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Denied Marriage Family Visa At Immigration

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I was at a complete loss today at Immigration with my wife.... (we married 4 months ago, and I have 2.7 million in the thai banking system, and now refuse to keep any if this keeps up).

We were not aware of the new visa rules, and I know a couple of the captains on the 2nd and 3rd floors. I have run a business in Thailand for 4 years now, but an ex-gf who was my 51% partner up and disappeared to England and then who knows where owned it, but when she left last January, she stole almost every document I had. So, I declared to myself the company basically defunt, and got rid of all staff and just kept the WP/Visa until a few months after we were married. So, I decided I was not going to renew my Non-B Visa for my old company, since I knew I was marrying a new gf, and had enough money to qualify under the "support dependent spouse" visa area. The Capt. upstairs said today was first day back and new rules and wander around the 1st floor asking various clerks and most said I could not apply except register a new company and run a biz, but one woman said "dai dai" so we went and filled out the usual forms, but then she got pissy when we had not made copies of all my bank statements and our legal documents (basically cuz we were just there to find out the procedure then come back), and she asked for tax forms and receipts ... of course none of which I had cuz there was no one (my thai ex-gf) running the company, and I was basically freelancing. So, we were told the crap about "new rules .. no spouse visa w/o tax statements and payments, etc...", and sent away.

Why cuz my ex-gf who stole every document possible should I be held accountable for finding the receipts and documents which are probably thrown away at her mother's house months ago???

Why don't I qualify since once every 3 months or so, my bonus from Japan operations is about 1,000,000 baht??? to get a spouse type / family visa?? I was just about to lay out 2.5 million baht for a new house deposit (as I am the signatory on the new loan, which is the first foreinger loanee for this large Thai RE Company) and only I can pay the 44,000 baht mortgage, as my wife's salary is only 14,000 baht!!!!! Does Immigration ever think as a business, and not want an NPL on this bank's books???

Also, I have to put the money down Tuesday (tomorrow) and if I do, I will not have enough left over to form a company for some stupid month by month WPermit (this happened to me with the first company the 1st 2 years) so I can stay in Thailand to enjoy this nice house with my wife and her parents.

Am I wrong in assuming I should have been able to get some WP/Visa renewal as my Visa and WP from the old company (which I desperately want to resign) expire on 03 Dec 2006?

Any help would be appreciated.


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... So, we were told the crap about "new rules .. no spouse visa w/o tax statements and payments, etc...", and sent away ...

... focus on this part ...

Yes, I did ... but, what can you do when you have police statements as to proof that an ex-gf demolished the office and left the country, and she was chief MD ... not me.


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... So, we were told the crap about "new rules .. no spouse visa w/o tax statements and payments, etc...", and sent away ...

... focus on this part ...

Yes, I did ... but, what can you do when you have police statements as to proof that an ex-gf demolished the office and left the country, and she was chief MD ... not me.


Umm, besides that, one BKK Bank account shows more than 65,000 baht/month from my Japan operations + my 1,000,000 + baht .. 2 times/yr bonus, so why would it be necessary to even show tax statements in Thailand ??? Don't I qualify under supporting dependent spouse, when the mortgage payment is 45,000 baht/mo, but her income is 14,000 baht / month ???


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You need to find a good lawyer/accountant and find copies/replacements Etc. often with various offices (tax authorities Etc.).


You know what Immigration advised ? Open a new company ..... :o

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Please forgive me this comment - but you seem to have a significantly better cash flow than most of the ex-pats who who are chilling out in Thailand on bum salaries or old age pensions - not all, but a lot - you are defineatly in a position to avail yourself of the services of SUNBELT or any of the other companies around who specilise in sorting out these sorts of problems - it may be a good idea to hotfoot it down to Gregs office sometime today.

I have no doubt he'll take one look at your situation and know exactly what to do.

It will take a load of frustration off your mind.


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