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Drug exec takes the Fifth on Capitol Hill, angers lawmakers


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US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it,

I get sick of the USA bashing on here.

Too bad your puny country can't invent the drugs and equipment and procedures the USA does, eh?

It is often the profit motive that drives these discoveries and then other "more civilized" but tiny, inconsequential yet incompetent countries leach off them.

(You asked for it.)


He describes himself as an Albanian so by that measure the drug in question was developed by a Lithuanian. Per capita, the U.S. makes no greater contribution to medical science than 20 or 30 other countries, so you need to climb down off that high horse.
yeah they got a serious problem with rampant high horses there. needs a very large cull Edited by Buddumber
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US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it,

I get sick of the USA bashing on here.

Too bad your puny country can't invent the drugs and equipment and procedures the USA does, eh?

It is often the profit motive that drives these discoveries and then other "more civilized" but tiny, inconsequential yet incompetent countries leach off them.

(You asked for it.)


theft of everything is the forte of the USA ... intellectual property, concepts and ideas, land, resources, even countries (Hawaii didn't want to be part of the USA? tough luck, you are)

heard of Master Chef, well America is Master Theft

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The US constitution and laws allows for such outcomes, so don't complain and hope that those

criminals will have a heart and respect the law, the world is full of unscrupulous people like this

maggot, and it's up to the authorities to find a solutions for them,

US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it,

you have a lot more faith than me.

i am of the opinion that the "authorities" are actively engaged in creating these sort of problems, then, when it is politically expedient to do so (ie when elections are in the offing), to solve the self created problems with great fanfare so the electorate will then think they are wonderful and so vote for them.

however plus 1 for this

US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it

Edited by Buddumber
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US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it,

I get sick of the USA bashing on here.

Too bad your puny country can't invent the drugs and equipment and procedures the USA does, eh?

It is often the profit motive that drives these discoveries and then other "more civilized" but tiny, inconsequential yet incompetent countries leach off them.

(You asked for it.)


Wow, looks like someone missed their anger management class this morning. "I get sick of the USA bashing on here." Are you kidding me? You do nothing but bash the EU (among other things) and you can't take a little criticism of your beloved USA? How dare anyone criticise God's own country, right? Hypocrite

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The US constitution and laws allows for such outcomes, so don't complain and hope that those

criminals will have a heart and respect the law, the world is full of unscrupulous people like this

maggot, and it's up to the authorities to find a solutions for them,

US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it,

Don't often agree with you Ezzra, but on this one I give you two thumbs up


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The US constitution and laws allows for such outcomes, so don't complain and hope that those

criminals will have a heart and respect the law, the world is full of unscrupulous people like this

maggot, and it's up to the authorities to find a solutions for them,

US of A, you have made your bed, now lie in in it,

I saw the guy's video. It is highly unlikely the panel did not know that counsel would advise his guy to take the 5th. When that is clear and a panel continues to schedule anyway they are looking for exposure. They knew this guy would be useful as a tool even in taking the 5th; and they were correct. Clearly this guy needs to be thrown into a state prison and released into gen pop. Really, I see men like this and townspeople with fire and pitchforks and sticks and rope come to mind- and I applaud it.

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I realize that R&D requires money and lots of it. Lots of it comes from the US government, ahem not exactly a "capitalist" system then is it. Nobody should ever suffer because they can't afford a drug, especially a life saving drug. It is not ethically right to make a profit of sick people. Health care is a right, not a privilege for the damned 1%. Oh, aj, you forgot tar and feathers and a rail out of town, straight to bubba's arms in the big house.

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It might come as a surprise to you but there's plenty of puny countries out there punching well above their weight when it comes to inventing stuff, medical and otherwise.

When a flea punches above its weight it's still a flea now, innit?

5555555 Possibly.

Mind you, no doubt you'd consider my country flea worthy, only 20 million people, yet you are probably posting here on TVF using technology that was invented here (Wi-Fi) & if you are unfamiliar with the location of the flea, you probably used the platform google earth to view it on your pc, guess what, that started here too.

Being an 'old timer' (see I can be nice), your heart is probably being controlled by an Aaustralian designed pacemaker and if you need a replacement, that technology was developed here too as was the medical use for penecilian.

Anyhow, these are just a few examples of puny nation and how it may have contributed to your life.

As its all slightly off topic, I would like to add, after watching the footage of that American drug executive being questioned, I think he was lucky that somebody didn't help him wipe that very ugly smirk off his face. What a smart arsed vile individual.

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