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Seagate 3 year Warranty..... Real?


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I have a seagate drive that just died after about 2 years, I see they offer a 3year warranty on these things but has anyone ever gotten a free one in replace for one that went bad inside the warranty?

The shop who sell them said contact seagate on the phone but I'm wondering if it's a waste of time lol

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I've had a few units exchanged over the years. Never had any trouble. I dont think any of the replacements I had were reconditioned but they might have been.

The manufacturers each have a webpage where you can check the warranty via the drive serial number.

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I've had a few units exchanged over the years. Never had any trouble. I dont think any of the replacements I had were reconditioned but they might have been.

The manufacturers each have a webpage where you can check the warranty via the drive serial number.

ive checked and the warranty is valid ,where did you bring the old one for exchange ?

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This is years ago, but it actually happened twice that a Seagate drive went belly up before the warranty expired. In both cases I got a new hard drive from the Pantip shop. I had to pay a small surcharge because the original capacity was no longer available.

Edited by sniffdog
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In Thailand I've done exchanges, you give in your old hard drive and a bit later get a replacement. (In Chiang Mai)

In the UK you have an option to give a credit card number and they will send you a replacement and a box to return the old drive - you have one month to return or else they charge you for the new drive. Useful if you want to try and get data off the old drive.

Once got a bigger drive back but normally I get the same model, reconditioned, back.

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I buy all my stuff from InvadeIT as long as they have what I want. I had three items fail, a 500 GB hard drive, a RAM stick and an SSD drive. All three were replaced promptly with no questions asked. Great service.

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Take a look at the warranty sticker stuck on the drive. If it has Synnex on it they certainly will do a direct exchange for a new one. I've done it a few times with no hassle. Synnex has centers in most large cities. I'm only mentioning them as they are the only ones I have experience with.

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Take a look at the warranty sticker stuck on the drive. If it has Synnex on it they certainly will do a direct exchange for a new one. I've done it a few times with no hassle. Synnex has centers in most large cities. I'm only mentioning them as they are the only ones I have experience with.

it is actuallly a synnex drive ,the return options are return to synnex or direct to the seagate factory

.i think il try the seagate service centre in fortune town first.....

does it need to be in the electro-static bag or will it be ok in bubble wrap ?

(seagate site says all drives must be returned in electro static packaging for warranty ser4vice but

i dont have that .........

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I had quite a few hard rrives dying after only a few months, a year, two years and always got replacement from my friend's computer shop.

The problem was that they usually have to send the drives to Bangkok which can take up to two months.

I could always get a new one from the shop but only because the owner is my friend since a long time.

I bought a battery from China at an Advice shop, which already had some issues in the beginning. If you buy anything at an Advice shop you can check through the sticker they put on if you still have warranty, or not.

The battery die dafter 11 months and i was positively surprised when it turned out that I received a new battery which took about 4 weeks.

That's reason enough not to buy something similar online.

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Seagate will replace the drive with a new one, the warranty will be what remains on the defective drive.

If you take the time to register your drives when you purchase them the warranty replacement is a lot easier.

Don't delay as the faster you contact the dealer the faster you will get a new replacement drive.

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