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Purchase Professional Soft For Website Advertising


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Anybody can recomend me url's to download effective software for website advertising?

It's really important to me. Please, help.

Thank you all

P.S. Also I need for advertising soft that able break CAPTHA's, able mass posting, able sort sites by Google PageRank (PR) and others. Also, I'm interested in any scripts to work whith Google AdSense, Google AdWords.

P.P.S. Sorry for my post in "General topics" category.

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Please elaborate on what you mean by software for website advertising. That is a very broad term so clarification would be appreciated.

Here is a link regarding breaking Captchas:


SEO Report Online is software which you can use to sort pages by pagerank:


Google Adsense has an API which you can use as part of their developer program:


There are many scripts which are compatible with Google. Far too many to list here. Google is your friend. Try this link:


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