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For those with true ADSL, you can use a feature called True Turbo On Demand, which gives you a special login to get guaranteed 2mbit download, 512kbps upload speeds for 25 baht per hour. When you don't need the speed, use your regular login as usual.

I wanted to download a big Windows Vista image and calculated that with my package I couldn't do it directly due to time because true resets the connection after 24 hours. A download manager would have allowed it, but long downloads are prone to failure for one reason or other like the PC crashing and so it can just end up taking days all the while my connection will be saturated and not so useful for other things.

I decided to try Turbo On Demand as I calculated it would be cheaper than running to Pantip and buying a DVD -- I believed I could download the DVD image in 5 hours time for 125 baht. I called true and after about 10 minutes, most of it waiting to get to a real person, they activated the feature over the phone.

The speed was pretty solid; I was getting the full 2mbps speed the whole time, BUT I'm not sure why, but my download stopped progressing exactly every 12 minutes and it would tell me the connections were lost (not my internet connection, but the download manager connections) and I had to keep manually telling it to retry and it would go again for 12 minutes. I got the download in the time I expected and it was worthwhile overall.

Thus, it might be a decent strategy to sign up for a cheap true package like 128/64 for 300 baht a month and when you need big downloads, crank up their Turbo On Demand to make quick work of them.

For those with true ADSL, you can use a feature called True Turbo On Demand, which gives you a special login to get guaranteed 2mbit download, 512kbps upload speeds for 25 baht per hour. When you don't need the speed, use your regular login as usual.

Quite interesting. I might give that a try. :o


Top secrect everybody has a Turbo on demand login, without asking them first and "just do it" as we learned from Nike. You can avoide getting a bill for it, as True billing is as amatuer as the first company I ever worked.

Just change the True login from username@truehisp to username@true2m.

Keep in mind this is not free, you will get a bill for 25Baht @ hour, but from people I know this billing is not always correct....seems they not always see who uses the system

This is fully legal, the information to how-to login into "Turbo on Demand is on the True website"

I also see at promotion paper with the telephone bill to register first.....about a month ago....I will go with the login information still available on the True webiste.

P.S. I got several requests to give up my source from which I know the login codes of the routers they sell to customers. I got even money offers and special network deals, so we can be sure that True reads this board closely.


How much in KiloBYTE are you getting with TURBO 2Mb connection?

Because, with download manager, I am getting 150 KiloBYTE per second, usually at night out of office hours..

I am with 2Mbps CSLoxinfo.. (actually it's 1.5Mbps because of my phone line)


If you use anything faster then the 1024/512 package you not even have to try Turbo on Demand.

Turbo on Demand is 2048/512, and with some simple test it seems that the connection is more direct to the Internet, without the proxies.

I tested T.o.D. with Torrent downloads which showed little to no improvement (exception if somebody in Thailand is seeding****).

Regular download CD-image (670MB) from Thai server, 1024/512 = 115kb, T.o.D 2048/512 = 210kb and the regular 2560/512 does it 240kb. All test are from the same server with the same modem.

Doing this same test from a International server, all the True ADSL packages dropped to around 80kb, the 2560/512 seems to be a bit faster as it was downloading the CD image a 85-90kb.

**** With 2560/512 the download speed for torrents got much better if somebody was seeding the file in Thailand


In my experience, the @true2m Turbo On Demand login doesn't work until you call them to activate it. If it is not activated you can login, but can't do anything. All web accesses get redirected to a support page saying to call them up. But hey, if it works you are really lucky. Or maybe things other than http get through.

I was getting 230KBps with a bit of variance (that's kilobytes per second, not kilobits per second) with Turbo On Demand. I watched the ZyXEL performance bar and it stayed solidly out there at 2mbps. If it wasn't, I would have disconnected in the first hour and never used it again, but as reported it works pretty well.


I don't have a True line anymore (new residence) but used that true2m login on occasion in 2004-2005 and had the same experience as The Coder. In addition, it also gave me better QoS on international links, so I sometimes switched over in order to make VOIP calls when the regular 1024/512 service was destroying my call quality with all the evening/peak contention.

I also believe it is 2.5 Mb/s download, rather than 2048, based on speeds I got downloading some Linux distirbutions back around that time.

In my experience, the @true2m Turbo On Demand login doesn't work until you call them to activate it. If it is not activated you can login, but can't do anything. All web accesses get redirected to a support page saying to call them up. But hey, if it works you are really lucky. Or maybe things other than http get through.

I was getting 230KBps with a bit of variance (that's kilobytes per second, not kilobits per second) with Turbo On Demand. I watched the ZyXEL performance bar and it stayed solidly out there at 2mbps. If it wasn't, I would have disconnected in the first hour and never used it again, but as reported it works pretty well.

Just tested and I confirm .... if you do not call, it will not work, eventually it will also mess a bit with the password.

On the other hand it take mn to have working.

So for that thanks to the coder ( it will help when moving full website to a production server)


Turbo on Demand works perfect without calling them first, check the speed on asianet.co.th ADSL speed test.

I can see a clear difference between 1024/512, T.o.D 2048/512 and regular 2560/512. Also I can see a difference in local Thai server download


Thing is that their inept billing system can also work the other way around and bill you *more* than you're supposed to pay. Has happened to me quite often, and a lot of the time there's not much you can do about it but cough up the money.

I'm not surprised that a lot of people would have differing experiences with the speed-on-demand system. True changes their system constantly (usually for the worse). Try asking for a promotion code available a couple of months ago and you'll get a blank look. Their original system didn't need a call, but maybe their new system does.


I have not much experience with irregularities of my True Hi-speed bill, so have to skip on that. But I belief that users with connection packages of 256/128 or 512/128 can benefit from Turbo-on-Demand.

Say a 256/128 ADSL user is a happy cyber camper, but one day he thinks about trying Ubunta Linux. He finds that this is available on a mirror server in Thailand (http://mirror.in.th/ubuntu/releases/6.10/)

Downloading the CD-image will take with his regular connection so long that he probably have to shave several time during the download, this user now has the option to download this file with Turbo-on-Demand which will probably only takes 1 hour (or a bit longer), okay it cost 1-hour@25Baht but at least you have the option.


What rate are your modems syncing at? If they have started locking that down to the "subscribed" rate, it would make sense that a call is required to raise it back up?

As I recall, my True line synced at something like 6-12/1-2 Mb/s up/down (cannot remember which, since it didn't matter much in practice) even when I was subscribed at 1024/512.

On the other hand, TOT has my current line set to the subscription rate, so the day we requested an upgrade from 512 to 1024 service, the modem started syncing at the higher rate too. The like quality appears to be very good (in terms of signal-to-noise and attenuation), so I think they must be using this as part of their QoS/limiting strategy.

I think I liked True's method better, because with TCP the higher link speed plus traffic shaping gives better performance than saturating a link. I remember getting single TCP streams to reach 1024 quite often on True, whereas with TOT it seems I need to get several going at once to approach the subscribed bandwidth limit.


True syncs @2560/512 for all connections up to the 2560/512 package, I have no idea on which speed they sync the 4096/512 and above packages.

I can hardly belief that TOT syncs at a higher rate then True, that will make there network more costly without any benefits.

Anyway the sync speed has little to nothing to do with the speed or actual bandwidth you get.

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