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Suggestions Wanted For Export Products


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I am seeking some hints, tips, guidance or advice from helpful Forum Members on what they think may be suitable Thailand-originating products for export, subject to the constraints I have set out below. It would be important for me, too, to learn how or where I might source these suggested goods.

I will largely market and sell the products on ebay, Etsy, OLX and similar sites. My aim is to do this on a modest commercial basis and not on an industrial scale.

My intended markets are United Kingdom/ Europe, North America, Australasia, South Africa.

Weight and transit durability are considerations, to minimize cost and breakage potential, as I will ship via DHL (or similar courier company) or the Thai Post Office,

My export goods must allow for a high gross margin on mark-up, as I don’t want to implement a “returns” policy of any nature. If necessary, I would rather refund a customer’s money if they deem their purchase to be markedly different to that advertised at the time of their purchase, and simply abandon the product to them, letting overall profitability take care of any such losses. The effects of this trading policy will need to be carefully monitored over time, of course..

It strikes me that, being ex-patriates, you are uniquely placed to provide valuable input from both your knowledge of what is available in Thailand and what you believe the potential and viability may be in your countries of origin.

Serious comments only, please, but be as creative as you like.

To those who respond, many thanks indeed.

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I imagine you plan to run this business from Thailand, don't you? you know that'd be illegal work unless you start a company according to work permit rules and hire Thai workers, do you? I can't recall the exact details and the rules might have changed since the (very long) time ago I checked, but it's probably very difficult to run this kind of business legally from Thailand.

I know someone who's been trying to make a living on something like this for several years. I won't give any details about what he's selling because I'm not allowed to, but all I can say is that he seemed to barely make it for some time and now his business seems to be going down the drain due to the economy. Oh, and I really think he's good at this, though.

Good luck, you'll need it.

Edited by Lannig
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I imagine you plan to run this business from Thailand, don't you? you know that'd be illegal work unless you start a company according to work permit rules and hire Thai workers, do you? I can't recall the exact details and the rules might have changed since the (very long) time ago I checked, but it's probably very difficult to run this kind of business legally from Thailand.

I know someone who's been trying to make a living on something like this for several years. I won't give any details about what he's selling because I'm not allowed to, but all I can say is that he seemed to barely make it for some time and now his business seems to be going down the drain due to the economy. Oh, and I really think he's good at this, though.

Good luck, you'll need it.

Hey, Lannig

Thanks for taking the time to give me your considered observations on this topic.

I did, in fact, expect to receive comments along the lines you have mentioned in your post, and I know

they are given in good faith. Of course, without knowing the detail of what your contact is selling, or

where to, it is difficult to get a handle on why he is failing, other than you say "the economy" is

failing. Which economy might that be?

Once I have my business and marketing plan fully complete, I am quite confident in my ability to make

this enterprise work.

Thanks for the wishes. Take care.

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Lots of people selling stuff and making money wont be jumping at the bit to tell you how they do it. I had an idea about 14 months ago. My gf does all the work now and I make more money than most would believe. I moved to an all Thai city and havent even told any friends what I fell into.

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Lots of people selling stuff and making money wont be jumping at the bit to tell you how they do it. I had an idea about 14 months ago. My gf does all the work now and I make more money than most would believe. I moved to an all Thai city and havent even told any friends what I fell into.

First of all, NickJ, thanks for sharing and taking the time to reply. it is really great to hear that

you are doing well! I believe you have encountered what is called serendipity. Others might say that

it is the Universe at work. Whatever, the case, I am happy for you.

I had anticipated, also, that anyone doing well in the same field of business is probably not going to divulge

the innermost secrets of their success. I am just hoping for intelligent replies from interested observers

who will give me some of their thoughts and ideas that I can draw on.

At the same time, I would make the comment that the market in the on-line world is so vast (3.5Bn and

growing, internet users) that the word "competition" doesn't mean what it used to. One just has to try to

do things a little better than the other guy.

Thanks again, and take care.

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You are asking the wrong people, I would think. If you want to sell to Europe, you want have to ask people in Europe what they want, and not ask us in Thailand what we think that people in Europe would like...

If you get any seemingly useful answer over here, ask yourself why that person isn't doing the business himself (or herself)...

Good luck, though.

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You are asking the wrong people, I would think. If you want to sell to Europe, you want have to ask people in Europe what they want, and not ask us in Thailand what we think that people in Europe would like...

If you get any seemingly useful answer over here, ask yourself why that person isn't doing the business himself (or herself)...

Good luck, though.

Thanks for taking the time to comment, and for the good wishes. I will take on board what you have to say.

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