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2016 could be a ROCKY RIDE for Prayut


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Personally i feel as if he already understands (more or less), the way things are going, and thats why he is tightening everything.

The more he tighten, the bigger chance (in his warped mind), there is that he will keep power, and not end up in a court room later fighting for his own freedom,

as he simply just will try to keep power forever..

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Whatever ... he atleast needs an education on environmental issues, .. for a start, that there is no such thing as "clean coal" and a coal fired power station in Krabi, or anywhere, would be a disaster.

The "clean coal" speech was as though scripted by the Australian government and the Indian coal mining giant Adani. Sickening.

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The all-important thing in my view is that he be seen to be doing what he said he would do and within reasonable time-frames.

Credibility is everything here.

If he doesn't have it, he can only resort to force and that will provoke resistance by force!

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I am not sure the article is correct in saying that Prayut has come under tougher than usual scrutiny - a lot of it has been banned and stifled not to mention there is no parliamentary opposition to highlight many issues in a formal environment.

The most glaring omission from the issues facing the government in the coming year is their handling of a potential drought with too little being done too late since having 'patriotism' and 'sincerity' will not replace competence if people are suffering through poor administration.

If in fact the current national drought worsens and Bangkok gets preferential treatment due to threatening saltwater invasion of it's water supplies then the cracks of thunder from the discontent and disillusioned will resound through this nation and become the bugle-call for ........ (it won't be harmonious or pretty)

You can't produce much without water and you can't survive long without it. The domino effects will be quick and widespread.

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2016 is going to be a hard year and as the government's failures mount and the voices of critism both here and abroad increase, so the PM and his cohorts will crack down even harder on dissent. 2016 will be a year of financial troubles and government suppression.

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Sincerity and selflessness can get him through.....?

The little guy doesn't have a prayer.

Come on give the little guy a chance. That last sentence in the above had me in tears. I wait with baited breath for him to doe something really big for the people. I think I am dying for lack of oxygen.

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This article is either tongue in cheek ,written by someone who wishes not to go to the ""adjustment thought crime camps" or go missing.

Via the special powers they refer this government as having.

Article 44 is also known as Absolute power.

So lets not be flowery about those quaint endearing dark forces..you choose to gloss with the word ""thanks to....."

The gist and title of article is not so much a crystal ball prediction given the circumstances at hand.

To call them significant challenges would be an understatement .

The Fake democracy you pretend to fear is non descriptive.

15 million people voted for the last government compared to 11 million for the losers.

It was representative Government by the people.

Certainly preferred to the ""special powers "" otherwise known as dictatorship.

As for reforms , we just see a worsening human rights record being played out.

Its pointless listing them .

But the writer is correct in observing triggers that might make the this leader endure as they call it 2016.

Not only domestic trials and tribulations but external pressures financially and politically.

The tier of 3 is not a bankable human rights tier to promote ones self on or ask for special understanding.

In fact the time is approaching that their xenophobia and egotistical view of their place internationally is becoming troublesome.

Passive treatment of this nation is likely to abruptly end.

Once you make light of envoy's in a negative way as has happened recently.

The patience slowly evaporates and is replaced with even more Frank observations.

The leader and his responses are the thing most likely to unravel this military government.

They demand and expect obedience compliance not only from a frightened oppressed populace but from western envoy's and governments.

And that is not even an approximate chance of happening.

Not while people are being handed down sentences for freedom of speech.

Many decades long.

Not while graveyards of slaves are uncovered and military implicated.

Not while democracy languishes and elected PMs are prosecuted by men who took the country by force and gun.

Thailand in particular the military will as you say be in for a rocky ride.

Whether they endure it is another thing.

hey, the article has been written by The LapDog... nuff said...

And surely Thailand is in for a rocky ride... generals threatened with any kind of opposition make it rocky...

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I believe that the PM is going to face a lot more political unrest next year and I can only see a very heavy handed way of how he will deal with it.

Hold on to your hats!

and I can only see a very heavy handed way of how he will deal with it.

true, by their very nature, military governments only have one option when it comes to dealing with any form of opposition.

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Does no Westerner have a kind word to say?

The Thais* round these parts (Central Thailand) I mingle with give him the thumbsup.gif

*The Thais are not Hi-So, nor Lo-So, just middle of the road.

Lots of military bases around Lop Buri so you could be right. However , under the present circumstances a lot of Thais don't want to talk about it at all .....and who can blame them.

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critics are rubbing their hands and holding their breath.

Have learned (the hard way) to temper my enthusiasm for posting on anything regarding Thai democracy or PM...

Posting honestly on these subjects can get you a week of detention...

Experience speaking here...

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What has he really reformed? And where is the reconciliation - I'm just not seeing it.

This government has achieved virtually nothing of importance in its time. We all know it's just marking time anyway, but they could fix the police, the courts, the prosecutors office, the appeals system, the bail system and go after Hiso fugitives from justice just to make people feel like they ARE doing something useful in the meantime.

This is simply not true. They already cracked down on "infuential people" they can't even get the nerve to call them crooks.

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critics are rubbing their hands and holding their breath.

Have learned (the hard way) to temper my enthusiasm for posting on anything regarding Thai democracy or PM...

Posting honestly on these subjects can get you a week of detention...

Experience speaking here...

What experience is this? You were detained for a week for something you posted here?

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critics are rubbing their hands and holding their breath.

Have learned (the hard way) to temper my enthusiasm for posting on anything regarding Thai democracy or PM...

Posting honestly on these subjects can get you a week of detention...

Experience speaking here...

What experience is this? You were detained for a week for something you posted here?

Yes, I did not factor in how the word "detention" might come across...since the country detains folks for dubious reasons...

What the poster really means is...he was suspended from posting on TV for a week...not sent to prison for an attitude adjustment...sorry for the confusion...wai2.gif

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Prayut does not sit at the top of the tree and he is becoming more toxic by the day. I suspect his masters will replace him soon. He won't be here by the end of next year but someone equally nasty, brutal and willing to carry out orders will be.

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critics are rubbing their hands and holding their breath.

Have learned (the hard way) to temper my enthusiasm for posting on anything regarding Thai democracy or PM...

Posting honestly on these subjects can get you a week of detention...

Experience speaking here...

Yep, having your posts deleted, which is my experience.

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The junta leader simply blows off articles like these.

However, his ears would perk up and bowels would go into knots if he read an article accurately describing what the populace thinks of the "ride" he is giving them!

Sorry, just remembered that such an article would be considered an attempt to incite unrest.

Wait a second! Who is inciting the greatest unrest in this country at the moment?

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The junta leader simply blows off articles like these.

However, his ears would perk up and bowels would go into knots if he read an article accurately describing what the populace thinks of the "ride" he is giving them!

Sorry, just remembered that such an article would be considered an attempt to incite unrest.

Wait a second! Who is inciting the greatest unrest in this country at the moment?

Whilst linking said article would likely be against forum rules a few 'searchable words', aren't smile.png

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