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Uk Credit Cards - No Fees

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Some might be interested to know that the UK Post Office issues

credit cards which incur no fees for use overseas. :o

Post Office


Seems by his earlier posting that NAKA is indeed interested in imparting information regarding getting the best deal !! His earlier posting RE PO cards was extemely helpful and informative, so very strange anyone should object to knowing where the best sterling note rate might be !!!

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Some might be interested to know that the UK Post Office issues

credit cards which incur no fees for use overseas. :o

Post Office


Do you have personal experience with this card? The link only specifies that there are no fee for "overseas purchases" but doesn't mention cash advances.

Actually on the "summary box" page it specifies a fee for cash advances of:

"Cash Advances are subject to a handling fee of 2% subject to a minimum of £2.00.

A cross-border fee of 0% will be applied to any Transactions taking place outside the UK."

I read that to mean that though there are no "extra" fee for overseas use, you will pay a 2% fee when using a ATM (or other source) to get cash on the card irrespective of whether you do it in the UK or overseas. If that is correct it wouldn't really be an alternative to Nationwide.


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Some might be interested to know that the UK Post Office issues

credit cards which incur no fees for use overseas. :o

Post Office


Seems by his earlier posting that NAKA is indeed interested in imparting information regarding getting the best deal !! His earlier posting RE PO cards was extemely helpful and informative, so very strange anyone should object to knowing where the best sterling note rate might be !!!

I just don't need to know twice a day :D


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Funny I tried getting some discussion on this a couple of months ago - still...

Your 3 options are :

Post Office - I have the card but no experience with them - they seem to be more overseas living friendly than Nationwide - they will post replacement cards overseas

Lombard Direct - I have the card and it is no longer available - thats not to say it is not possible to get one if you know who and how to ask - no internet bamking

Nationwide - the default (just dont claim your bank charges back from them as they will give you a settlement and close accounts as you are in breach of their unfair terms and conditions - this is a required off-this-topic rant but useful to know for people who depend on Nationwide - as they have the only debit card with fee free non UK atm use)

Anyone who has experience of using the Post Office card (particularly in Thailand ), please share...

If you want to keep abreast of credit card developments/offerrings in this area then moneysavingexpert.org is your friend..

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Australia has a credit card with Wizard that charges no foreign currency conversion fee and no atm fees.

The currency conversion fee is the killer and at 2 percent adds up very quickly.

You can't really beat that deal and i am sure there must be someone in the UK offering such a service.

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Funny I tried getting some discussion on this a couple of months ago - still...

Your 3 options are :

Post Office - I have the card but no experience with them - they seem to be more overseas living friendly than Nationwide - they will post replacement cards overseas

Lombard Direct - I have the card and it is no longer available - thats not to say it is not possible to get one if you know who and how to ask - no internet bamking

Nationwide - the default (just dont claim your bank charges back from them as they will give you a settlement and close accounts as you are in breach of their unfair terms and conditions - this is a required off-this-topic rant but useful to know for people who depend on Nationwide - as they have the only debit card with fee free non UK atm use)

Anyone who has experience of using the Post Office card (particularly in Thailand ), please share...

If you want to keep abreast of credit card developments/offerrings in this area then moneysavingexpert.org is your friend..

..............Nationwide - the default (just dont claim your bank charges back from them as they will give you a settlement and close accounts as you are in breach of their unfair terms and conditions.............

can you explain what you mean by this statement, I don't understand

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Like many residents in Thailand I am charged around 2.75% plus 1.5% of total cash withdrawn with my British Isles 'visa' debit card.

I read again and again about this Nationwide debit card, yet how can one obtain the said card, if (you) have no U.K. address?

I am British, I would love to have a Nationwide account and card, but I am sure I could not get one, because I am unknown on credit/files in the U.K.

So; do I conclude that those holding Nationwide ATM cards have registered U.K. addresses, or am I missing some info. here?

Comments and feedback appreciated.

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Like many residents in Thailand I am charged around 2.75% plus 1.5% of total cash withdrawn with my British Isles 'visa' debit card.

I read again and again about this Nationwide debit card, yet how can one obtain the said card, if (you) have no U.K. address?

I am British, I would love to have a Nationwide account and card, but I am sure I could not get one, because I am unknown on credit/files in the U.K.

So; do I conclude that those holding Nationwide ATM cards have registered U.K. addresses, or am I missing some info. here?

Comments and feedback appreciated.

You are absolutely right and there is a solution.....do what most expats do ....give the address of a family member who lives in the UK ie parent, sister, brother . You could even get a relative to put a utility in your name to assist in getting this magic card which you of course must apply for 'from the UK'. I even know one expat living in Pattaya who gets his UK resident daughter to pick up his prescriptions from his doctor and posts his tablets to him thereby saving thousands in medicine bills and he's not been back to England for 4 years,...... .naughty.

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Like many residents in Thailand I am charged around 2.75% plus 1.5% of total cash withdrawn with my British Isles 'visa' debit card.

I read again and again about this Nationwide debit card, yet how can one obtain the said card, if (you) have no U.K. address?

I am British, I would love to have a Nationwide account and card, but I am sure I could not get one, because I am unknown on credit/files in the U.K.

So; do I conclude that those holding Nationwide ATM cards have registered U.K. addresses, or am I missing some info. here?

Edited by naka
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Funny I tried getting some discussion on this a couple of months ago - still...

Your 3 options are :

Post Office - I have the card but no experience with them - they seem to be more overseas living friendly than Nationwide - they will post replacement cards overseas

Lombard Direct - I have the card and it is no longer available - thats not to say it is not possible to get one if you know who and how to ask - no internet bamking

Nationwide - the default (just dont claim your bank charges back from them as they will give you a settlement and close accounts as you are in breach of their unfair terms and conditions - this is a required off-this-topic rant but useful to know for people who depend on Nationwide - as they have the only debit card with fee free non UK atm use)

Anyone who has experience of using the Post Office card (particularly in Thailand ), please share...

If you want to keep abreast of credit card developments/offerrings in this area then moneysavingexpert.org is your friend..

..............Nationwide - the default (just dont claim your bank charges back from them as they will give you a settlement and close accounts as you are in breach of their unfair terms and conditions.............

can you explain what you mean by this statement, I don't understand

Its off this topic really but there is a growing number of people who are legally claiming the exorbitant fees UK banks charge when you go overdrawn unarranged, have a direct debit bounced etc. The actualt charges are significantly less that what the banks charge. Bur if you threaten to take the bank to small claims court, they typically all pay up in the end and some people have had several thousands taken off them in fees. However, as the banks can decide who they want to do business with and in their eyes by claiming their fees back you are in breach of the T&C's agreed at outset, some bank will close your account if they pay up.

So for people who depend on the flex account atm cards, it may be better to pay the fees than lose the account - of course it is better not to have the fees in the first place.

For more info visit :




and you'll find out what each of the UK banks have done to people who have claimed. Also if you want to make a claim they help you do that free of charge too...

Any comments on usage of the Post Office credit card in Thailand any one ? (I have just had one used in Italy for the first time so should be able to comment in a month or so...)

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Like many residents in Thailand I am charged around 2.75% plus 1.5% of total cash withdrawn with my British Isles 'visa' debit card.

I read again and again about this Nationwide debit card, yet how can one obtain the said card, if (you) have no U.K. address?

I am British, I would love to have a Nationwide account and card, but I am sure I could not get one, because I am unknown on credit/files in the U.K.

So; do I conclude that those holding Nationwide ATM cards have registered U.K. addresses, or am I missing some info. here?

Comments and feedback appreciated.

I am in the same boat here.

Not lived in the UK for 15 years so dont have the required bumpf to qualify for a UK credit card.

I am from the UK ,but if you are not seen as a resident there,,,well its tuff titi!

I am looking at options without having to put large deposits in a Thai bank account.

HSBC Offshore Premier account will issue a credit card linked to the account,,,the min, account opening balance is 60,000 quid. I am sure that there will be others ,prehaps Citibank?.


Just tried the Post Office one and they told me (in a round a bout way) to bugger off.

HSBC Singapore aint the same entity(with regard to credit cards) as HSBC in Bangkok,,,,or Hong Kong.I was told this on the phone.

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Like many residents in Thailand I am charged around 2.75% plus 1.5% of total cash withdrawn with my British Isles 'visa' debit card.

I read again and again about this Nationwide debit card, yet how can one obtain the said card, if (you) have no U.K. address?

I am British, I would love to have a Nationwide account and card, but I am sure I could not get one, because I am unknown on credit/files in the U.K.

So; do I conclude that those holding Nationwide ATM cards have registered U.K. addresses, or am I missing some info. here?

Comments and feedback appreciated.

I am in the same boat here.

Not lived in the UK for 15 years so dont have the required bumpf to qualify for a UK credit card.

I am from the UK ,but if you are not seen as a resident there,,,well its tuff titi!

I am looking at options without having to put large deposits in a Thai bank account.

HSBC Offshore Premier account will issue a credit card linked to the account,,,the min, account opening balance is 60,000 quid. I am sure that there will be others ,prehaps Citibank?.


Just tried the Post Office one and they told me (in a round a bout way) to bugger off.

HSBC Singapore aint the same entity(with regard to credit cards) as HSBC in Bangkok,,,,or Hong Kong.I was told this on the phone.

No reason why you can't open an account at HSBC Singapore, or at any bank in

the Channel Islands or I.O.M.


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Like many residents in Thailand I am charged around 2.75% plus 1.5% of total cash withdrawn with my British Isles 'visa' debit card.

I read again and again about this Nationwide debit card, yet how can one obtain the said card, if (you) have no U.K. address?

I am British, I would love to have a Nationwide account and card, but I am sure I could not get one, because I am unknown on credit/files in the U.K.

So; do I conclude that those holding Nationwide ATM cards have registered U.K. addresses, or am I missing some info. here?

Comments and feedback appreciated.

I am in the same boat here.

Not lived in the UK for 15 years so dont have the required bumpf to qualify for a UK credit card.

I am from the UK ,but if you are not seen as a resident there,,,well its tuff titi!

I am looking at options without having to put large deposits in a Thai bank account.

HSBC Offshore Premier account will issue a credit card linked to the account,,,the min, account opening balance is 60,000 quid. I am sure that there will be others ,prehaps Citibank?.


Just tried the Post Office one and they told me (in a round a bout way) to bugger off.

HSBC Singapore aint the same entity(with regard to credit cards) as HSBC in Bangkok,,,,or Hong Kong.I was told this on the phone.

No reason why you can't open an account at HSBC Singapore, or at any bank in

the Channel Islands or I.O.M.


I have a credit card account with HSBC in Singers, eventually when I leave here ,it will not be transferrable to Thailand.

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Clearly there is a need for UK expatriates who may or may not be non-resident to appear to be resident for the benefit of acquring certain services/products, primarily from financial institutions.

If you look for this there are such services, however they are not so cheap ! Good opportunity for someone to offer better value...

Best to have an arrangement with family/friends here - but how to convince financial orgaisations - now this is an interesting area for further discussion.

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Nationwide Debit Card.

The problem for those of us who had the current account and debit card before moving to Thailand is not so much the problem of using a family UK address (NW will not permit a Thai address in ANY circumstances) BUT the problem of Internet online product purchases.

I am having huge problems:

If I buy services = NO problem

BUT if I wish to buy a product for sending to me, then because I have to use a UK billing address the Online Internet companies insist (in accordance with the rules) that the items are sent ONLY to the UK billing address. This causes family (or friends) to forward the item on, double postage AND large delays.

I have NOT worked out a solution to this problem of Online purchases from companies outside Thailand (wish I could) .

Maybe some of these companies will accept a Nationwide cheque via the post and once cleared accept sending it to Thailand (but then you lose the protection of the Visa card misuse rules).

Regards, Dave

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Nationwide Debit Card.

The problem for those of us who had the current account and debit card before moving to Thailand is not so much the problem of using a family UK address (NW will not permit a Thai address in ANY circumstances) BUT the problem of Internet online product purchases.

I am having huge problems:

If I buy services = NO problem

BUT if I wish to buy a product for sending to me, then because I have to use a UK billing address the Online Internet companies insist (in accordance with the rules) that the items are sent ONLY to the UK billing address. This causes family (or friends) to forward the item on, double postage AND large delays.

I have NOT worked out a solution to this problem of Online purchases from companies outside Thailand (wish I could) .

Maybe some of these companies will accept a Nationwide cheque via the post and once cleared accept sending it to Thailand (but then you lose the protection of the Visa card misuse rules).

Regards, Dave

Your solution may be in having a kasikorn bank account and use their web card , alternatively if you can get a post office credit card - from the interaction I've had with them they seem to be more overseas living (ofcourse you are still UK Resident :o ) friendly


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No statement yet - but will post the resulyts when it comes...

Capital One are offerring a card with no conversion and service charge for non-gbp transactions - but you have to be earning over £25K

Also HSBC are offering fee free withdrawls worldwide from their ATMs with their current plus account (a fee based account) - not particularly a good deal in my opinion but may be good for some people...

Anyone care to post on their experience with use of the post office credit card outside of the Uk (or particularly in Thailand)...


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Your solution may be in having a kasikorn bank account and use their web card , alternatively if you can get a post office credit card - from the interaction I've had with them they seem to be more overseas living (ofcourse you are still UK Resident :o ) friendly


Hi Khun Bob

Thof courseanks for answering and for your suggestion. Interestingly, I opened a Kasikorn Saving and Fixed Deposit account and Online Internet K-banking ONLY 2 days ago. I will check it out the Web card.

VERY IMPRESSED so far with Kasikorn. I walked out of the bank with my passbooks, Debit card and PIN (for the Savings Account) at the time of opening. 12 hours later I received my Password and security numbers by email (for security you must change password immediately you login to the site) and full access to the K-Banking online Internet. Only the Savings account is shown at the time of opening the online banking BUT you just ask online for any accounts to be added and they say these will appear within 2 to 3 days.

The site says account to be added need a fax of the front and first pages of your account book but I have been advised (by the customer support service by email) that Faxed pages are NOT required for Fixed time deposit accounts as you cannot make withdrawals from these accounts (except at maturity)

Regards Dave

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This was just for people who wanted an "easy" way to get a Thai credit card they could use online.

This is well off-topic as I would love to hear from people who have used the Post Office credit card outside of the UK...

Your solution may be in having a kasikorn bank account and use their web card , alternatively if you can get a post office credit card - from the interaction I've had with them they seem to be more overseas living (ofcourse you are still UK Resident :o ) friendly


Hi Khun Bob

Thof courseanks for answering and for your suggestion. Interestingly, I opened a Kasikorn Saving and Fixed Deposit account and Online Internet K-banking ONLY 2 days ago. I will check it out the Web card.

VERY IMPRESSED so far with Kasikorn. I walked out of the bank with my passbooks, Debit card and PIN (for the Savings Account) at the time of opening. 12 hours later I received my Password and security numbers by email (for security you must change password immediately you login to the site) and full access to the K-Banking online Internet. Only the Savings account is shown at the time of opening the online banking BUT you just ask online for any accounts to be added and they say these will appear within 2 to 3 days.

The site says account to be added need a fax of the front and first pages of your account book but I have been advised (by the customer support service by email) that Faxed pages are NOT required for Fixed time deposit accounts as you cannot make withdrawals from these accounts (except at maturity)

Regards Dave

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Not wanting to put the cat amongst the pigeons but it seems that the expats want the benefits of the country they expatriated??? :o

Hi Jack,

Fair comment but I would like to think that what I want are modern financial activities and capabilities increasingly adopted and desired around World banking. I am happy to use a Thai bank Visa card but it is no use to me if the WWW companies do not trust Visa cards originating from Thailand and other perceived fraud Black Spots around the World.

I am sure Thailand wishes to improve on this reputation, and Thai Banking has made huge strides in recent years to get its house in order and restore Thai and Worldwide confidence.

I have no desire to hang on to UK banks EXCEPT when they offer a facility that is important and cannot be obtained within Thailand. Savings Interest rates for instance.

My Nationwide E- savings account (flexible and immediate) provided monies are put in and out of it from a current Account earns 5.05% Gross interest (4.04% net of UK tax). You try getting Anything near that in Thai Banks.

Kind Regards, Dave

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Hi Naka

HSBC Off-shore accounts have to have a minimum balance of GPB25k and there is a monthly fee of GPB20 when the balance falls below this figure


Dave :o

Dave, LloydsTSB International in the Channel Islands.

Minimum 100 GBP balance, 7.5 GBP per month charge on their 'International Account'.


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Allied Irish IOM - £2000 deposit - no bank charges and interest of up to 5.65% right now. Parent Co is also incorporated in Ireland which is useful if you are or were a UK resident as the UK gov is now forcing UK bank with offshore banking to disclose information on bank accounts and transactions. Currently HSBC, Lloyds, RBS and another bank have been asked to disclose following a test case with barclays.

If the UK gov think you are UK resident and you have offshore assetts, it is not good to be with a bank that has a UK parent... The EU tax directive however does not apply to trusts and companies in the EU. I understand it is still possible to acheive tax avoidance through these vehicles. However the EU tax directive is scheduled to be reviewed this year.

Be interested to hear from anyone who has a HSBC Singapore account and is UK resident - when I looked at the small print it was a bit scary !!

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Allied Irish IOM - £2000 deposit - no bank charges and interest of up to 5.65% right now. Parent Co is also incorporated in Ireland which is useful if you are or were a UK resident as the UK gov is now forcing UK bank with offshore banking to disclose information on bank accounts and transactions. Currently HSBC, Lloyds, RBS and another bank have been asked to disclose following a test case with barclays.

If the UK gov think you are UK resident and you have offshore assetts, it is not good to be with a bank that has a UK parent... The EU tax directive however does not apply to trusts and companies in the EU. I understand it is still possible to acheive tax avoidance through these vehicles. However the EU tax directive is scheduled to be reviewed this year.

Be interested to hear from anyone who has a HSBC Singapore account and is UK resident - when I looked at the small print it was a bit scary !!

ANGLO-IRISH IOM paying 6.05% for one year money AND you casn withdraw 20 percent without notice or penalty

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Just got the statement from Post Office for the credit card use in Italy

There hasnt been any currency conversion charges or other charges for foreign usage. Was a good rate of Euros too. Post Office is a mastercard - so not sure where they get the exchange rate from.

All good however on the back of the statement it says :

"Foreign Currency Charges : If a cash advance or a purchase is made in a currency other than sterling, we will convert the amount to sterling by applying the current rate of exchange. We will also apply a Cross Border fee up to a maximum of 2.5%"

Seems they are giving them selves the ability to get out of free purchase usage abroad in the future.

So I need to make a phone call to Post Office to find out what their commitment to fee free purchase usage abroad is and the situation in Cash Advances when in credit.

Stay tuned...

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Allied Irish IOM - £2000 deposit - no bank charges and interest of up to 5.65% right now. Parent Co is also incorporated in Ireland which is useful if you are or were a UK resident as the UK gov is now forcing UK bank with offshore banking to disclose information on bank accounts and transactions. Currently HSBC, Lloyds, RBS and another bank have been asked to disclose following a test case with barclays.

If the UK gov think you are UK resident and you have offshore assetts, it is not good to be with a bank that has a UK parent... The EU tax directive however does not apply to trusts and companies in the EU. I understand it is still possible to acheive tax avoidance through these vehicles. However the EU tax directive is scheduled to be reviewed this year.

Be interested to hear from anyone who has a HSBC Singapore account and is UK resident - when I looked at the small print it was a bit scary !!

Unfortunately Anglo Irish like most of the IOM banks is a minimalist bank,

i.e No Debit Cards, No Credit Cards, No ATM cards,No Current Accounts.

(Min Deposit is GBP 5,000) This bank generally only caters to long term deposits.

LloydsTSB Offshore jersey. (Overseas Club)

Min GBP 100. or Euro or US.

Fee GBP 7.5 per month, also you get the name, phone number, fax number and email address

of your personal contact at the bank ... None of this trying to talk to someone in Bangalore.

Cheque book.

Visa Debit Card.

Mstercard Credit Card.

Internet, Phone and Fax banking.


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Allied Irish IOM - £2000 deposit - no bank charges and interest of up to 5.65% right now. Parent Co is also incorporated in Ireland which is useful if you are or were a UK resident as the UK gov is now forcing UK bank with offshore banking to disclose information on bank accounts and transactions. Currently HSBC, Lloyds, RBS and another bank have been asked to disclose following a test case with barclays.

If the UK gov think you are UK resident and you have offshore assetts, it is not good to be with a bank that has a UK parent... The EU tax directive however does not apply to trusts and companies in the EU. I understand it is still possible to acheive tax avoidance through these vehicles. However the EU tax directive is scheduled to be reviewed this year.

Be interested to hear from anyone who has a HSBC Singapore account and is UK resident - when I looked at the small print it was a bit scary !!

Unfortunately Anglo Irish like most of the IOM banks is a minimalist bank,

i.e No Debit Cards, No Credit Cards, No ATM cards,No Current Accounts.

(Min Deposit is GBP 5,000) This bank generally only caters to long term deposits.

LloydsTSB Offshore jersey. (Overseas Club)

Min GBP 100. or Euro or US.

Fee GBP 7.5 per month, also you get the name, phone number, fax number and email address

of your personal contact at the bank ... None of this trying to talk to someone in Bangalore.

Cheque book.

Visa Debit Card.

Mstercard Credit Card.

Internet, Phone and Fax banking.


Dear friend...you get what you pay for. Anglo Irish pay 5.65/6.05 percent. How much do Lloyds Offshore pay ?

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