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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump threatens to kill the free press like Putin did in Russia.

Trump can do nothing on his own.

That's the bottom line.

That is the kind of cavalier attitude that other countries have had when they slipped into totalitarian regimes.

Wake up, dude.

If he won, he would have the congress and senate as well and would get extremely right wing justices as well.

Real American patriots, the real "silent majority" which is in the middle, not in New Mussolini-landia, will resist the Trump fascist poison and never allow it to happen.

First step to crushing the free press:

donald trump, "businessman"

He [bezos] bought the Washington Post to have political influence, and I got to tell you, we have a different country than we used to have. We have a different — he owns Amazon — he wants political influence so that Amazon will benefit from it. That’s not right. And believe me, if I become President, oh do they have problems. They have such problems. And one of the things I’m going to do, and it’s only going to make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things that I’m going to do, if I win, and I hope I do, and we’re certainly leading, is I’m going to open up our libel laws so that when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re going to open up those libel laws, so that when the New York Times writes a hit piece, which is a total disgrace, or when the Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected. See, with me they’re not protected because I’m not like other people because I’m not taking money. I’m not taking their money. We’re going to open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re going to have people sue you like you’ve never got sued before.”
Edited by Jingthing
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I'm amazed at Americans who think a POTUS can act like a dictator despite the legislative branch and the judicial branch and The Constitution.

OH WAIT!!! They figured that out from Obama and his executive orders!!


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"Trump has lashed out at other candidates for raising money from wealthy donors, but GOP leaders anticipate he will need to do the same thing in the coming months.

Many Republicans are skeptical that Trump has the willingness or the capacity to cover the estimated $1 billion cost of the campaign ahead." clap2.gif


Let's see if the Bloviator coughs up a Billion. laugh.png

Better yet, just keep bumbling along Donnie. It's gonna be a great fall. Literally. thumbsup.gif

Please PM me to let me know when Trump quits because he's out of money. He's such a stupid businessman he probably never even calculated how much money he needs.


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Seriously, Trump has spent a LOT LESS money per vote received than any other current candidate. He's a shrewd businessman and he isn't wasting donor's money, but managing his own. He the ace at getting the most free publicity.

He'll be just fine.

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I'm amazed at Americans who think a POTUS can act like a dictator despite the legislative branch and the judicial branch and The Constitution.

OH WAIT!!! They figured that out from Obama and his executive orders!!


who learned it from watching nixon and reagan

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican presidential nomination may be in his sights,

yet Donald Trump has so far ignored vital preparations needed for a quick and effective transition to the general election.

"The New York businessman has collected little information about tens of millions of voters he needs to turn out in the fall. He's sent few people to battleground states compared with likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, accumulated little if any research on her, and taken no steps to build a network capable of raising the roughly,

$1 billion needed to run a modern-day general election campaign."


Let's see if the Bloviator coughs up a Billion. laugh.png

Better yet, just keep bumbling along Donnie. It's gonna be a great fall. Literally. thumbsup.gif

Trump may not need a billion dollars. He gets a lot of free publicity. Look at the amount of time you spend writing about him.

Yeah, and we have to spell his name right too -- no name playing shenanigans. Mods/Admin have advised strongly against using his original family name from the old country, Drumpf. It's a perfectly understandable 'request' by the managers of the Forum and I and others cheerily comply with it.

So I for one am pleased to continue to use an analogously correct spelling, i.e,. M-u-s-s-o-l-i-n-i.

Trump, the uniquely American Mussolini.

Strongman with the quick and simple answer to everything: "Believe me"!

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican presidential nomination may be in his sights,

yet Donald Trump has so far ignored vital preparations needed for a quick and effective transition to the general election.

"The New York businessman has collected little information about tens of millions of voters he needs to turn out in the fall. He's sent few people to battleground states compared with likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, accumulated little if any research on her, and taken no steps to build a network capable of raising the roughly,

$1 billion needed to run a modern-day general election campaign."


Let's see if the Bloviator coughs up a Billion. laugh.png

Better yet, just keep bumbling along Donnie. It's gonna be a great fall. Literally. thumbsup.gif

Trump may not need a billion dollars. He gets a lot of free publicity. Look at the amount of time you spend writing about him.

Yeah, and we have to spell his name right too -- no name playing shenanigans. Mods/Admin have advised strongly against using his original family name from the old country, Drumpf. It's a perfectly understandable 'request' by the managers of the Forum and I and others cheerily comply with it.

So I for one am pleased to continue to use an analogously correct spelling, i.e,. M-u-s-s-o-l-i-n-i.

Trump, the uniquely American Mussolini.

Strongman with the quick and simple answer to everything: "Believe me"!

Are you confusing Trump with Obama and his "executive orders" trying to fundamentally change an entire country to suit himself? Obama is the closest thing to a dictator we've ever had.

261 days and Trump will be inaugurated.

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Trump may not need a billion dollars. He gets a lot of free publicity. Look at the amount of time you spend writing about him.

Yeah, and we have to spell his name right too -- no name playing shenanigans. Mods/Admin have advised strongly against using his original family name from the old country, Drumpf. It's a perfectly understandable 'request' by the managers of the Forum and I and others cheerily comply with it.

So I for one am pleased to continue to use an analogously correct spelling, i.e,. M-u-s-s-o-l-i-n-i.

Trump, the uniquely American Mussolini.

Strongman with the quick and simple answer to everything: "Believe me"!

Are you confusing Trump with Obama and his "executive orders" trying to fundamentally change an entire country to suit himself? Obama is the closest thing to a dictator we've ever had.

261 days and Trump will be inaugurated.

More like crowned November 8th laugh.png


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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican presidential nomination may be in his sights,

yet Donald Trump has so far ignored vital preparations needed for a quick and effective transition to the general election.

"The New York businessman has collected little information about tens of millions of voters he needs to turn out in the fall. He's sent few people to battleground states compared with likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, accumulated little if any research on her, and taken no steps to build a network capable of raising the roughly,

$1 billion needed to run a modern-day general election campaign."


Let's see if the Bloviator coughs up a Billion. laugh.png

Better yet, just keep bumbling along Donnie. It's gonna be a great fall. Literally. thumbsup.gif

Trump may not need a billion dollars. He gets a lot of free publicity. Look at the amount of time you spend writing about him.

Yeah, and we have to spell his name right too -- no name playing shenanigans. Mods/Admin have advised strongly against using his original family name from the old country, Drumpf. It's a perfectly understandable 'request' by the managers of the Forum and I and others cheerily comply with it.

So I for one am pleased to continue to use an analogously correct spelling, i.e,. M-u-s-s-o-l-i-n-i.

Trump, the uniquely American Mussolini.

Strongman with the quick and simple answer to everything: "Believe me"!

Are you confusing Trump with Obama and his "executive orders" trying to fundamentally change an entire country to suit himself? Obama is the closest thing to a dictator we've ever had.

261 days and Trump will be inaugurated.

Ever?? lol

The last one I’ll cover (though there are many more) is the infamous executive order. To listen to Republicans talk, President Obama uses executive orders almost every day. He’s been called a dictator, a king, an emperor – all based on this notion that he’s abused the power of the executive order. Funny thing though, he’s on pace to issue fewer executive orders than both Bush and Reagan – especially Reagan. So, if President Obama is an “unconstitutional tyrant” who is constantly trying to bypass Congress, what was Reagan considering the fact that he issued more executive orders than any president since Eisenhower?

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/next-time-republican-bashes-obama-praising-reagan-show-this/


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About a month ago Trump was trailing badly in the polls in Indiana where there is a primary vote today. Then he began to catch up. A couple of days ago they showed him leading.

Today he is going to CRUSH the competition, showing just how much those prognosticators really know. They are like weather forecasters. Somehow they keep their jobs no matter how many times they are wrong.


Children, can you say "President Trump?" thumbsup.gif

261 days.

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My impression of the Trump movement is that it is indeed an insanely hyper nationalistic movement with some classic fascist characteristics. On top of that Trump is clearly channeling Mussolini in his cult of personality. Scary if he wins. Cannot allow that to happen.

Since you "can't allow that to happen", what are you doing about it other than posting these gems on TVF?

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The Bloviator displaying his off the rails instability once again, by insinuating that Cruz’s father was somehow involved in President Kennedy’s assassination. blink.png

His source? The National Enquirer. clap2.gifcheesy.gif clap2.gif

Trump accuses Cruz's father of helping JFK's assassin:

"Donald Trump on Tuesday alleged that Ted Cruz’s father was with John F. Kennedy’s [alleged] assassin shortly before he murdered the president,

parroting a National Enquirer story claiming that Rafael Cruz was pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963."

“His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald's being — you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous,”

Trump said Tuesday during a phone interview with Fox News. “What is this, right prior to his being shot, and nobody even brings it up.

They don't even talk about that. That was reported, and nobody talks about it.”


What a nut case. facepalm.gif

Kinda like him Tweeting Mussolini and re-Tweeting KKK quotes.

If there ever was a definition for a shallow loose cannon, this clown is it...


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"Trump has lashed out at other candidates for raising money from wealthy donors, but GOP leaders anticipate he will need to do the same thing in the coming months.

Many Republicans are skeptical that Trump has the willingness or the capacity to cover the estimated $1 billion cost of the campaign ahead." clap2.gif


Let's see if the Bloviator coughs up a Billion. laugh.png

Better yet, just keep bumbling along Donnie. It's gonna be a great fall. Literally. thumbsup.gif

Please PM me to let me know when Trump quits because he's out of money. He's such a stupid businessman he probably never even calculated how much money he needs.


The amount of free media coverage Trump would get during a general election run would dwarf that received during the primary run. No matter what they think....they can't stay away from him

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Trump may not need a billion dollars. He gets a lot of free publicity. Look at the amount of time you spend writing about him.

Yeah, and we have to spell his name right too -- no name playing shenanigans. Mods/Admin have advised strongly against using his original family name from the old country, Drumpf. It's a perfectly understandable 'request' by the managers of the Forum and I and others cheerily comply with it.

So I for one am pleased to continue to use an analogously correct spelling, i.e,. M-u-s-s-o-l-i-n-i.

Trump, the uniquely American Mussolini.

Strongman with the quick and simple answer to everything: "Believe me"!

Are you confusing Trump with Obama and his "executive orders" trying to fundamentally change an entire country to suit himself? Obama is the closest thing to a dictator we've ever had.

261 days and Trump will be inaugurated.

Ever?? lol

The last one I’ll cover (though there are many more) is the infamous executive order. To listen to Republicans talk, President Obama uses executive orders almost every day. He’s been called a dictator, a king, an emperor – all based on this notion that he’s abused the power of the executive order. Funny thing though, he’s on pace to issue fewer executive orders than both Bush and Reagan – especially Reagan. So, if President Obama is an “unconstitutional tyrant” who is constantly trying to bypass Congress, what was Reagan considering the fact that he issued more executive orders than any president since Eisenhower?

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/next-time-republican-bashes-obama-praising-reagan-show-this/


Your source is neither "forward" nor "progressive".

They seem to have never heard of Presidential Memoranda, which are Executive Orders under another name. My guess is you never heard of them either.

Obama has signed 38 Presidential Memoranda in the first four months of 2016. They are not counted in his Executive Orders.

You probably won't like my source.


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Your source is neither "forward" nor "progressive".

They seem to have never heard of Presidential Memoranda, which are Executive Orders under another name. My guess is you never heard of them either.

Obama has signed 38 Presidential Memoranda in the first four months of 2016. They are not counted in his Executive Orders.

You probably won't like my source.


Lol! pity you brought that up! lol!!

Creating new names for directives in every administration makes obfuscation easy. Presidential Executive Orders are tracked, but Memorandum tracking is not as easy given some presidents choose not to record them.

It’s almost like they don’t want us to count them all. Hmm.

The fact is every president uses EO and PD authority. Obama seems likely to claim the title “Fewest Issued Executive Orders by a Two Term President.” Combining EOs and recorded PDs could push him past Bush 43, but it appears there is no way to know for sure. Regardless, it seems impossible even combining EOs and PDs that Obama could surpass Hoover, FDR or Truman and their totals of Executive Orders alone. Passing Eisenhower will be a challenge. There is little doubt Obama is willing to use both Executive Orders and Presidential Directives, but he is not close to being the most congress-skipping president in history.


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@Post 1605

More pointless, continuous, opportunistic rhetoric and hostility directed towards President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

While, once again, completely disregarding the fool Trump's ignorance, flagrant bigotry and blatant inadequacies as a statesman.

Who, is attempting to assuage his ego by huckstering his way into becoming the President of the United States.

A post that he never, in his wildest dreams, deserves.

And will not achieve.

Edited by iReason
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@Post 1605

More pointless, continuous, opportunistic rhetoric and hostility directed towards President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

While, once again, completely disregarding the fool Trump's ignorance, flagrant bigotry and blatant inadequacies as a statesman.

Who, is attempting to assuage his ego by huckstering his way into becoming the President of the United States.

A post that he never, in his wildest dreams, deserves.

And will not achieve.

"While, once again, completely disregarding the fool Trump's ignorance, flagrant bigotry..."

It's "bigotry" only if you've allowed yourself to be brainwashed by the PC crowd. Anything they don't like is now "racist" or "Islamophobic" or "bigoted" or "Nazi" or "Mussolini" or some other attack word. Those words make for easy ad hominem attacks which is ALL THEY ARE. Educated and intelligent people don't need ad hominem attacks and are largely embarrassed to use them.

Some on here don't embare ass easily though... whistling.gif


PS For those who are having a hard time with all of this, you could just spend your time learning how to say "President Trump".

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Trump and his overly optimistic supporters: DELUSIONAL.


Trump says beating Clinton will be ‘easy.’ He’s delusional. Literally.

First, acting like a full blown ass may appeal to those GOP primary voters who equate Trump’s vow of mass deportations and Muslim bans, and his nonstop belittling of immigrants and women, with mindlessly defined “strength” and “tell like it is” forthrightness. But key constituencies in the general election audience will not see things in such simplistic terms. Trump is already viewed unfavorably by enormous majorities of women, nonwhites, young voters, and college educated whites.

Second, Democrats will not face many of the constraints that prevented Trump’s rivals from fully unmasking Trump’s xenophobia and bigotry to their benefit. Many Republican voters agreed with Trump on matters Mexican and Muslim, while majorities of the American people don’t.

Trump's core base: SUCKERS.

Like the people who paid him big bucks for his worthless "Trump University" SCAM.

Sad for these suckers, but happily, they won't be the majority:

If Donald Trump looked at a demographic profile of his supporters, he would sneer. They are disproportionately out of work or not seeking it. If they do have a job, they’re probably working with their hands, maybe something a machine could do better or someone overseas could do cheaper. A large share have only a high school education, which they increasingly find useless. Trump, not one for the niceties of political correctness, might call such people “losers.” I think they’re something else as well: suckers.


I come back to Jim and those like him. Their grievances, while genuine, have impaired their hearing. They should listen hard. Listen to Trump’s education plan or his infrastructure plan or his jobs plan. Hear anything? No. That’s not the sound of silence. It’s the sound of contempt.


To add an issue that I think will get bigger in the CLINTON vs. tiny hand trump general election campaign ... HEALTH CARE.

Trump says he will kill Obamacare but keep the part where insurance companies can't deny for preexisting conditions (also killing the insurance mandate).

How does that work? You think insurance premiums are high now ... imagine if most of the young and healthy people opt out.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump and his overly optimistic supporters: DELUSIONAL.


Trump says beating Clinton will be ‘easy.’ He’s delusional. Literally.

First, acting like a full blown ass may appeal to those GOP primary voters who equate Trump’s vow of mass deportations and Muslim bans, and his nonstop belittling of immigrants and women, with mindlessly defined “strength” and “tell like it is” forthrightness. But key constituencies in the general election audience will not see things in such simplistic terms. Trump is already viewed unfavorably by enormous majorities of women, nonwhites, young voters, and college educated whites.

Second, Democrats will not face many of the constraints that prevented Trump’s rivals from fully unmasking Trump’s xenophobia and bigotry to their benefit. Many Republican voters agreed with Trump on matters Mexican and Muslim, while majorities of the American people don’t.

Trump's core base: SUCKERS.

Like the people who paid him big bucks for his worthless "Trump University" SCAM.

Sad for these suckers, but happily, they won't be the majority:

If Donald Trump looked at a demographic profile of his supporters, he would sneer. They are disproportionately out of work or not seeking it. If they do have a job, they’re probably working with their hands, maybe something a machine could do better or someone overseas could do cheaper. A large share have only a high school education, which they increasingly find useless. Trump, not one for the niceties of political correctness, might call such people “losers.” I think they’re something else as well: suckers.


I come back to Jim and those like him. Their grievances, while genuine, have impaired their hearing. They should listen hard. Listen to Trump’s education plan or his infrastructure plan or his jobs plan. Hear anything? No. That’s not the sound of silence. It’s the sound of contempt.


To add an issue that I think will get bigger in the CLINTON vs. tiny hand trump general election campaign ... HEALTH CARE.

Trump says he will kill Obamacare but keep the part where insurance companies can't deny for preexisting conditions (also killing the insurance mandate).

How does that work? You think insurance premiums are high now ... imagine if most of the young and healthy people opt out.

Again, these are opinions but they ignore what's happening among the masses. They also ignore what the true issues are in this election which are jobs and immigration. ("It's the economy, stupid" still rings true.)

Even union workers and blacks and other traditional democrats are crossing over to Trump. They don't like having their jobs outsourced or having a flood of illegals drive wages down either.

Trump has these huge excited rallies and Hillary can hold hers quietly in a school cafeteria. There's no excitement for Hillary. I've predicted from the beginning that Hillary is a loser with the personality of a bale of hay. That prediction is proving to be true.

Donald Trump will be the next President of The USA. Trump is going to clean up in Indiana today - a Bible Belt place that was always predicted to go to Cruz - and then he's going to just keep steamrolling.

Hillary is toast.


PS Many Bernie supporters will go to Trump instead of Hillary because 1. Some don't like Hillary and 2. They don't like having their jobs outsourced or given to illegals either.


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More delusion.

REPUBLICAN party primary rallies.

Trump is running in a REPUBLICAN primary.

Sure he'll probably beat Cruz. A senator well known as a horrible creepy man that his colleagues almost all detest. Big accomplishment, Donald!

The general election is a different ballgame.

Yes, Hillary has strong negatives.

Trump has much stronger negatives.

This will be an election about rejecting the most negative and that's easy -- Trump is the biggest stinker by a long shot.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump and his overly optimistic supporters: DELUSIONAL.


Trump says beating Clinton will be ‘easy.’ He’s delusional. Literally.

First, acting like a full blown ass may appeal to those GOP primary voters who equate Trump’s vow of mass deportations and Muslim bans, and his nonstop belittling of immigrants and women, with mindlessly defined “strength” and “tell like it is” forthrightness. But key constituencies in the general election audience will not see things in such simplistic terms. Trump is already viewed unfavorably by enormous majorities of women, nonwhites, young voters, and college educated whites.

Second, Democrats will not face many of the constraints that prevented Trump’s rivals from fully unmasking Trump’s xenophobia and bigotry to their benefit. Many Republican voters agreed with Trump on matters Mexican and Muslim, while majorities of the American people don’t.

Trump's core base: SUCKERS.

Like the people who paid him big bucks for his worthless "Trump University" SCAM.

Sad for these suckers, but happily, they won't be the majority:

If Donald Trump looked at a demographic profile of his supporters, he would sneer. They are disproportionately out of work or not seeking it. If they do have a job, they’re probably working with their hands, maybe something a machine could do better or someone overseas could do cheaper. A large share have only a high school education, which they increasingly find useless. Trump, not one for the niceties of political correctness, might call such people “losers.” I think they’re something else as well: suckers.


I come back to Jim and those like him. Their grievances, while genuine, have impaired their hearing. They should listen hard. Listen to Trump’s education plan or his infrastructure plan or his jobs plan. Hear anything? No. That’s not the sound of silence. It’s the sound of contempt.


To add an issue that I think will get bigger in the CLINTON vs. tiny hand trump general election campaign ... HEALTH CARE.

Trump says he will kill Obamacare but keep the part where insurance companies can't deny for preexisting conditions (also killing the insurance mandate).

How does that work? You think insurance premiums are high now ... imagine if most of the young and healthy people opt out.

Again, these are opinions but they ignore what's happening among the masses. They also ignore what the true issues are in this election which are jobs and immigration. ("It's the economy, stupid" still rings true.)

Even union workers and blacks and other traditional democrats are crossing over to Trump. They don't like having their jobs outsourced or having a flood of illegals drive wages down either.

Trump has these huge excited rallies and Hillary can hold hers quietly in a school cafeteria. There's no excitement for Hillary. I've predicted from the beginning that Hillary is a loser with the personality of a bale of hay. That prediction is proving to be true.

Donald Trump will be the next President of The USA. Trump is going to clean up in Indiana today - a Bible Belt place that was always predicted to go to Cruz - and then he's going to just keep steamrolling.

Hillary is toast.


PS Many Bernie supporters will go to Trump instead of Hillary because 1. Some don't like Hillary and 2. They don't like having their jobs outsourced or given to illegals either.


where you gonna hide on Nov 8??

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This will be an election about rejecting the most negative and that's easy -- Trump is the biggest stinker by a long shot.

Make sure to add your vote, JT. Are you going postal or proxy?

He might go postal after the election

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These polls are suspicious...Looks to me like someone behind the scenes is trying to set Kasich up big time...


Clinton destroys both Cruz & Trump in the general election but somehow Kasich, who has a gotten a few more votes than I have, leads Clinton in every poll?

Sanders in double-digit wins over Cruz & Trump but about within the margin of error against Kasich?

I like the guy, saw him speak at a pro-troops rally in DC on the mall back in 2003.But he would get destroyed in the general election simply because he doesn't energize anyone to vote.

Sorry, the polls are BS.

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More delusion.

REPUBLICAN party primary rallies.

Trump is running in a REPUBLICAN primary.


These are nearly parallel primaries - Hillary and Bernie are having a primary too. Those are DEMOCRAT primaries and Hillary can't draw enough people to fill a Burger King.

Trump is drawing huge crowds - record crowds and keeps getting stronger at the polls with each primary.

In case you didn't notice, Republicans hold the House and Senate majorities - not exactly unable to win an election.

Trump will CRUSH that bale of hay Hillary in the General Election.


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