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China warns US Navy after ship sails by Chinese-built island


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"The actions of the U.S. warship have ... jeopardized the safety of personnel and facilities on the reefs,"

How does exercising your right to navigate in international-waters 'jeopardize the safety of personnel and facilities on the reefs' ? blink.png

Or does China feel it can build artificial-islands, on top of what it admits are only "reefs", several hundred miles from the mainland, without causing international concern over their actions, not least by the other claimants to these waters ? wink.png

More negotiation, and fewer bully-boy tactics by the regional super-power, might be a good thing.

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Keep the Internet Open...

Keep International Waters Open...

China does neither. So what fool would not want to show that we can do both?

Nobody is threatening...there is no aggression. No more that if I were to drive down a public rode that passed by your home. This is about China taking out a piece of what belongs to everyone. It is like a new neighbor in your subdivision unilaterally decided to put up a speed bump on a common access road...that leads to your home.

There should be a flotilla of ships from all free Nations of the World heading there now....not just the USA>

Edited by slipperylobster
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I hope soon Asian countries will have enough power to kick US out of Asia

civilized humanity should unite to keep international brawler inside it's geographical borders

You can hope as much as you like. Not happening anytime soon.

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I hope soon Asian countries will have enough power to kick US out of Asia

civilized humanity should unite to keep international brawler inside it's geographical borders

I'll bet you have NO IDEA how many people thought all this time that it was the CHINESE laying claim to the entire South China Sea!! But I guess it was really the U.S. the entire time! Thank goodness SOMEBODY has it right. You're probably the ONLY one!


ROFL. Get a clue.

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Very easy to understand why China wants to control most of the South China sea.

The Spratly and Paracel Islands are oil and gas rich (some estimates of up to 17.7 billion tons of crude oil in the South China sea).

In fact, China has already set up several oil rigs within Vietnam's exclusive economic zone near the Paracel Islands).

The Scarborough Shoal is a rich fishing area that is closer to the Philippines than it is to China.

South China sea shipping lanes has trillions of dollars (USD) of global trade which flows through annually.

The nine-dash line area claimed by China which covers most of the South China sea and overlaps Exclusive Economic Zone claims of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam.


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I hope soon Asian countries will have enough power to kick US out of Asia

civilized humanity should unite to keep international brawler inside it's geographical borders

I'll bet you have NO IDEA how many people thought all this time that it was the CHINESE laying claim to the entire South China Sea!! But I guess it was really the U.S. the entire time! Thank goodness SOMEBODY has it right. You're probably the ONLY one!


ROFL. Get a clue.

So which country is building man made islands in the South China sea out of desolate reefs?

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The US will never be kicked out because the rest of Asia knows exactly what China is and wants and they will unite behind the US. the US has many faults and is an imperialistic power but I would rather align with the US than China anytime. The Chinese have a history that is much more brutal that the US. At least when the Us conquers it is paternalistic and generous to a fault.

generous? ahaha.. a joke of the day!

tell this to Latin America banana republics which were sucked dry by United Fruit and other US monopolies.

tell this to Iraqis, Afghans, and Libyans who can't believe in extraordinary generosity of their new masters...

Just watched an excellent program called The New Silk Road. A lot discussed China's exploitation of the natural resources there as well as the locals. And the environmental damages they are creating. They've coined a new term there. Sinophobia.

It's ok for a debate, but your blatant anti US rhetoric gets old. The US isn't perfect, nor is any other country. Pros and cons with all of them.

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I hope soon Asian countries will have enough power to kick US out of Asia

civilized humanity should unite to keep international brawler inside it's geographical borders

You can hope as much as you like. Not happening anytime soon.

The oceans, and skies....are free for any nation. You should be thankful..not silly.

Alas young tim...your country does not use commercial shipping? Do you think everyone should just go home and close their doors and pray that no bad comes? No ghouls in the closet? Shiver under your blanket? What angelic force will swoop down from the sky ensuring your life of freedom goes on and on? The faeries?

Now now...go back to bed, and dream of lollipops and sugarloaves. You can sleep, for there are men of honor who will put themselves in harms way..to ensure you can wake up in the morning...and still see the sun shine.

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I hope soon Asian countries will have enough power to kick US out of Asia

civilized humanity should unite to keep international brawler inside it's geographical borders

You can hope as much as you like. Not happening anytime soon.

The oceans, and skies....are free for any nation. You should be thankful..not silly.

Alas young tim...your country does not use commercial shipping? Do you think everyone should just go home and close their doors and pray that no bad comes? No ghouls in the closet? Shiver under your blanket? What angelic force will swoop down from the sky ensuring your life of freedom goes on and on? The faeries?

Now now...go back to bed, and dream of lollipops and sugarloaves. You can sleep, for there are men of honor who will put themselves in harms way..to ensure you can wake up in the morning...and still see the sun shine.

What angelic force will swoop down from the sky ensuring your life of freedom goes on and on? The faeries?

there is absolutely no need in such a force. every nation should be responsible for it's own well-being and no nation should be allowed to intervene in internal affairs of another country or in a dispute between two other countries.

no justifications by "democracy", "human rights", "minority protection" should be accepted. it's just a cover for the World domination claim.

the only reason which justify the intervention of the COMMUNITY of states is punishment of the country which tries to dominate others and imply it's values and ideology to the outside world

there is nothing worse in politics than imposing your own values to others. nothing

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there is absolutely no need in such a force. every nation should be responsible for it's own well-being and no nation should be allowed to intervene in internal affairs of another country or in a dispute between two other countries.

no justifications by "democracy", "human rights", "minority protection" should be accepted. it's just a cover for the World domination claim.

the only reason which justify the intervention of the COMMUNITY of states is punishment of the country which tries to dominate others and imply it's values and ideology to the outside world

there is nothing worse in politics than imposing your own values to others. nothing

I agree with the term "should"

but in real life..."should" is a dream. All beer "should" be cold and all women "should be hot".

All countries "should" respect right to passage and not "acquire" a piece of the ocean that does not belong to them.

China "should" go home...and lets "hope" and "wish" they do....for we all want peace of mind. But these troublemakers just don't.

So we all "should" insist on our rights to keep this piece of the world as an "international" right of way....

No. no.. go back home china.... The 7th fleet has been in operation...keeping waterways open...not there to invade and build. What makes ort country (usa) unique....is that we do interfere....but eventually go home. People call it "failure"....we call it victory. Germany, Japan, Vietnam...you name it.....they do as they wish...without our interference. Win or lose...we eventually do go home. But when freedom is at stake.....we sail.

Staying home and shouting "should"..."if"...."wish".....really does not have any effect.

Bringing up the banana wars, afghanistan, Iraq......well lets say we are evil. No country in history has not tried to prevail in world politics...right? Break out history 101...and lets just scratch out a dozen or so evil empires. Most recently...the sun never set on which?

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Why not a ship convoy?, US, P.I. VN, Malay, Taiwan... send a unified message.

Taiwan backs China on this and Malaysia and Vietnam have no interest in upsetting the Chinese. Its all about the US and the Philippines. The US has really nothing to do in those waters but my guess the Chinese will show up soon 12 miles away from US waters.

Not true. Every nation with a territorial claim are supporting the actions of the US. The UN is suppose to rule on this soon. Look at a map. Many other countries are closer to these islands. China is creating an environmental disaster. Plus, violating long standing international maritime law.

I think China had these islands for a long time and no one every disputed it until oil was found....(Just one story I read.....I didn't research if it is true).

You think wrong.

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Cold hard reality is that from its outset and soon going on 250 years, a republic that has a liberal democratic form of government is and always has been an endangered species in a world of entrenched nations and empires. That is not to be paranoid but is rather a matter of record given the long history of empires, arbitrary emperors and their wars, absolute dynasties in their cruelties, unaccountable feudal lords and masters, religious zealots, fascists, communists, dictators and the like.

The 20th century was particularly perilous yet it turned out to be known in the books as the American Century.

Now comes another perilous beginning to the New American Century. Looking at the current state of affairs in the still ancient Middle Kingdom, the so-called Chinese Century is already over without its having begun. Thirty hyper artificial years in the history of China and its long record of autocratic hit and miss vicissitudes is less than a minute grain of sand in the dunes of time, place, circumstance that dominate the eternal beach.

One would have thought that after all the thousands of years the people there would have long ago caught on that those who do not adapt perish. Or do at the least fail. Repeatedly.

SCS is where the 21st century Chinese will needs be step back from the present recurrence of their continuing delusions of grandeur. Their Navy is no better presently than it had been against the Royal British Navy in 1840, in 1860 or against any Navy between now and then. The assessment of the US Naval War College is that it would have to be a very good day indeed for the PLA Navy to defeat the present Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (Navy).

Japanese Navy is a match for People’s Liberation Army Navy

By James R. Holmes, Professor of Strategy and Naval History, the History of Diplomacy, US Naval War College

“If commanders manage their human, material and geographic advantages artfully, Tokyo could make a maritime war with China a close-run thing — and perhaps even prevail,” Holmes wrote.

Holmes concluded that whoever best combined sea, land and air forces stood a good chance of winning a conflict.

“That could be Japan if its political and military leaders think creatively, procure the right hardware and arrange it on the map for maximum effect,” he wrote.


Edited by Publicus
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Hey, what's the problem? China is only extending it's borders in economic self-defense, taking desolate places and making something of them. China is settlement building. That the resources they take over belong to someone else is moot...might is right.

Remind anyone of a place where the US supports doing these things?

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Now comes another perilous beginning to the New American Century.

dream on cheesy.gif

British thought the same just 100 years ago...

Well, aside from the obvious response that the USA are not the British and this is not 100 years ago, one must ask what for instance about the falling Brics countries makes anyone believe in their dastardly notions of civilisation or that such ancient dictatorships and imperial autocracies will, would, could prevail. Aside from suffering a degree of insanity, that is.

If not insanity, then a gross and grotesque wrongheadedness that would be unparalleled since other like minded wrongheads were smashed during the first half of the twentieth century.

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Communism might of had it's points...in the not too distant past. In theory, it might even benefit the poor. The implementation of that type of government is the problem....as so with any government. Given choices, I do believe it would cease to exist. As the internet has proven, societies can be rallied in no time whatsoever. It's no wonder that North Korea ...and China (to a lesser extent), keep close tabs on internet usage. These governments, and their ilk, will not see it through much longer.

Capitalism is already in China..and by it's very nature, will lead to a different form of government (one day). The problem is only that the "Powers that be" want to hang on to their earnings.

Who really gives 2 cents as long as you have the freedom to say what you like, download porn, and smoke whacky weed (now available in several states, back home. I am too old to believe that Philosophy can change the world. Nobody listens to that. Give them the keys to the coupe de ville and a laptop...... hearts and minds. Once one guy starts showing his ride off, all the other neighbors start thinking they might like the same thing.

Good old capitalism.....two chickens in every pot and a new car in the garage. Buddy Holly on the radio, and a cutie in the passenger seat. Let's face it...if you don't get with the program, you get to wear that silly cap and chairman mao costume, while walking to work.

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The US Navy is doing a wonderful thing by this incursion. China is absolutely insane to claim a 1,000 mile boundary on the international seas. Unprecedented crap. Absolute bullying of their neighbors. The intentions of the Chinese govt. are positively heinous. We will be dealing with their tactics of aggression the rest of our lives. Might as well start now, by not laying down and playing doormat.

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Something an increasing number of us have been on to for a number of years now and the SCS would be only the beginning of the territorial claims of the CCP Boyz of Beijing that total more land than the CCP China itself.

Washington knows the SCS and the USN are the place and the means to shut it down fast and if need be furiously. Take it to the bank.

China: The First Mature Fascist State

Sunday, January 23, 2011

In 2002, I speculated that China may be something we have never seen before: a mature fascist state. Recent events there, especially the mass rage in response to Western criticism, seem to confirm that theory. More significantly, over the intervening six years China’s leaders have consolidated their hold on the organs of control—political, economic and cultural. Instead of gradually embracing pluralism as many expected, China’s corporatist elite has become even more entrenched.


China is now a classical fascist state

The words "socialist", "communist", and "Marxist" are often used to describe present day China. All are completely inaccurate and irrelevant in the context of China. China today is governed by a fascist party; it has retained the name "Communist Party of China ('CCP')", but that name is meaningless as a description of the political system it imposes on the people of China.


China shows signs of neo-fascism

With its strong emphasis on technology, the military, strong single-party leadership and a collective national identity that refuses to recognize pluralism, China is displaying increasing — and worrying — symptoms of fascism. From the military parade surrounding the 60th anniversary of the birth of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Oct. 1 to forced relocation and assimilation programs targeting ethnic minority groups such as the Uighurs, China is in many ways reminding us of the fascist states that reared their ugly heads in the first half of the previous century.


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