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Analysis: Paris hits boost Clinton's image, weaken policies


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Analysis: Paris hits boost Clinton's image, weaken policies

WASHINGTON (AP) — The deadly assaults in Paris could bolster Hillary Rodham Clinton's image as a potential commander in chief, even as the chaos in the Middle East threatens to undercut the policy record of the Democratic White House front-runner.

The attacks that killed 129 people, fueling a fresh wave of anxiety about the threats posed by Islamic State militants, highlight Clinton's tenure as a former secretary of state and her argument that she is the 2016 candidate most ready to sit in the Oval Office. But in her role as President Barack Obama's top diplomat, Clinton was deeply involved in crafting the Middle East policy that critics say contributed to the rise of Islamic State extremists.

That dual dynamic played out Saturday night during the second Democratic presidential debate, which began with a moment of silence and 30 minutes of questioning focused exclusively on the attacks and unrest in the Middle East.

Clinton cast herself as a strong leader in a scary world, attributing the chaos in the Middle East not to U.S. policy failures but a decades-long "arc of instability, from North Africa to Afghanistan." Yet she also grappled with tough criticism of her approach to more than a decade of unrest across the region.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders blamed her 2002 vote for the war in Iraq for the rise of al-Qaida and the Islamic State group, saying the decision to invade "unraveled the region completely." Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley offered his own condemnation, painting a picture of a world in flames and an Obama-led strategy that's been "not so very good at anticipating threats."

"Libya is now a mess. Syria is a mess. Iraq is a mess. Afghanistan is a mess," he said.

While Clinton has highlighted her differences with the Obama administration on their approach to the civil war in Syria in the past, she now largely declines to criticize his strategy.

After using her opening statement to make the point that the Islamic State group "cannot be contained, it must be defeated"— a dig at Obama's description of the group as "contained" in an interview a day before the attacks — Clinton was quick to align herself with administration policy.

She passed up opportunities to mention her support for a more aggressive strategy in Syria that includes a no-fly zone, a policy backed by her Republican rivals and opposed by the Obama administration. Disputing a charge the White House repeated the mistakes of the war in Iraq in Libya, she argued the administration had a plan for the ousting of Moammar Gadhafi. And she supported the White House's argument that the president does not need a formal declaration of war from Congress to go after the Islamic State militants, disagreeing with some prominent congressional Democrats who've split with Obama over whether his constitutional powers cover the new conflict.

When asked whether Obama underestimated the threat of Islamic State militants, she dodged the question, saying simply, "what the president has consistently said, which I agree with, is that we will support those who take the fight to ISIS."

Obama remains a popular figure in the Democratic Party and Clinton's ability to capture the White House will depend in large part on whether she can win over the coalition of minority, women and young voters that twice catapulted him to victory.

But his foreign policy remains deeply unpopular. An Associated Press-GfK poll released earlier this month found more than 6 in 10 Americans reject his handling of the threat posed by the Islamic State. Republicans are eager to tie Clinton to the legacy of her former boss.

"The president has admitted he does not have a strategy as it relates to ISIS. Hillary Clinton last night said that it's not our fight," said former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in a Sunday morning interview on CNN's "State of the Union." ''It is our fight."

They jumped on her refusal, like Obama, to label the efforts to fight terrorism as a war against "radical Islam," a rhetorical choice Republicans frequently cite as a sign of weakness.

"That would be like saying we weren't at war with Nazis, because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi Party but weren't violent themselves," said Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said in an interview on ABC's "This Week."

Republicans are in for their own reshuffling in the wake of the attack. For months, GOP primary voters have favored outsider candidates with little public policy experience, most notably billionaire businessman Donald Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. New worries about future attacks may prompt them to reassess the field.

There's little question the West will take a more aggressive stance against the Islamic State group, a shift described by White House national security adviser Ben Rhodes as an "intensification of our efforts" and by a stunned French President Francois Hollande as being "unforgiving with the barbarians."

But a lot remains unknown about the exact diplomatic and military actions Obama, Hollande and their allies will take. What's clear, though, is that Clinton — and the rest of the presidential field — will have to answer for them.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Lisa Lerer covers the Democratic race for president for The Associated Press.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-16

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Paris hits could also hurt Clinton's image as it conjurers up in people's minds her lack of support and handling of the Benghazi debacle...where the US Ambassador and his staff were killed by Islamic terrorists...she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State...

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Paris hits could also hurt Clinton's image as it conjurers up in people's minds her lack of support and handling of the Benghazi debacle...where the US Ambassador and his staff were killed by Islamic terrorists...she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State...

Here we go with Benghazi again. It's the Republican mantra, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.... Nobody is buying the Benghazi smear. Republicans just don't get it. It's nonsense.

"she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State..." No she didn't, she's widely credit as an excellent Sec of State. Unlike any of the Republicans, she knows what she's talking about when it comes to foreign affairs. The Republicans always with the infantile, knee jerk response, let's bomb the shit out of them or we need to arm everyone. facepalm.gif More guns is always the go-to thing for these idiots.

I wish Republicans could get their news from another source other than (the always wrong) Fox News. But, I'm hoping Santa brings me a pony for Christmas.

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Everything that happens in the US or in France in this case always come down to how it will help or hurt Obama and in this story it is Clinton. That is all that is cared about by the media in the US. What helps the Obama Administration or now Clinton.

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As Secretary of State, she completely misread the nature of the opposition to Assad and would have been well advised to listen to what the Russians were saying: "Be careful what you wish for." Ineptitude exceeded only by Bush.

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As Secretary of State, she completely misread the nature of the opposition to Assad and would have been well advised to listen to what the Russians were saying: "Be careful what you wish for." Ineptitude exceeded only by Bush.

With all due respect, neither she nor anyone else misread the nature of the opposition to Assad other than Putin and his cronies.

All the Russians have been doing is protecting Assad, when they should have been helping oust him in the first place. There then would have been a much better chance of swiftly replacing the Assad government with a more inclusive one, ensuring a stable transition.

Because of the Russians protecting him, the place has ended up a mess.

If you want to lay the blame for IS' expansion into Syria, blame Vladimir.

Assad should have been out of the door in 2011 like Ben Ali.

That is what the majority of the country wanted, and everyone knew it.

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As Secretary of State, she completely misread the nature of the opposition to Assad and would have been well advised to listen to what the Russians were saying: "Be careful what you wish for." Ineptitude exceeded only by Bush.

With all due respect, neither she nor anyone else misread the nature of the opposition to Assad other than Putin and his cronies.

All the Russians have been doing is protecting Assad, when they should have been helping oust him in the first place. There then would have been a much better chance of swiftly replacing the Assad government with a more inclusive one, ensuring a stable transition.

Because of the Russians protecting him, the place has ended up a mess.

If you want to lay the blame for IS' expansion into Syria, blame Vladimir.

Assad should have been out of the door in 2011 like Ben Ali.

That is what the majority of the country wanted, and everyone knew it.

The west should have left Assad, Gaddafi, Mubarak and Hussein alone to sort out their own.

Bush took out Hussein and Obama/Clinton took out the other three.

The ME would be a much more stable and safer place if we had just let the savages rule the savages.

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Paris hits could also hurt Clinton's image as it conjurers up in people's minds her lack of support and handling of the Benghazi debacle...where the US Ambassador and his staff were killed by Islamic terrorists...she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State...

Here we go with Benghazi again. It's the Republican mantra, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.... Nobody is buying the Benghazi smear. Republicans just don't get it. It's nonsense.

"she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State..." No she didn't, she's widely credit as an excellent Sec of State. Unlike any of the Republicans, she knows what she's talking about when it comes to foreign affairs. The Republicans always with the infantile, knee jerk response, let's bomb the shit out of them or we need to arm everyone. facepalm.gif More guns is always the go-to thing for these idiots.

I wish Republicans could get their news from another source other than (the always wrong) Fox News. But, I'm hoping Santa brings me a pony for Christmas.

Look, she's a smart and calculating women. However, I would not say she has brought much to the table in so far as the state of American foreign policy. Many will continue to blame Bush for the state of things in the Middle East but after 7 years, I think it is time for the current Administration (of which Hillary was a big part when it comes to foreign policy) to take responsibility for what it has left for the next President, Democrat or Republican. During the debate all three Democratic candidates suggest allowing more Syrian refugees in to the US compared to Obama's 10,000. That did it for me right there since I don't want ANY Syrian refugees admitted to the USA. I found it curious that during the Democratic presidential debate not one question was asked about the National Debt when all candidates seem to be proposing more health care benefits, more free education, etc., etc. They all think the one percent can pay for the new benefits with out ever mentioning the already considerable budget deficits adding to the national debt every year. They propose new programs, say they will tax the rich, but in reality continue deficit spending and drive the National Debt up. It's estimated that the interest on the debt could reach 1 Trillion by 2020. Something no Democrat wants to talk about as they offer goodies to the populace.

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Paris hits could also hurt Clinton's image as it conjurers up in people's minds her lack of support and handling of the Benghazi debacle...where the US Ambassador and his staff were killed by Islamic terrorists...she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State...

Here we go with Benghazi again. It's the Republican mantra, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.... Nobody is buying the Benghazi smear. Republicans just don't get it. It's nonsense.

"she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State..." No she didn't, she's widely credit as an excellent Sec of State. Unlike any of the Republicans, she knows what she's talking about when it comes to foreign affairs. The Republicans always with the infantile, knee jerk response, let's bomb the shit out of them or we need to arm everyone. facepalm.gif More guns is always the go-to thing for these idiots.

I wish Republicans could get their news from another source other than (the always wrong) Fox News. But, I'm hoping Santa brings me a pony for Christmas.

Look, she's a smart and calculating women. However, I would not say she has brought much to the table in so far as the state of American foreign policy. Many will continue to blame Bush for the state of things in the Middle East but after 7 years, I think it is time for the current Administration (of which Hillary was a big part when it comes to foreign policy) to take responsibility for what it has left for the next President, Democrat or Republican. During the debate all three Democratic candidates suggest allowing more Syrian refugees in to the US compared to Obama's 10,000. That did it for me right there since I don't want ANY Syrian refugees admitted to the USA. I found it curious that during the Democratic presidential debate not one question was asked about the National Debt when all candidates seem to be proposing more health care benefits, more free education, etc., etc. They all think the one percent can pay for the new benefits with out ever mentioning the already considerable budget deficits adding to the national debt every year. They propose new programs, say they will tax the rich, but in reality continue deficit spending and drive the National Debt up. It's estimated that the interest on the debt could reach 1 Trillion by 2020. Something no Democrat wants to talk about as they offer goodies to the populace.

Jeb Bush of the Bush Family of War is bombing out of the Republican party contest for POTUS even as he shows he's incapable of learning anything rattling on the past few dayze as he has for an actual formal declaration of war against ISIL. The Bush Family of War set the USA back to the Vietnam War in death, destruction, budget busting.

HRClinton and the Clinton name has done the opposite. Bill started no wars and cleaned out Kosovo and Serbia of ethnic cleansing which in reality was a religious cleansing rooted in hundreds of years ago.

Some of the rightwingers are still trying to still hang on still to Ben Ghazi when in fact more than three years ago the matter was made more than clear by two Republican controlled committees of the US House.

The House Intelligence Committee held hearings on Ben Ghazi and concluded the Administration responded by the book, closed up shop and went on to other important things. The Republican controlled House Armed Services Committee held its own hearings on Ben Ghazi and concluded everything about the Administration's response was done by the book, closed up shop on it and also went on to other more pressing matters.

The partisan Republican and rightwing politicos have however continued on with their deliberate Ben Ghazi campaign as outlined by the idiot McCarthy to the morons at Faux as the two played stupidly off one another during the catastrophic interview thank you very much.

The rightwing doesn't know or deliberately ignores what its own people in the Congress had formally said and done just a few years ago. Instead the right keeps cranking out more tinfoil hats straight off the assembly line.

Putin and Xi Jinping are trying lately to get everything in through the back door that they think they can cause they know their worst nightmare is coming soon. Neither are doing too well at it anymore either now that Ash Carter has been put in charge of the current desperation showdowns Moscow and Beijing are trying to pull off.

Edited by Publicus
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Paris hits could also hurt Clinton's image as it conjurers up in people's minds her lack of support and handling of the Benghazi debacle...where the US Ambassador and his staff were killed by Islamic terrorists...she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State...

Here we go with Benghazi again. It's the Republican mantra, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.... Nobody is buying the Benghazi smear. Republicans just don't get it. It's nonsense.

"she appeared to be inept in that and many other situations as Secretary of State..." No she didn't, she's widely credit as an excellent Sec of State. Unlike any of the Republicans, she knows what she's talking about when it comes to foreign affairs. The Republicans always with the infantile, knee jerk response, let's bomb the shit out of them or we need to arm everyone. facepalm.gif More guns is always the go-to thing for these idiots.

I wish Republicans could get their news from another source other than (the always wrong) Fox News. But, I'm hoping Santa brings me a pony for Christmas.

Look, she's a smart and calculating women. However, I would not say she has brought much to the table in so far as the state of American foreign policy. Many will continue to blame Bush for the state of things in the Middle East but after 7 years, I think it is time for the current Administration (of which Hillary was a big part when it comes to foreign policy) to take responsibility for what it has left for the next President, Democrat or Republican. During the debate all three Democratic candidates suggest allowing more Syrian refugees in to the US compared to Obama's 10,000. That did it for me right there since I don't want ANY Syrian refugees admitted to the USA. I found it curious that during the Democratic presidential debate not one question was asked about the National Debt when all candidates seem to be proposing more health care benefits, more free education, etc., etc. They all think the one percent can pay for the new benefits with out ever mentioning the already considerable budget deficits adding to the national debt every year. They propose new programs, say they will tax the rich, but in reality continue deficit spending and drive the National Debt up. It's estimated that the interest on the debt could reach 1 Trillion by 2020. Something no Democrat wants to talk about as they offer goodies to the populace.

Jeb Bush of the Bush Family of War is bombing out of the Republican party contest for POTUS even as he shows he's incapable of learning anything rattling on the past few dayze as he has for an actual formal declaration of war against ISIL. The Bush Family of War set the USA back to the Vietnam War in death, destruction, budget busting.

HRClinton and the Clinton name has done the opposite. Bill started no wars and cleaned out Kosovo and Serbia of ethnic cleansing which in reality was a religious cleansing rooted in hundreds of years ago.

Some of the rightwingers are still trying to still hang on still to Ben Ghazi when in fact more than three years ago the matter was made more than clear by two Republican controlled committees of the US House.

The House Intelligence Committee held hearings on Ben Ghazi and concluded the Administration responded by the book, closed up shop and went on to other important things. The Republican controlled House Armed Services Committee held its own hearings on Ben Ghazi and concluded everything about the Administration's response was done by the book, closed up shop on it and also went on to other more pressing matters.

The partisan Republican and rightwing politicos have however continued on with their deliberate Ben Ghazi campaign as outlined by the idiot McCarthy to the morons at Faux as the two played stupidly off one another during the catastrophic interview thank you very much.

The rightwing doesn't know or deliberately ignores what its own people in the Congress had formally said and done just a few years ago. Instead the right keeps cranking out more tinfoil hats straight off the assembly line.

Putin and Xi Jinping are trying lately to get everything in through the back door that they think they can cause they know their worst nightmare is coming soon. Neither are doing too well at it anymore either now that Ash Carter has been put in charge of the current desperation showdowns Moscow and Beijing are trying to pull off.

Actually, the reason Benghazi keeps coming up is new information comes to the fore...since H. Clinton in collusion with the Obama Whitehouse have delayed documents, destroyed documents, destroyed disks and computers...in what is clearly an obstruction of Justice...

There will be no Justice for the folks who perished in Benghazi after sending in more than 600 emails to the Clinton State Dept. outlining the need for more security...there will be no Justice in calling Clinton to task for her roll in the Benghazi debacle as she is protected by the Dem President and Dem Justice department...the truth has never been fully disclosed and never will be...therein is the cause of frustration by the demon right that wants more for the American Ambassador and his staff than: "At this time...what does it really matter?"

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There have not been any new legit hearings by the regular standing committees of the House. Namely, the original two relevant committees of a direct jurisdiction that found nothing, the Intelligence Committee and separately on its own, the Armed Services Committee. Each is a House committee controlled by Republicans. Each committee, because of its jurisdiction and responsibility to the nation and to the public, takes its work seriously as it must do in order to be considered responsible and credible in respect of every area of its remit.

Since the two legit and responsible standing committees did their jobs and shut down satisfied on Ben Ghazi, only entirely political special committees and presently a select political committee have been beating the bushes trying to scare out some birds. The several partisan political Republican committees have conducted their hearings according to their cynically intended and carefully calculated negative impact on HRClinton's standing in the polls.

The verdict of the public is in now which is why after the October 22nd hearing marathon at which Mrs. Clinton excelled with the facts, combined with the loser Cong. Kevin McCarthy letting the cat out of the bag, the Gowdy select committee has gone in to hibernation. More like an internment actually as Gowdy himself confessed after the hearing the select political committee hadn't turned up anything new. Nobody of any consequence has heard from Gowdy since.

The rightwingnutosphere however will continue no matter what, when, who how or why. It's been well known by society for a long time that there are always those who don't know when to quit or why to quit. So their beat pounds on but only among themselves.

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