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Software Prices - Beware


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It has long been the case that electronic equipment is priced at the same numeric value on both sides of the Atlantic, only the currency used differs.

Now this approach seems to be creeping into the software market.

I have recently upgraded to XP and my old version of Diskeeper does not work.

So I went to the web site to find out the price and do a download.

(Yes I do know XP had a very basic version of Diskeeper built in.)

Comparing the US and European sites for the company I found the following prices

Home Edition $30 £23

Pro Edition $50 £46

Needless to say I shall be buying from the US site.

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WOW!!! :D One mod moderating another :o:D

Nah, just a couple of plonkers suggesting that a Super Mod. does something illegal :D

Anyway, back on topic, it's not just software, just about anything we can buy in the UK has the same numbers attached as in the US.

Ripoff Britain, one of the (many) reasons I don't live there.

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