, after numerous attempts (spanning many months) at trying to deal with their "support" system - evidently an Indian with worse English skills than a 5 yr old Thai who keeps clicking the "send the automated response button", I decided that in order to rev them up I was keen to try some more colorful language :o

Here's what I sent:

Subject/Question: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Answer to your Request

Details: Do you think you could read my dmmn response before wasting my time again? Fssking morons.

Here's their reply:

Look here budy there is no need for the rude tone. I am here to help you get your problem resolved. I will help you as long as you wish me to but I will not deal with rude comments from you.

I have looked into your problem and see that your account is still blocked. What would you like me to with your account?

Well as you can expect, I poliely informed them that I'm not their "budy" (&lt;deleted&gt;) and told them exactly what they could do with their account! :D

As for the new member here, iKobo1 - I'd be very wary of a Nigerian scam...

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I've used Ikobo to send money to Thailand several times. It worked fine for me, but I haven't used it recently, so I'm thinking they may simply be expieriencing "growing pains" ie; they have more customers than they can handle with the staff and skills that they have. That's what I'm assuming for now, that it's a system glitch, rather than that it's an intentional scam.

I had been happy enough with Ikobo that I reccomended it on some message boards, and even had an affiliate account with referal links on my website, www.elephantspike.com.

I've just removed the Ikobo links from my site untill I'm satisfied that this problem is resolved. I don't want to be affiliated in any way with a company that is shortchanging anyone, intentionally or not, or one that does not promptly act to resolve such a serious problem. Here's a note I just sent to Ikobo's customer support:


I came accross this thread on the thaivisa message board:


Apparently some people are claiming they had problems with your system and have lost money as a result. They also claim that customer service was unhelpful. I think some people are too quick to point the finger and accuse people of fraud just because it's on the internet, even when the problem could be an honest mistake or a glitch in the system. I believe this is probably the case here. I do hope that you are able to satisfactorily resolve these issues. In the meantime, however, I am afraid I will have to delete my Ikobo affilliate links from my website, www.angelfire.com/trek/elephantspike.

I will restore the links once I am certain that these cusomer service issues have been resolved.

I do intend on using your service myself as a customer to wire cash to my friend in Thailand, as it has always worked fine for me in the past.

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Latest Update. Ikobo sent me (through this board) this e-mail:

Dear Customer,

I am a representative of iKobo, Inc. This is in regards to your post. I

apologize for your case being closed without a response. As for your concern,

all of our legitimate concerns from customers are being addressed and we are

doing our best at providing them with support. We are also working on any issues

brought up by the customers. If you still have any questions or concerns, please

feel free to contact us.

Thank you for choosing iKobo.

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Hi Asinah

I have been following your comments concerning iKobo.

I live in thailand and was today talking with a senior executive of this company by phone and mentioned your comments to him.

He has asked that you supply an e mail at which he personally may contact you in order to try and resolve your problem.

You may send your e mail, which may even be a free account service if you would prefer, to me at [email protected]

I will then forward your e mail to the senior person at ikobo who will then contact you direct and try and resolve your problems.

I hope this is of help to your in sorting out your problems.

Kind regards

Vincent Charles

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Hi Asinah

I have been following your comments concerning iKobo.

I live in thailand and was today talking with a senior executive of this company by phone and mentioned your comments to him.

He has asked that you supply an e mail at which he personally may contact you in order to try and resolve your problem.

You may send your e mail, which may even be a free account service if you would prefer, to me at [email protected]

I will then forward your e mail to the senior person at ikobo who will then contact you direct and try and resolve your problems.

I hope this is of help to your in sorting out your problems.

Kind regards

Vincent Charles

Very altruistic of you - as a Newbie who joined the Board only today but has already discovered this particular thread among the hundreds here, read it all and just happened to speak to a "senior executive" of iKobo the same day - to offer your services as an intermediary between one disgruntled iKobo user and the "senior executive" there.

Would it not be easier to post the Email Address of the said "senior executive" so anyone who has problems can contact him directly? Otherwise the more cynical among us may perceive your intervention as merely another fudge / delaying tactic / disinformation exercise orchestrated by iKobo themselves. A quite unwarranted suspicion I am sure. :o

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Actually I have been on this forum for over 6 months but never decided to post to it.

I have also been in contact with Ikobo since last October and have had numerous conversations with their CEO and senior management. I pointed out to them about the comments here on Tuesday 20th April at 20.20 local time.

I see that one case has already been reopened which I would assume is as a result of my contacts with Ikobo.

However as Asinah opened the thread and has been the main contributor to the topic, then I assumed that he was the one with the main problems.

Ikobo do have a system for taking care of support matters. However at the moment that system is being redesigned as it had problems previously. I have had numerous payments with them which have all worked ok, but after some teething problems. Therefore it is not appropraite to post a senior executives e mail address on a public forum. However if you also wish me to help you in this matter I am more than happy to do so.

Your comments are rather cynical as to my intentions but i may assure you that if you wish to follow the same procedure that i have offered before then you may also get help.

There are numerous facts in these posts that are simply untrue but it is not my place to point these out.

If you do not wish to take up my offer then that is naturally your choice.

Thanks and best regards.

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This is a copy of the e mail that I sent to my Ikobo contact on last tuesday.

Hi Stew

May I suggest you take a look at the following:

The first one is of particular concern to me


I had a reply within 2 hours and then i also see that elephantspike received a reply direct. I can only assume that this was partly due to my e mail to Ikobo.

Then yesterday (saturday) one of their senior executives called my mobile in Thailand from the USA and we talked for 45 minutes, with one of the topics being the posts from Asinah.

So again please let me assure you that my intentions are only to help anyone that may have a problem that cannot be solved via their normal support procedures.

I do have reasons for doing this but have no intention of discussing those on any open forum.

If you wish to take up my offer then please feel free to do so. All and any information you send to me will be treated as totally confidential and will not be posted anywhere or discussed with any third party apart from directly with my contacts at Ikobo.

Thanks and kind regards

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Sorry for my late reply but I was out of the country and just got a private message.

I have been in discussion with ikobo customer support by email but without result.

Our 200 USD looks like still gone. The charge was deducted from our creditcard, and we received an email then Mr. J Landgraf made a transfer to me for USD 200 / Baht 8100.

The we waited for several weeks before we got concerned and contacted ikobo customer support.

We received a reply that the ikard is in the mail and should reach you within 5 - 8 days. This was end of March.

When we kep contacting the company support we didn't received any response.

10 days ago we emailed again ikobo customer support and this time we received a polite email back:

Thank you for contacting us but to receive an ikard you need to ask someone to transfer you money (I am not that stupid) and do know that you don't get an Ikard without many in your account.

So I forward all emails including reference numbers to the customer support to show that I have a valid claim for the funds.

The card was charged, no ikard arrived and whenever I reply to their emails with further proof that money was confirmed as send they don't reply.

So how come that the management is in this webboard but no management is contacting me by email?

My email address is [email protected] and you have the whole week to settle this issue. Send me an iKard by courier ASAP or refund the money back to our Bank A/C of Nova Scotia.

(BTW: If we take action it will come from within Canada and the US were the laws are much better compared to Thailand)

So lets settle this issue for once and for all but please, identify yourself as I have read so many anonymous postings. If anyone is an affiliate of Ikobo their is no need to contact me as I was a past affiliate but we resigned from it in early April.


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