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After Chicago scuffles Donald Trump forced to cancel his latest rally in Ohio


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My flag does not stand for fascism, racism, bigotry etc. Yours apparently does. I once thought I was fighting for that flag, quickly learned I wasn't. Don't use the old right wing tactic of faux patriotism on me, it won't work. Nobody stopped the right wing fascist's vomit. He was free to spew more hatred and racism all he wanted. The police didn't tell him to cancel. The protesters were right to express the disgust with his extreme views. Had this been teabaggers against Bernie, Hillary, or especially that black man in a white house, you would be cheering. For damn sure nobody is stopping the right wing from going to the polls although they do their best to stop those that might vote Democrat, like minorities, college people, poor people. Again, the old right wing ploy of trying to make themselves look like the victim when in fact they are the perpetrators of violence.

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I simply don't understand how the anarchists on the far left can continue walking all over the First Amendment and expect to get away with it.

I guess what bothers me more than anything is they think they have the right to do what they do.

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Because it is all in your mind. What anarchists? Far left? I think not. Just people expressing their disgust with a racist, bigot, lying neofascist as is their right and it is damn well their right. That they stood up for their right against Trump's brown shirt intimidation is great. They only people I see trying to walk all over the 1st Amendment are the far right and the government. All right wingers live in the twilight zone of fantasy and make believe and days that never really existed but you ain't gonna' bring back.

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I simply don't understand how the anarchists on the far left can continue walking all over the First Amendment and expect to get away with it.

I guess what bothers me more than anything is they think they have the right to do what they do.

Coming from someone who support trump and his fellow kkk members, i find it ironic.

Maybe the "anrachist" think the government is tyrannical and protect the 2nd amendment... oh no wait, those who stand for this amendment are the same praising a government which spy on individuals, jail the whistleblowers from government abuses....

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Because it is all in your mind. What anarchists? Far left? I think not. Just people expressing their disgust with a racist, bigot, lying neofascist as is their right and it is damn well their right. That they stood up for their right against Trump's brown shirt intimidation is great. They only people I see trying to walk all over the 1st Amendment are the far right and the government. All right wingers live in the twilight zone of fantasy and make believe and days that never really existed but you ain't gonna' bring back.

We all know what your editorial opinion is.

What gave the protesting anarchists the right to disrupt the scheduled meeting?

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Because it is all in your mind. What anarchists? Far left? I think not. Just people expressing their disgust with a racist, bigot, lying neofascist as is their right and it is damn well their right. That they stood up for their right against Trump's brown shirt intimidation is great. They only people I see trying to walk all over the 1st Amendment are the far right and the government. All right wingers live in the twilight zone of fantasy and make believe and days that never really existed but you ain't gonna' bring back.

We all know what your editorial opinion is.

What gave the protesting anarchists the right to disrupt the scheduled meeting?

We also know yours, and yet you offend us on daily basis but we don t complain.

Strangely when Sanders meeting happen there is no trouble...

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Teachers are teaching only kids. Trump is going to be voted on by adults. He talks like most grownups do.

Are you kidding? I don't know any adults who shout immature insults at others, when opinions differ. Half the discussions Trump has had at the debates have been him interrupting and calling names. I cuss sometimes, but I don't cuss if I'm addressing a group. It's highly unattractive, as is Trump. It shows how low-class and simple-minded the man is.

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Figured that would bring the anarchy supporters out.

Who is supporting anarchy?

Go on tell us?

Anything that isn't NAZI is anarchy?

Dear me

You must be a Trump supporter

The blood thirsty vegans threaten the rainbow fluffy nazi


Are you referring to this article?:


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The only war on the 1st amendment is from the right and government. Two really good articles about Trump, sorry I can no longer use his real family name. One about his attack on the 1st amendment and the 2nd a chilling assessment of where America under Trump could be headed. http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/donald_trumps_war_on_the_first_amendment_20160314 http://www.alternet.org/tea-party-and-right/what-will-trump-presidency-look-rise-nazis-pretty-good-guide?akid=14061.85778.dNRuT-&rd=1&src=newsletter1052558&t=16

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That's truly the beauty of the internet. One can always, and without fail, find some random media that will support any position they might have.

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Under Obama its self evident that the first amendment is negotiable/compromised. From the militant persecution of whistle-blowers to the dogged pursuit of journalists, Obama et al have set in motion the perception that the first amendment can be leveraged at will, and not simply by "national security" claims. World Press Freedom ranking is just one of many indexes reflecting the souring of the first amendment under Obama. When one looks more closely at the hybrid, incestuous relationship between the Democratic Party and radical proxy groups we see that under the banner of freedom of expression other people are regularly shut down from their own speech these days. Add to this mix the radical pressures of the militant left in the communities, at the cashier, boycotting, threats, etc., and entire slices of America than move toward self censorship rather than persecution.

There is an environment where freedom of association is made an albatross to hang around the necks of those who do not choose the politically correct association. There is an atmosphere where the press are strongly encouraged/discouraged to produce agreeable products. From Black Panthers at voting stations to White Knock Out Games there is a sense that speaking one;s mind is dangerous today because the left... the left is simply violent. https://index.rsf.org/#!/

Under King George, the civil war, Japanese internment, and presently today, abuses of the Bill of Rights are grave; the first, second, and fourth amendments are routinely abused. In fact, the 4th amendment is utterly vacated. So, the environment in which Trump is charged with not controlling his crowd is a fiction. America is already a fully blown police state where Trump's attraction is primarily because of Political Correctness- READ- first amendment abuses. The only free speech in the US is ultimately approved speech. Everyone else risks paying a price.

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Figured that would bring the anarchy supporters out.

Who is supporting anarchy?

Go on tell us?

Anything that isn't NAZI is anarchy?

Dear me

You must be a Trump supporter

The blood thirsty vegans threaten the rainbow fluffy nazi


Are you referring to this article?:


Yep :)
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Who is supporting anarchy?

Go on tell us?

Anything that isn't NAZI is anarchy?

Dear me

You must be a Trump supporter

The blood thirsty vegans threaten the rainbow fluffy nazi


Are you referring to this article?:


Yep smile.png

I thought that sounded familiar. It was a funny article. I liked the NPR tote bags.

I like your taste in reading materials.

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Under Obama its self evident that the first amendment is negotiable/compromised. From the militant persecution of whistle-blowers to the dogged pursuit of journalists, Obama et al have set in motion the perception that the first amendment can be leveraged at will, and not simply by "national security" claims. World Press Freedom ranking is just one of many indexes reflecting the souring of the first amendment under Obama. When one looks more closely at the hybrid, incestuous relationship between the Democratic Party and radical proxy groups we see that under the banner of freedom of expression other people are regularly shut down from their own speech these days. Add to this mix the radical pressures of the militant left in the communities, at the cashier, boycotting, threats, etc., and entire slices of America than move toward self censorship rather than persecution.

There is an environment where freedom of association is made an albatross to hang around the necks of those who do not choose the politically correct association. There is an atmosphere where the press are strongly encouraged/discouraged to produce agreeable products. From Black Panthers at voting stations to White Knock Out Games there is a sense that speaking one;s mind is dangerous today because the left... the left is simply violent. https://index.rsf.org/#!/

Under King George, the civil war, Japanese internment, and presently today, abuses of the Bill of Rights are grave; the first, second, and fourth amendments are routinely abused. In fact, the 4th amendment is utterly vacated. So, the environment in which Trump is charged with not controlling his crowd is a fiction. America is already a fully blown police state where Trump's attraction is primarily because of Political Correctness- READ- first amendment abuses. The only free speech in the US is ultimately approved speech. Everyone else risks paying a price.

Perhaps you could explain the first amendment to Trump then.


But no problem accrediting a known white supremacist. Freedom of speech is sooooooooo important, believe me, believe me:

“I attended a Donald Trump rally in Memphis on Saturday night as a fully credentialed member of the media,” wrote radio host James Edwards in a blog post yesterday. On the sidebar of the post, you’ll find a link to Edwards’ mission statement, which reads in part, “We wish to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races.”

Edited by Chicog
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Under Obama its self evident that the first amendment is negotiable/compromised. From the militant persecution of whistle-blowers to the dogged pursuit of journalists, Obama et al have set in motion the perception that the first amendment can be leveraged at will, and not simply by "national security" claims. World Press Freedom ranking is just one of many indexes reflecting the souring of the first amendment under Obama. When one looks more closely at the hybrid, incestuous relationship between the Democratic Party and radical proxy groups we see that under the banner of freedom of expression other people are regularly shut down from their own speech these days. Add to this mix the radical pressures of the militant left in the communities, at the cashier, boycotting, threats, etc., and entire slices of America than move toward self censorship rather than persecution.

There is an environment where freedom of association is made an albatross to hang around the necks of those who do not choose the politically correct association. There is an atmosphere where the press are strongly encouraged/discouraged to produce agreeable products. From Black Panthers at voting stations to White Knock Out Games there is a sense that speaking one;s mind is dangerous today because the left... the left is simply violent. https://index.rsf.org/#!/

Under King George, the civil war, Japanese internment, and presently today, abuses of the Bill of Rights are grave; the first, second, and fourth amendments are routinely abused. In fact, the 4th amendment is utterly vacated. So, the environment in which Trump is charged with not controlling his crowd is a fiction. America is already a fully blown police state where Trump's attraction is primarily because of Political Correctness- READ- first amendment abuses. The only free speech in the US is ultimately approved speech. Everyone else risks paying a price.

I agree that Obama along with Soros' liberal goons play fast and easy with the freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment.

What causes me pause is, when does freedom of speech justify violating another First Amendment guarantee...the right to peaceably assemble?

We hear all the liberals saying the protesters in Chicago were exercising their rights to free speech yet nowhere is the Trump group's right to peaceably assemble being protected.

The First Amendment says:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Not only were the protesters actions hypocritical, they were also illegal and unconstitutional.

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My flag does not stand for fascism, racism, bigotry etc. Yours apparently does. I once thought I was fighting for that flag, quickly learned I wasn't. Don't use the old right wing tactic of faux patriotism on me, it won't work. Nobody stopped the right wing fascist's vomit. He was free to spew more hatred and racism all he wanted. The police didn't tell him to cancel. The protesters were right to express the disgust with his extreme views. Had this been teabaggers against Bernie, Hillary, or especially that black man in a white house, you would be cheering. For damn sure nobody is stopping the right wing from going to the polls although they do their best to stop those that might vote Democrat, like minorities, college people, poor people. Again, the old right wing ploy of trying to make themselves look like the victim when in fact they are the perpetrators of violence.

It's not your flag to fly as you want, it also belongs to other people too!

The party I first registered to vote was The Piece & Freedom Party, not

far from Stanford University, we wanted to stop the baby killers and the

pigs, so much about your perceived patriotism.


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I suppose that is easier than blaming the protesters and rioters.

The author, Andy Borowitz, writes satire. Maybe you do not know him. That's cool. He wasn't being serious.

Edited by helpisgood
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"Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." - Michelle Obama - Campaign Rally, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 18th 2008

Ref. Link

Let me pose this question to the First Lady:

Do these rally protests potentially qualify as the second time in your adult life

that you are really proud of your country (and, particularly, the City of Chicago)?

Edited by MaxYakov
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I suppose that is easier than blaming the protesters and rioters.

The author, Andy Borowitz, writes satire. Maybe you do not know him. That's cool. He wasn't being serious.

I'd have to hear it from Andy, and even then I wouldn't trust his answer.

It could easily have been taken as a lame effort to mitigate the seriousness of the situation in favor of the protestors. Satire regarding serious matters is very difficult to do well as Phil Hendrie, a master satirist, has stated.

Or maybe I've simply lost my sense of humor? Probably that with the sheer nonsense that's happening in this election cycle.

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Who the hell were the baby killers? Vietnam Vets? I understand "pigs", I called them the same. It is my damn flag, I thought I fought for it and you didn't do diddly squat. I have the right to fly it upside down and have done so. I fought to stop that goddamn war and paid the price for that over and over again. Vietnam Veteran Against the War, USMC Sgt-Vietnam 1966/67. Don't give me crap, you know nothing about nothing. Did you speak truth to the power? Hell do you even know the truth? Never, ever question my patriotism, at least face to face. I swore an oath to protect the Constitution against all, foreign and domestic, did you do the same? NO, I think not. I have done my best, unlike the right wing. Trump is a prot-fascist and the death of America, or what is left of it.

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Under Obama its self evident that the first amendment is negotiable/compromised. From the militant persecution of whistle-blowers to the dogged pursuit of journalists, Obama et al have set in motion the perception that the first amendment can be leveraged at will, and not simply by "national security" claims. World Press Freedom ranking is just one of many indexes reflecting the souring of the first amendment under Obama. When one looks more closely at the hybrid, incestuous relationship between the Democratic Party and radical proxy groups we see that under the banner of freedom of expression other people are regularly shut down from their own speech these days. Add to this mix the radical pressures of the militant left in the communities, at the cashier, boycotting, threats, etc., and entire slices of America than move toward self censorship rather than persecution.

There is an environment where freedom of association is made an albatross to hang around the necks of those who do not choose the politically correct association. There is an atmosphere where the press are strongly encouraged/discouraged to produce agreeable products. From Black Panthers at voting stations to White Knock Out Games there is a sense that speaking one;s mind is dangerous today because the left... the left is simply violent. https://index.rsf.org/#!/

Under King George, the civil war, Japanese internment, and presently today, abuses of the Bill of Rights are grave; the first, second, and fourth amendments are routinely abused. In fact, the 4th amendment is utterly vacated. So, the environment in which Trump is charged with not controlling his crowd is a fiction. America is already a fully blown police state where Trump's attraction is primarily because of Political Correctness- READ- first amendment abuses. The only free speech in the US is ultimately approved speech. Everyone else risks paying a price.

I agree that Obama along with Soros' liberal goons play fast and easy with the freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment.

What causes me pause is, when does freedom of speech justify violating another First Amendment guarantee...the right to peaceably assemble?

We hear all the liberals saying the protesters in Chicago were exercising their rights to free speech yet nowhere is the Trump group's right to peaceably assemble being protected.

The First Amendment says:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Not only were the protesters actions hypocritical, they were also illegal and unconstitutional.

We hear all the liberals

The First Amendment says:

The post might be a bit OTT not to mention doing overkill...

Four Charged After Cancelled Donald Trump Rally At UICMarch 13, 2016 10:54 AM


Man Who Rushed Trump Stage Hit With Federal Charge


North Carolina man charged with assaulting protester at Trump rally


As some Trump supporters might say, nobody didn't get away with nuthin.

If some who might be anti-fascist protesters want to demonstrate their opposition and knowingly risk paying for it under the rule of law, and if some rightwinge windbags don't like it, the right too can express themselves about it. As so many on the right do in fact do...and do...and do....

The unfortunate part is the usual and predictable OTT stuff from and by the hard right.

The geezer who btw sucker punched the passive black guy being peaceably escorted out by police probably figured he'd got away with it till the next day when the local (rightwing) cops finally got embarrassed enough to go get him, arrest him, charge him.

The far out right is trying to make much ado about nothing while giving Trump a free pass on his provocatively violent rhetoric. The guy who consistently engages in goonspeak is the guy who's running for Potus. The radical fringe seems not to notice or bother to care.

The extreme right might want to save the spleen venting for the Republican National Riots Convention in Cleveland in July. Some of the old time stuff like in the good old dayze.

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I suppose that is easier than blaming the protesters and rioters.

They were arrested and charged by the law as they no doubt consciously expected they would be.

Trump meanwhile enjoys freedom of speech to spew violent rhetoric while he calls for protesters to include anti-fascist demonstrators to be arrested and jailed.

There's an old Chinese saying that, "It is the thief who is the first to shout 'stop thief'."

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