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Students pose new challenge at army park


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That makes it worse. They lied to get elected, lied once they were elected, lied when the got kicked out and still lie. Totally betrayed those who voted for them for their own interests.

The Military don't have to lie - they have the guns, tanks, Article 44 and can do and say anything they like - challenge them at your own risk.

Which is worse the hypocrite who betrays your trust or the one who is open about not caring about your trust?

Did you just seriously try to justify this 'governments' actions in that last sentence? Good grief some of you need to lay off the kool-aid.

Anyways these students should of rocked up at the US embassy and protested there. They would of been actively encouraged.

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That makes it worse. They lied to get elected, lied once they were elected, lied when the got kicked out and still lie. Totally betrayed those who voted for them for their own interests.

The Military don't have to lie - they have the guns, tanks, Article 44 and can do and say anything they like - challenge them at your own risk.

Which is worse the hypocrite who betrays your trust or the one who is open about not caring about your trust?

open? why dont they use the public court system then? why do bodies get cremated before they can be checked out by their families? theres nothing open about this military, they know they cant afford to be because their grip on power is much weaker then they want the public to know about

Edited by phycokiller
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Thailand's military does everything BUT protect the country's true interests. Pathetic really.
The militarys only goal is to protect their own interest, always has been and always will.

Which isn't different than any civilian government I have seen in Thailand

True, but at least they were elected, not imposed.

That makes it worse. They lied to get elected, lied once they were elected, lied when the got kicked out and still lie. Totally betrayed those who voted for them for their own interests.

The Military don't have to lie - they have the guns, tanks, Article 44 and can do and say anything they like - challenge them at your own risk.

Which is worse the hypocrite who betrays your trust or the one who is open about not caring about your trust?

The latter, definitely, since that's the unelected one. At least with the elected dimwits there were some checks and balances in place so that they could be unseated without resorting to guns.
The present bunch of dimwits have to be forcibly thrown out or voluntarily step down - the people of Thailand have no say in the matter.
And frankly I'm amazed that you ask that question on account of the increasingly authoritarian/totalitarian actions of the junta.
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The present bunch of dimwits have to be forcibly thrown out or voluntarily step down - the people of Thailand have no say in the matter.

And that is a very worrying scenario. I doubt that the military will step down - they are enjoying absolute power and control right now.

So that means forcibly thrown out, a much more likely and messy scenario.

But who will do the throwing out?????

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The present bunch of dimwits have to be forcibly thrown out or voluntarily step down - the people of Thailand have no say in the matter.

And that is a very worrying scenario. I doubt that the military will step down - they are enjoying absolute power and control right now.

So that means forcibly thrown out, a much more likely and messy scenario.

But who will do the throwing out?????

Another army faction? Maybe we will find out how many water melons there are in the armed forces.

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